Fasting Check-in for Whomever Whenever!



  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    Wednesday May 10
    SW 133.8
    CW 133
    GW 123.8
    Fast: 4/3 (>400)
    BF: 23.9%
    BF Goal: 20% not sure tbh

    Fast day today, hope you all have a good one as well!
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    20 hours fasting, eating window 4-5:30 and stayed within "budget"

    Hi Lovey! Great job getting through your fast. How often do you do it? I think the hardest part is just distracting myself, not really any hunger pains or anything. Do you follow a certain fasting schedule?

    I don't really pay much attention to how often I do it, maybe once every few weeks or less. I'd like to start doing it once a week, so that's the new plan...

    Smaller fasts I do almost every day, like skipping breakfast because I'm usually not hungry in the morning.

    I'm glad you started this thread. Currently, I'm accidentally fasting because I haven't felt well. I haven't eaten since the day before yesterday around 7 pm. My little boy had/has a stomach bug and was vomiting the first day and then stopped and then had diarrhea. I feel a little queasy, no vomiting or diarrhea but no appetite either. It's passing and he's feeling better. I'm still not hungry but I'm sure that, too, will pass.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    20 hours fasting, eating window 4-5:30 and stayed within "budget"

    Hi Lovey! Great job getting through your fast. How often do you do it? I think the hardest part is just distracting myself, not really any hunger pains or anything. Do you follow a certain fasting schedule?

    I don't really pay much attention to how often I do it, maybe once every few weeks or less. I'd like to start doing it once a week, so that's the new plan...

    Smaller fasts I do almost every day, like skipping breakfast because I'm usually not hungry in the morning.

    I'm glad you started this thread. Currently, I'm accidentally fasting because I haven't felt well. I haven't eaten since the day before yesterday around 7 pm. My little boy had/has a stomach bug and was vomiting the first day and then stopped and then had diarrhea. I feel a little queasy, no vomiting or diarrhea but no appetite either. It's passing and he's feeling better. I'm still not hungry but I'm sure that, too, will pass.

    Sorry to hear about your son and that you’re not feeling well. Not the fasting you were hoping or expecting I’m sure. Get well and we’ll see you around here for your weekly fasts. It helps when you sync up with someone and can distract yourself.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    Friday fast day. Hope everyone has a Good Friday!
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    My goal is to make it until 3:30.
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    My goal is to make it until 3:30.

    But I ate Cheetos and Pepsi for breakfast, so...that ends that.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    My goal is to make it until 3:30.

    But I ate Cheetos and Pepsi for breakfast, so...that ends that.

    I ate chips and salsa but I’m not out of the game yet. I give myself up to 400 calories before I call it quits haha.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    Didn’t make it through my fast on Friday, so I think I only really had 1 decent fast day this week. Totally going over my weekly calories- I know it. I feel out of sorts and need to find motivation and a solid routine again, just don’t know how.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    Happy Mother’s Day!

    So I’m looking forward to getting my food scale on Monday and leaning into enjoying the process and making it a game. I’ve received great advice on how to overcome this mental block and I’m going to slowly add small changes and get the momentum going. I’ll still be here on fast days and checking in on any progress or set backs.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    Monday fast day! Have a great day!
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    I find motivation/support here.

    I over ate all weekend long. The only thing I'm proud of is that I didn't drink any alcohol.

    Goal: Lose 10 pounds

    Motivators: Look better and feel better, more comfortable in my jeans and dresses

    I woke up feeling fantastic today, so I'm fasting. I brought polish to paint my nails on my lunch break. 💅 Sometimes the best thing I can do is find a distraction to get my mind off of food.

  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    @LoveyChar I love that you’re feeling fab today! It’s awesome when someone else’s win is contagious and makes you feel good too. Soak it up. I bet your nails will be stunning. I have the exact same goals and motivators, we got this. Hope your fast day goes smoothly!

    I did a full fast day yesterday and wow did it make a big difference in the puffiness I’ve been feeling lately. So I weighed, and of course it’s a lot of water weight lost, but it sure felt good to see the scale go down for once haha. I’m so glad I did it and I think I’ll do the same thing again on Friday, now that I remember how good it feels to de-bloat.
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    edited May 2023
    @ddsb1111 Whether excess water weight or fat weight, losing weight when you're trying to is a great feeling!

    Have a great Thursday!
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    Look at me just tracking my calories in the MFP app 😏 I better make this stick because this feels like I’m way more in control which reduces my weight loss anxiety.

    Still planning my fast day tomorrow and looking to have a fully logged day today!
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    Friday Fast day! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    edited May 2023
    One whole week later, but I’m still here. I’ve been really struggling to focus my mind but lately it’s been 1 step forward and 2 steps back. I honestly have no idea why. I haven’t been this way for so many years and all of a sudden it’s like I’m sabotaging myself subconsciously. I had to reach out for help today because I’m nervous I’m going to cause more damage if I don’t. The last thing I want to do is make it harder for myself once the ball is moving in the right direction again. It’s such a relief that I won’t be having to do this entirely alone anymore. Once I have the confidence again I’m sure I’ll be just fine managing this by myself but I really need these training wheels right now.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,942 Member
    I am still going strong with Keto and IF ... I find out next month if I will be having a 5th foot/leg surgery ..I hope everyone is doing great ..Happy Memorial Day :)
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,901 Member
    edited May 2023
    @ddsb1111 best wishes for your IF journey

    I’m new to this idea of eating 🍽️

    Megan—prayers for a speedy recovery
    I’m struggling with knee pain and keeping up with my workouts

    Hopefully IF will help keep my weight down

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,942 Member
    200Karen wrote: »
    @ddsb1111 best wishes for your IF journey

    I’m new to this idea of eating 🍽️

    Megan—prayers for a speedy recovery
    I’m struggling with knee pain and keeping up with my workouts

    Hopefully IF will help keep my weight down


    Thanks @200Karen ... I broke my ankle and tore ligaments/ tendons back in October 2022 ...4 surgeries later and a possible 5th
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,901 Member
    edited May 2023
    Megan so sorry for the long road to recovery 🙏 hopefully you will soon find relief

    I’m curious What are you doing for upper body strength training?

    I’ve started an isometric workout that seems to agree with my fitness routine and condition

    IF Day 3 👍 this sure helps with my late night eating
