

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    I've just watched a clip from the show on YouTube. It's 'immersive' theatre, in the round. Fortunately, we will be sitting in the gallery! :p
    Have a look at Guys and Dolls, Bridge Theatre, London.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,491 Member
    Hello from Titusville, FL!
    Hello girls I’m new in all this.
    Nice to read the messages and see how the community helps in the journey to a better healthy life.
    I started two weeks ago the keto lifestyle. It’s already making me feel energized.
    Good Evening for all.
    Márcia Cassiano. 😗

    Welcome, Marcia! We're glad you're here. Drop back in and respond wherever you feel comfortable...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,099 Member
    Rebecca - Wellbutrin was a good leveler for me. It's been a while since I've taken it now, maybe a year, and I've recovered more of an emotional swing from low to high or high to low (not like, certifiable, just noticeable) that I didn't have when I was on it. I liked it that I was able to wean myself off of it without major upset or withdrawals when I was ready for that, too.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    I can't imagine going off my anti-depressants. At this point, I'm not sure I'll ever feel ready.

    M in Oz

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,307 Member
    Pg 67

    Still trying to catch up on reading.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    edited July 2023
    Decided it's stew weather. Not summery at all. :/
    I went round to the butcher and bought pork shoulder. I got some cider from the off licence to cook it in. I've got onions, carrots and celery. I will add wholegrain mustard at the end. Will stick a couple of potatoes in for DH. Cabbage on the side.
    I also bought a couple of veal escalopes for tomorrow. With roasted cauliflower and a rustic sauce vierge.

    Ordered more coffee from Amazon. It's gone up a lot, so I checked the price with other retailers, but it's all about the same. Fortunately, we only drink it once a day, in the morning, but we like it super strong with hot milk. We order six packs at a time.

    Nothing going on today. Hooray!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,491 Member
    edited July 2023
    Will try again in a minute.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,663 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,778 Member
    Morning ladies
    Still have a bit of lingering sore throat but other than that im doing well..
    Skunks- when I was married to Tom he took Homer out early before he went to work,I was still asleep.
    Well there was a skunk under my car and Homer got sprayed,so what does Tom do,let Homer in and the dog hops up on the bed of course Im wide awake now,he says well I gotta go to work and leaves me to get up and wash the dog and the bedding and air out the house,I was about ready to kill him..
    I also worked part time,so I did alot of the mowing in the summer and snow blowing in the winter,plus the cleaning and cooking.
    I was trying to help out as he was doing the overtime
    I guess he was bragging to his buddies at work about me doing all this,I was doing it to help out and he was taking advantage.
    Elena is the smart one she doesnt do that except shovel a little..
    Well Alfie kept me awake alot last night barking..
    There must have been some small creature outside because he kept running to the sliding door and barking his fool head off most of the night
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,099 Member
    kaynelvb wrote: »
    Machka in Oz - I'm so glad you are improving. Sometimes it takes longer than we anticipated. I loved the quilts. It's not something I ever got into, but I love seeing them and marvel at the work that goes into one. Are you actually in Australia? I grew up there, on the east coast, Sydney (Gymea) and Wollongong. I left there 53 years ago, and still miss it.
    Kayne in NH

    Yes I am!

    I'm Canadian, but moved to Australia in 2009. My husband is Australian. We lived in Victoria for about 4 years, then moved to Tasmania where we've been since.

    I became an Australian citizen in 2016 and was able to retain my Canadian citizenship as well.

    M in Oz

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,491 Member
    edited July 2023
    Morning, afternoon and evening, my dears,

    Whoosh... am really hoping I can get my sleep patterns back where they should be. Haven't had more than four hours sleep at a stretch in two weeks, and only one night was seven hours or more. Waking up tired, and trying to get it rectified with routine. There are certainly worse things. There are no urgent deadlines in my life right now.

    Heather - weather affects our mood as far as dinner goes, too--deli chicken and cold pasta salad last night for another scorching day. Corey picked up the chicken (and some frozen peas for the salad) and I made the pasta concoction. Took the chance to clean out the fridge of all the bits, a few olives, a few bits of bacon, the last of the Caesar dressing and so on. Super easy and tasty. I've always loved musicals, never seen one on a stage, just on film.

    Terri - You're nearly caught up! :smiley:

    Allie - Meant "flower," not "flyer" about Miles' pic. :blush: The incredible sweetness of a child's exploration of their world is such an amazing thing to see. Great picture.

    Debbie - Hope you enjoy your weekend with your mom. Yours and your DH's dedication to the welfare of your cats and the wild animals that roam near you is always heart-warming.

    Lanette - I'm thinking Gladys has figured out where chicken feed comes from... My mama called that "cupboard love," :smiley: Big Bertha, on the other hand, is that one difficult one in every group. Can't help but have fun with that.

    Kim, your wall cleaning reminded me that I've been cleaning in fits and spurts--as the months dragged on with no energy or drive the last couple years, cleaning definitely took a back seat. Like your potluck, am using the late August visit with John and Soraya coming to spur me back to my more comfortable level of clean. Egg is like Pigpen from Peanuts, she drags a cloud of dirt and hair with her everywhere, so sympathies on Levi's schmutz.

    It's already 75F at dawn, leveling out around 100 (38C) degrees again today, and minor gardening chores are done, nothing big today. We're supposed to go up to Sam's Club today; I renewed the membership yesterday for one more year. First time we've been shopping together in a long time.

    Cleaning and craft room stuff:
    Still not quite back to pulling all-nighter, ninja cleaning mode, so I combine it with other things. While I was building the pasta salad yesterday, I would pull an ingredient from the fridge, pull everything on its shelf, wash it and dry it, go on to the next. As I'm reshaping the office/craft room into a pure craft room, I'm finishing up each office item separately.

    Oh my stars and whiskers, it makes it go slowly--my method used to be, with hair on fire, "pull everything out, clean the floor and furniture, then just put back in what you want." This time, I work until I get distracted or tired, it's and "throw it away, clean it, shred it, box it, or put it in the donation box, whatever needs doing," with a distinct bend toward "get rid of it if you're not using it." Slow, slow, but hopefully the final time to spend doing this with these particular things. I need your daughters, Tracey, to help me sort through this! :smiley:

    It was also spurred with the need to finally start putting one of my favorite niece's wedding gift together, a bookshelf quilt. She's 26, just gotten engaged, with no hurry on the wedding, which they have already announced will be them in a Las Vegas wedding chapel, no fuss. It's a good thing, because the quilt I made for her older sister took me three years. I never raise an expectation of speed for a quilt, and this one will be the most complex one I've ever designed or created.

    So, now that I've gotten the basics Vivvy wants (bookshelf design, queen size, dark background, predominantly red, green and black) I have to start assembling a project box for the fabric and other bits I'll use for the quilt. That means going through boxes of fabric and assembling a list of anything still needed.

    And it's just one more thing to add to the chaos, once I finish shooting my home office in the head and rescuing the survivors! :smiley: I want to keep the printer and the big TV I used for a monitor, but get them off the table tops--hang the TV on the wall to use for tutorials or pattern usage, or just to listen to a show while I'm doing the boring bits, and the printer for paper piecing or patterns. I've put together a small "office in a box" that will be a permanent fixture, but possibly stored on a shelf somewhere. Sometimes you need a paper clip, you know, and nothing else will do... :smiley:

    Time to sidle back into the room of chaos that I'm working on and get one more thing done. Probably shredding. *sigh* Gotta be done!

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in sweaty Arkansas...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,099 Member
    Saturday --

    Dug up the remaining bulbs in one particular spot in the garden. It's completely wrong time of year to do that as they are starting to come up and bloom! But I wanted that spot for something else which I've planted there now. I also pruned the carnations.

    The garden work was interesting given I couldn't kneel.

    I'm hoping to start replanting the bulbs tomorrow or next weekend. I can only do gardening on the weekends.

    Inside, I made progress on the laundry, picked up Rhody's toys (our cat) which were everywhere, and tidied several things.

    It was nice to do something away from the computer today.

    M in Oz