New to myfitness

Mom of 2 kiddos age 1 and 2. Trying to find the best way to lose this weight with such a busy schedule and what feels like no time for me! Any tips or tricks will be greatly appreciated! I’m hoping I’ll really be able to stick with this! I’ve had a lot of trial and error.


  • herblovinmom
    herblovinmom Posts: 447 Member
    Hi, with diet changes alone I was able to lose and keep off almost 60 lbs so far. I just recently started consistently exercising so weight loss can definitely be achieved with a healthy diet. That being said, you will have to prioritize yourself, make time for yourself, feed yourself correctly, plan meals for yourself, take care of your mental health, get sleep and rest when needed and even some social time. You do matter. Your family and kids will only thrive with a healthy parent that loves themselves enough to make that time. Be the change you want to see in yourself. Everyday is a fresh day, there will be lots of trial and error, even 4 yrs in 😉 I don’t view it as negative cause I learn from it and knowledge is power.
    For tips and tricks. Hmmm..
    Add in one small change/or habit at a time.
    Take it one day at time
    Drink more water
    Protein is your friend
    Increase your step count by adding in small increments of movement throughout the day
    Remember why you want to be healthy and remind yourself why you started when you feel motivation wain.
    Positive self talk, don’t be hard on yourself
    Reach out for support when you need it.
  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,424 MFP Staff
    Hi, welcome to the community!!

    There are some great threads created by our members, stickied to the top of each category that may be helpful. Just look for "Most Helpful Posts - whatever the category name is"

    For example:
    Also, here is a link to some frequently asked questions that may be helpful too: FAQ's