
Hi. I’m new to all of this fitness stuff, but as a 62 year old I really want to lose my belly weight and tone up. I work at times in the public eye, so it’s for that reason, and also improving my general fitness. I’ve also enlisted the help of a personal trainer to assist as I need guidance and accountability. Although I’ve taken part in sport before (i used to be an prize winning race walker) and have done power walking and my couch to 5k, exercise is not a natural thing, not something I’d choose to do if it wasn’t for a good reason, and where I can see definite results. So any encouragement would be good!!!


  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,241 MFP Staff
    Hi, welcome to the community!!

    There are some great threads created by our members, stickied to the top of each category that may be helpful. Just look for "Most Helpful Posts - whatever the category name is"

    For example:
    Also, here is a link to some frequently asked questions that may be helpful too: FAQ's
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    Hello, and welcome!

    It sounds like you're on the path to the right answers, with your personal trainer. Losing belly weight is going to be a matter of reducing calorie intake below the number of calories that would maintain your current weight, and doing that with reasonable nutrition would be good for health even though it won't directly speed fat loss.

    As far as exercise, I don't really have any guidance for you, but I'm sure your trainer will. I was not routinely active until my later 40s, got active after cancer treatment. While I did compete as an athlete for a while in my 50s, now (at 67), I mostly exercise for fun - rowing on water, riding my bike on the trails, mostly. I'd do it even if those things weren't good for me, but - bonus! - they are, and help me stay strong and independent besides.

    For me, stumbling into finding fun exercise was almost magical in transforming my fitness. I stayed fat for another 10 years or so, then used MFP to lose from class 1 obese to a healthy weight when I was 59-60, another huge quality of life improvement.

    The combination of reasonably good fitness and a healthy weight has been gangbusters, honestly. I hope you're able to find a combination of eating and activity that pays off well for you. There are certainly a lot of people here in the Community who've used quite varied eating and activity strategies to find the outcomes you're seeking - reading threads can give you things to try, if that's what you're looking for.

    Best wishes!
  • fitness_krista
    fitness_krista Posts: 20 Member
    You can do it! Make YOU a priority every day! Be consistent as much as you can! You don’t have to be perfect so don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day or didn’t eat the way you planned etc. Stuff happens. Be patient and in time you will be glad you didn’t quit. 😊