Guys in relationships.

LadyofLight08 Posts: 245 Member
So I started a new job, this guy and I have been talking (ugh I know work relationships are the worst.) and I started to like him... a lot. We have so much in common, we are both geeks, similar music interest, we have the most amazing conversations and have stayed up all night just asking each other questions; enjoying each other's company. I just recently found out (yesterday.) that he has a girlfriend of almost 3 years. I was devastated, because I felt like THAT girl that everyone talks about and hates (if that makes sense?) I've been cheated on before and I feel terrible... He said his relationship has been deteriorating for quite a while, but he can't break up, because he lives with her and pity's her (made me feel worse since that's apparently how my ex felt about me.)
It's not right for a man to be in a relationship with someone if they don't love each other and especially if you pity her..
Has anyone been in this situation? Advice would be nice.


  • ldugganbos
    walk! a real man leaves his current situation before starting a new one!
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    If someone wanted to be out of relationship that badly they would find a way to end it for good regardless of hurt feelings and living situations.

    I feel for ya, I have been in similar situations. I would just remain friends with him but do not get your hopes up.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I hate to say it but he kinda sounds like he is telling you what you want to hear. Are you sure that the situation is really how he describes? If not that's pretty ****ed up that he would just stay with her to keep his living situation and because he feels sorry for her. Is that really the kind of person you want to enter into a relationship with? Would you want this same thing to happen to you if your longterm relationship was "deteriorating"?

    I know that sometimes things just happen, but I would proceed with caution since there are some major red flags here... good luck.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Don't walk. Run. This guy is a *kitten*. Assuming he's even telling you the truth, what he's doing to his current girlfriend is inexcusable, and he will do the same thing to you once he gets tired of you. Also, people who get involved with co-workers are pretty much the dumbest people in the world. My opinion. Don't crap where you eat, as they say.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    A cheater is a cheater. Women cheat, men cheat. Everyone will give reasons to cheat but its never good enough.

    Honestly, I'd just call the girl and let her know.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I was in a similar situation, I backed off, he broke up with his girlfriend and now we are married. If it's meant to be it will be (cliche I know, but I believe it)
  • reds_1
    Wow! No. That's not good at all!

    First of all, you've done nothing wrong. You didn't have all the information. Hell, his girlfriend doesn't have all the information. He's the only one who does!

    It's clear that neither his girlfriend, nor you (I'm so sorry, that sounds so harsh) are that high up on his list of what's important to him. If either of you were, he wouldn't be doing what he seems to be doing which is keeping both of you a secret from each other.
  • healthyKYgirl
    healthyKYgirl Posts: 272 Member
    Run away fast from this guy:

    1.) He wasn't open and honest with you by telling you he had a gf until recently. (That's a red flare warning sign!)
    2.) He has the ability to break up with his girlfriend, but hasn't yet. Until he does, he is a cheater. Do you want to be with a cheater?
    3.) He will either stay with her and you'll end up being that girl, or he will end up leaving her and then potentially cheat on you later if things go wrong with you, and he won't tell you because he feels bad about breaking up with you because he has no courage. He's a coward.

    Do you really want this guy? And if you do, leave him alone, and let him break up with his girlfriend and earn you back - prove to you that he won't be like that with you if he does end up breaking up with his girlfriend.

    Oh, and I say this from personal experience: I've been hit on and/or in this type of situation before, and it was always heart breaking for me, but the longer I let the flirtation continue, the worse it was for me because the more I became attached to someone I couldn't date.
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    You train people how to treat you. If you continue this you are training him to treat you like a "chick on the side". Do you want to be the chick on the side? If not, it's up to you to let him know that you're main chick material only and if he want's a chick on the side he need's to look somewhere else.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Waste of time, on to the next guy.
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    This happened to me. I was 19, he was 27. He told me he lived and worked with his gf so he couldn't leave her. I was young and believed that over time he would see the light. Eventually the pressure I was putting on him to leave her ended things. I found out later that she wasn't actually his gf, but his wife.

    I think that's a pretty good indicator of how the ability of a man to cheat usually indicates other moral flaws and an aptitude for lying.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    So a guy is doing something bad to his current girlfriend/wife, and you want to get in line so you can be next?

  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    So I started a new job, this guy and I have been talking (ugh I know work relationships are the worst.) and I started to like him... a lot. We have so much in common, we are both geeks, similar music interest, we have the most amazing conversations and have stayed up all night just asking each other questions; enjoying each other's company. I just recently found out (yesterday.) that he has a girlfriend of almost 3 years. I was devastated, because I felt like THAT girl that everyone talks about and hates (if that makes sense?) I've been cheated on before and I feel terrible... He said his relationship has been deteriorating for quite a while, but he can't break up, because he lives with her and pity's her (made me feel worse since that's apparently how my ex felt about me.)
    It's not right for a man to be in a relationship with someone if they don't love each other and especially if you pity her..
    Has anyone been in this situation? Advice would be nice.

    If they live together then chances are he's not gonna break up with her anytime soon. Maybe he is having problems with his relationship or he just wants his cake and to eat it too. I've been there before, the relationship between him and hi ex ended and then we started dating and I was just viewed as the rebound chick. You deserve to find someone who is unattached and ready to give you what you want. You'll regret not giving yourself more respect later on trust me. Don't be flirt friends or the girl who listens to all his problems cause then he's getting everything he wants. I say move on.
  • LadyofLight08
    LadyofLight08 Posts: 245 Member
    I asked him "why did he invite me to his house if his girlfriend lives him", she was apparently baker acted for two weeks and has emotional issues, suicidal and all that jazz (hence why he can't break up because she has threatened to kill herself.) He said he never intended to like me, but once he started to get to know me he started to like me more and more. I don't know what to believe since I've been played and lead on in the past, but I feel he genuinely is a good guy since he has never made a move on me and respects his girlfriend enough, but now it's like... I like him and he likes me too. I feel like I should just back off, but I feel bad for his (apparent) situation at home being in a destructive relationship with a suicidal girl who he supports and takes care of financially. I know I should just lay low and stay aloof and let him decide his own decisions, but I told him if you don't love her it's better you break up with her instead of leading her on and digging a deeper hole. I don't want to make it seem like I'm egging him on to break up for my own selfish reasons, but it is true.
  • AbbeyDove
    AbbeyDove Posts: 317 Member
    My friend's husband told the same line to a woman he met in a coffee shop. He's still married to his wife. The girl from the coffee shop is long gone. It was all lies. But an incredible amount of *damage* resulted, really to everyone, the girl he used included.

    I'd tell the guy that he should call you when he's single and living on his own. But until then? Nope.

    If he's a good one and the relationship is really deteriorating, he'll follow through. But if not, it's a sign he's not strong enough to make clear decisions about his life, and so he's not a safe person to be with in the long run. A person who cheats once is likely to do so again.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    The fastest way to resolve the situation to see if he will leave his wife for you or not is to fake a pregnancy.

    Of course from your post I just got that this guy talks to you at work. Then he talked to you at night about his failing relationship. What I didn't get out of this is that he has put the moves on you, or that there is a relationship going on.
  • AbbeyDove
    AbbeyDove Posts: 317 Member
    You train people how to treat you. If you continue this you are training him to treat you like a "chick on the side". Do you want to be the chick on the side? If not, it's up to you to let him know that you're main chick material only and if he want's a chick on the side he need's to look somewhere else.

    This is also really good advice.
  • LadyofLight08
    LadyofLight08 Posts: 245 Member
    The fastest way to resolve the situation to see if he will leave his wife for you or not is to fake a pregnancy.

    Of course from your post I just got that this guy talks to you at work. Then he talked to you at night about his failing relationship. What I didn't get out of this is that he has put the moves on you, or that there is a relationship going on.
    He invited me over to his house, we played video games and literally talked all night. He never made a move on me, we aren't together or anything etc.. He just told me after work yesterday that he really likes me, but he has a girlfriend. That's it really.
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    He's feeling you out to see if it's worth breaking up with what he has. He doesn't want to lose both, so he's playing it safe. Keyword....PLAYING.
  • LadyofLight08
    LadyofLight08 Posts: 245 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice, I think I'm just going to tell him that I don't want to keep talking to him on any emotional or casual level until he's single.