Back on here again

Hello everyone,
Back again hoping to stay this time and really follow through with my weight loss, just finding it really hard to keep on track, it’s very hard when my support system is nearly nonexistent.


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,594 Member
    I'll put it bluntly. YOU are your support system. You can't rely on others to make you be responsible for you. Old saying I learned long ago "You need to get a backbone instead of a wishbone".

    You can get all the encouragement, cheering, hi fives, etc. but if it's not in YOU to want to do this, then none that stuff will matter. And it works vice versa. If you DON'T have all the encourangement, cheers and hi fives but have it in YOU, none of that also will matter.

    Create a plan. Follow it consistently day in day out without fail. You won't need much motivation or support if you do it day in and day out. You don't need motivation or support to brush your teeth right? You just DO IT.

    Don't overexceed. If you're shooting for 2lbs a week and lose 1lb, that's a win. And if it happens again the next week, it's a win. Keep winning.

    Because the reality is, what is the other option? Quitting on yourself IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE YOU.
    So start liking you unconditionally and do what needs to be done without fail so you can improve and like yourself a little bit more.

    Feel free to message me if you need to hear this message again.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 35+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • friendlybfg
    friendlybfg Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also back on here & I can't wait to get going again! 🙂 putting on some kg's over the last year wasn't something that made me sad, I love who I am, I just don't love the vessel I am in at this moment so, time to reset and recharge! Looking forward to the journey.

    You've got this too, latinabluelagoon! ninerbuff is right (loved that post) it's up to ourselves to kick it back into gear. Anything is a win if u look hard enough for the positive.

    Good luck!