Starting fresh, a journey to lose 100 lbs!

Cinnamonpimp Posts: 2 Member
edited May 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone,

This is my first time posting, thanks for reading!

TLDR; I just turned 25 and I need to take control of my life. Im looking to lose 100 lbs and I'm in search of a community who can relate and support each other.

Within the last year, I lost 20 lbs while going gluten free for testing and was the most serious I've ever been about my diet. After I finished the testing, I fell right back into my old routines because it didn't feel necessary to continue. Now I've gained back all that weight, I'm in between jobs and use my day to sit around, and I have zero meal structure with chips being my primary source of nutrients. Even though it's summer and I have a free schedule, I feel terribly isolated and unhealthy.

I opened up the treadmill for the first time today and did a full 30 mins of walking while watching a new show, and 15 minutes of yoga to cool down with. I felt amazing afterwards! I didn't realize how stiff and u happy my body really was until I got moving. It felt so good to be able to get myself out of better and face the day, but it's something I really struggle with. Depression, anxiety, and binge eating habits that I've had for years have held me back, but I'm ready to take control of my life and be a healthier me.

I would be really interested in meeting people who I could relate to, and be able to motivate and keep each other accountable.

Please feel free to reach out!



  • sillylilly27
    sillylilly27 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Faith!

    I hope you’re doing well! It sounds like you’re excited and ready to go and meet your goals. I’m actively recovering from binge eating myself. I’ve lost 120lbs, regained 20 and starting up again. You can totally do this! I’d be happy to be an accountability friend, if you’re interested. Take care!