New & looking to lose over 100 lbs!

Sara_Olson_421 Posts: 11 Member
edited May 2023 in Getting Started
Hi Everyone! I’m Sara :)

I have officially reached my highest weight- 295 lbs. At 5’5 and 30 years old, I need to make a drastic change.

I have used MyFitnessPal before but found I lacked community, so I am looking to make friends with anyone who is in the process of losing a large amount of weight or is also just starting this journey!

A bit more background:
I have always been heavy, since around 4-5 years old. In my late teens/early 20s, I lost almost 100 lbs only to then gain 150 back in the last decade. I know how insane that sounds, trust me. I carry a lot of shame about gaining weight after “finally getting thin” and truly believe that shame is what has kept me from really trying again, and in fact I have been self sabotaging myself all along the way.

I now realize if I don’t take my weight and nutrition seriously, I will only gain even more weight and become more unhealthy until I suffer an early death. It’s as simple as that.

So here I am! Ready to change my habits and feel great about myself again. I’m looking forward to increased energy, better mood, more confidence, more flexibility, better sleep, a healthier gut, better skin, and a truly happier me.

Excited to meet other people wanting the same for themselves- please comment or message and add me as a friend!


  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,508 Member
    The things you are looking forward to are great. I wish those for all of us. I've been through a large swing which on the one hand is sad, and on the other tells me I can do it. You can too.

    I wish you success, and I agree with you that staying connected with others who know what you are doing, others who are experiencing similar things, and others who can motivate you and be motivated by you, is smart. I'm trying it too.

  • Janellew86
    Janellew86 Posts: 38 Member
    I sent you a friend request.
  • Teqand1
    Teqand1 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in a similar situation. I'm at my heaviest weight and I have committed off and on over the years. Hoping to make longterm lifestyle changes. I'm hoping to gain some accountability partners. I've never really added the community aspect when using the app before other than lurking other posts. Here's to trying something new!
  • Same sent friend request
  • healingmysticmelody
    healingmysticmelody Posts: 58 Member
    I was 265 a year and four months ago. I set MFP to lose slowly and started by “adding a vegetable to each meal” which is the advice the from the insurance provided health coach. They call you a few times a year if your BMI is above normal and one gave me that tip. I am 230-235 now depending on time of month etc.
    I have slowly made small dietary changes over the last year. I use the 15 grain thin sliced bread, eat sugar free jellos for late nights when I should not be eating but would otherwise eat sweets. I follow MFP calorie deficit and weigh my foods. I have gotten a better idea of what real portions look like so when I eat ice cream or sweets I make sure to stick to portion size. It is slow going but I am completely confident that these changes are going to last the rest of my life and that I will keep slowly making other changes that I can handle.
    This year I’ve added yogurt as a snack and for a year I don’t have a burger bun. It saves calories and I am just as happy eating it on romaine lettuce with tomato pickles and I now like to add yellow banana ring peppers from a jar. I’ve also added spinach to scrambled eggs a couple times a month. I also add canned mushrooms and get the bags of frozen green peppers and onions mix.

    It sounds like you are serious and on a mission to save your own life. I felt the same when I started and still feel it today. I gained 8 pounds back first holiday season but I am back down again. I will NEVER give up. Just keep plugging away and adding better choices I can live with and keeping to the portions for the high calorie foods I want in my life.
    I am always looking for others similar to myself as Friends/Accountability Buddies. I will Add you. :)
  • cdqtducks
    cdqtducks Posts: 19 Member
    After 3 pregnancies, a thyroid issue and me almost giving up... I'm also got to my highest... 320. I'm 313 right now and am trying to get a hold of my life.

    Add me!!!!
  • VaniyH
    VaniyH Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Sara!

    Welcome to the journey to better health and wellness....we have a similar journey and goal and I think we could be good fitness friends...I am also 30 and at the point where I know I have to make a change for better to live a more happy and healthy life...I sent a friend request 😁
  • Welcome! You are not alone Sara. I commend you for taking this first step like most of us have. I am at 285 and looking to drop down to 250. Hopefully we can encourage and push each other to success. Sending you a friend request right now.
  • smorgiereport
    smorgiereport Posts: 1 Member
    I'm right there with you. Same boat you are in, so I feel your shame just the same. We can do this, we are not alone here. I will send you a friend request.
  • lenhill04
    lenhill04 Posts: 56 Member
    Request sent. I'm starting over as of today. Best of luck to you!
  • xx__christiee
    xx__christiee Posts: 8 Member
    Sent you a friend request!
  • deedra5933
    deedra5933 Posts: 4 Member
    Just, starting, but thanks for the inspiration.🐦🌿
  • daisyamber4601
    daisyamber4601 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I’m in the same boat as you. 5ft 8 and weighing 295lbs. I can’t believe I’ve gained so much since having my son in December 2021.

    I’ve NEVER dieted before. Or even been ‘careful’ with what I eat. I never struggled with my weight until taking a medication that caused major weight gain in 2019. So this is all so new to me. I did my first day today and I’m weirdly proud of myself. I know it’s nothing but I really lack any form of self control. Wishing you so much luck with your journey xxx
  • FitSJT
    FitSJT Posts: 1 Member
    Similar story here. My weight has gone up and down my whole life. I have at least 70 lbs to lose and a lot of shame. My goal is to lose it in the next 2 and a half years before I turn 40. A lot of weight related health issues and premature death in my family. I struggle to not overeat especially in the evenings and feel like I'm always waking up going "TODAY is the day... NO REALLY." And then I become frustrated with myself and tired of starting over. I look forward to connecting with people here and making slow, sustainable progress. I look forward to feeling proud of myself and setting an example for my daughter of what a healthy relationship looks like (to food, to ourselves). Hugs and encouragement to you and to anyone else who needs it right now. We CAN and WILL do this!
  • annaboo876
    annaboo876 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 31 and 110kg. 5ft 4. Need to lose the weight once and for all and keep it off. Don't want to be really ill by the time I'm 40. Who's with me? 💪