☀️🌤️August Daily Weigh-in and Log-in Challenge🌤️☀️



  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 570 Member
    Hi, I'm a married female in my 50's, 5'6", and tired of looking and feeling like I do. I am committed to weighing myself daily, logging all food, and working out 4-5 days a week. I'm trying to tweak other aspects of my life too, but all things in time.

    Heaviest Weight: 221
    Starting Weight Aug 2023: 212.7
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    Aug 25: 212.7
    Aug 26: 212.0 - Late to the August party, but don't want to wait until Sep to get started. Hope that's ok to just jump into this thread.
    Aug 27: 211.8
    Aug 28: 210.7
    Aug 29: 208.2
  • imaginemary
    imaginemary Posts: 39 Member
    I started with this group in July. I am Mary, 69 years old, 5’5”, CW 170 lbs, HW 185, GW 150, or maybe UGW 140. I want to lose weight to bring my blood pressure down and to improve my cardiovascular health. I saw the notes from the orthopedic doctor on my medical record which said my BMI is a contributing factor to my mobility pain. I also feel all the usual feelings about my appearance at a higher weight not being as attractive, wanting to feel more energy, move more gracefully.

    August 4: 170.6; August 27: 169.6. I lost a pound this month (update 8/29 168.6). I was hoping for more but I did not make a clear goal, so I will do that for September: I want to lose 5 pounds in September (= 164.6) I didn’t sleep well this month mostly. I struggled to stop snacking on cashews (but I’ve stopped that). Mid month I changed my goals – 10k steps now and 4-5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, 8 glasses of water. Momentum in adapting and changing.

    August 4: 170.6 Steps: 1,467
    August 5: 170.2 Steps: 10,302
    August 6: 170.0 Steps: 10,412
    August 7: 170.0 Steps: 11,914
    August 8: DNW Steps: 10,398
    August 9: DNW Steps: 4,342
    August 10: 171.0 Steps: 8,126
    August 11: 171.0 Steps: 3,787
    August 12: 170.6 Steps: 4.136
    August 13: 170.6 Steps: 10,134
    August 14: 170.6 Steps: 9,709
    August 15: DNW Steps: 9,038
    August 16: 168.8 Steps: 10,849 Ah that was a nice weigh-in.
    August 17: DNW Steps: 6,245
    August 18: 171 Steps: 9,000
    August 19: 170.8 Steps: 8,300
    August 20: 170.2 Steps: 10,482 Got my 10k! Veggie forward meals. Grapefruit snack.
    August 21: 169.8 Steps: 11,213 Oh, look I lost 4 oz. Hope springs.
    August 22: 170.2 Steps: 11,151 Whoops that 4 oz! Yay steps. It's a process.
    August 23: 170.0 Steps: 14,610 My body seems like a big pet, unruly, has issues, loved.
    Needs training. Walked along the surfline this morning.
    August 24: 169.2 Steps: 10,870 The yard work is consoling and helpful.
    August 25: 169.5 Steps: 11,405 Sobering and discouraging study on postmenopausal/IF.
    August 26: 169.6 Steps:12,002 Sad. I know it's a mood and is fleeting. Shadow of wings or a cloud…
    August 27: 169.6 Steps: Had a rare (these days) post-midnight snack of almond butter and crispbread…shocking! I’ll include it in my food diary today.
    August 28: 169.6 Steps: 11,152 Starting to feel stronger. Walked a mile around the park then gardened for an hour then stationary biked for 1.5 hrs. Ankle discomfort bearable.
    August 29: 168.6 Steps: tbd Yes that’s a pound lost but staying calm — it’s a process.
    August 30:
    August 31:

    @ddainiak Inspired by your story.
    @fourathej So amazed and inspired by you.
    @deepwoodslady I rely on Metamucil to control IBS symptoms — good wishes for you too.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hi! I’m a grandma of 8 from Canada. I was never overweight when I was young, but have probably been obese off an on for the past 20 years. Something changed in my mental outlook about 6 months ago when my doctor told me I was diabetic.I listened, and am taking it seriously.
    My goal is to be able to stop taking several drugs, and lower blood sugar levels. I’ve lost about 40 lbs. in the last 6 months, decreased my bp medication, and my blood sugar level has decreased significantly.
    I’ve made lifestyle changes, and I’m counting calories. I’ve started swimming, and I’m doing very gentle aerobics for osteoporosis prevention. My goal for Aug. is to get into the 180’s.

    Starting weight: 230
    Goal weight: 120
    Height: 5’2”

    Monthly Weight Loss:
    March-10 lbs.
    April- 8 lbs.
    May- 5 lbs.
    June- 4.4 lbs. (trip to Europe)
    July- 5.6

    Aug. 16- 193.8 lbs. starting this challenge 1/2 way through. Don’t know what to expect. DH has a knee replacement surgery in a week. I’m his caregiver.
    Aug. 17-193.8 swam for an hour. Haven’t been swimming as the pool has been closed for 2weeks. We had a horrific incident and a man drowned. I feel a bit strange because of it. It’s terribly sad.
    Aug. 18-DW gentle aerobics class
    Aug. 19-194.4 ate some junk food last night, lots of salt, swam for 55 min.
    Aug. 20-192.4 woo hoo ! I hope it stays. This is a huge loss for me.
    Aug. 21-192.6. Still happy, aerobics, DH has surgery tomorrow, his knee replaced.
    Aug. 22- DW surgery went well!
    Aug. 23- 193 up we go! One of those things😳 DH is 🏡
    Aug. 24- 193.4 first class of water aerobics in 5 years
    Aug. 25- 192.2 gym aerobics. My weight loss is full of fluctuations . Sometimes , I know the reasons for it. Other times I’m baffled. It’s taken me a long time to accept the fluctuations and just be able to move forward.
    Aug. 26-191.6 swam
    Aug. 27-191.2 happy with this
    Aug. 28-190.4 I’m close to making my goal for this month😊
    Aug. 29-190.2 we’ll see, it will be close😉 2 days to meet that goal.
    Aug. 30-
    Aug. 31-

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello, I’m Jill. 🥰I’m 53, 5’7” and I live in Michigan.

    My goals for August:

    🏡 Yardwork
    🤿 Swim
    📝 Log consistently
    🐶 Walk and train puppies
    🥗 Continue the high-protein, lower carb, lower fat plan

    Starting weight January 1st: 224.5
    January weight lost: 7.7 pounds
    February weight lost: 5 pounds
    March weight lost: 6 pounds
    April weight lost: 6.5 pounds
    May weight lost: 2.6 pounds
    June weight lost: 1.6 pounds
    July weight lost: 1.3 pounds

    1: 199.6 Moved my daughter back to college today. She starts her RA training tomorrow. So proud of her!
    2: 199.4 Feeling a bit sad. Missing her today. Guess I’ll cut the grass and work in the yard today for a little sun therapy.
    3: 200.4 Boing! Gotta get back to healthier snacking. Taking in carrots to work.
    4: 201.0
    5: 200.7 Must get back into logging food. 🪵
    6: 198.6 Boing, Boing, Boing!
    7: 198.6
    8: 198.6… love the consistency. 🥰 still need to log more.
    9: 199.6
    10: 198.8
    11: 200.2 Went to my best friend’s daughter’s wedding. 💒 It was so beautiful and the couple is so in love and happy. The crazy thing is that a tornado touched dow in Perry, MI and we were only 4 miles from there.
    12: Did not weigh
    13: 199.4 Happy Sunday! I walked my dogs this morning. My goal is to walk them at least once a day. Hopefully this will tire them out and they’ll stop digging holes in our yard. At least the potty training stage is over.
    14: 199.0
    15: 200.3
    16: 199.3
    17: 198.7
    18: 200.5 🪀 🪀 boing boing
    19: 200
    20: 198.7
    21: 198.5
    22: 198.1
    23: 198.4
    24: 198.1
    25: 200.1
    26: 200.5
    27: 200
    28: did not weigh
    29: 200.3

    Jill 🥰
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 63 years old and from the Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from July 31st): 193.8
    Goal: 189.8 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    08/01-193.6-(Trend Weight 195.2)-

    08/02-194.6-(Trend Weight 195.2)-

    08/03-196.8-(Trend Weight 195.3)-

    08/04-195.4-(Trend Weight 195.3)-

    08/05-196.6-(Trend Weight 195.4)-

    08/06-197.6-(Trend Weight 195.6)-

    08/07-195.8-(Trend Weight 195.6)-

    08/08-194.6-(Trend Weight 195.6)-

    08/09-194.6-(Trend Weight 195.6)-

    08/10-195.2-(Trend Weight 195.6)-

    08/11-193.8-(Trend Weight 195.5)-

    08/12-192.6-(Trend Weight 195.2)-

    08/13-194.2-(Trend Weight 195.1)-

    08/14-194.2-(Trend Weight 195.1)-

    08/15-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/16-196.6-(Trend Weight 195.6)-

    08/17-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/18-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/19-198.0-(Trend Weight [b196.3[/b]x)-

    08/20-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/21-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/22-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/23-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/24-195.4-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    08/25-195.6-(Trend Weight 196.9)-

    08/26-197.6-(Trend Weight 196.9)-

    08/27-195.2-(Trend Weight 196.8)-

    08/28-193.6-(Trend Weight 196.4)- I laid around all weekend babying myself. No exercise. I didn’t even get dressed. Just not feeling the greatest. Day 4 of no TMI. I just wasn’t as hungry with no tummy relief. Lower tummy still feeling like it’s full of steel Perry marbles. My meals were normal but no desire to snack so my night time snacks were skipped. Maybe I can learn a lesson here? Anyway, Metamucil, here I come. You are my last real hope!

    08/29-191.8-(Trend Weight 196.0)- Finally some potty relief which showed up on the scale. Feeling so much better! I took my older friend out for dinner last night at a new little restaurant that opened recently about 16 miles down the road. It’s a little dive because it opened in a very old place that had been closed for 20 years. You can imagine the critter residue as it pretty much sits in the middle of the woods with nothing around it for miles and miles. It took a long time to get through all the inspections and water testing (new well) but it finally opened. In small towns like mine, we like to support small local business and each other so lots of people were there to enjoy and congratulate. It really is a little Andy Griffith-like in small towns like mine so, of course, we had to go. I chose my dinner carefully which kept the calories and carbs down. It was a nice evening. I finally inched my way back into a tiny bit of exercise yesterday after such tummy pain. I can feel my guts are still slightly inflamed but at least their not full! It's raining and gloomy here today so handymen will be shifting gears and working inside. They were originally scheduled to replace a pipe on the roof. I won’t be able to exercise until this evening but will push myself to get it in. I’m usually so tired in the evenings, especially when it’s raining so heavily. It’s dark (need the lights on) and cold. I’m about ready to turn on the heat. Very strange weather in August, even for Michigan.

    08/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    08/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    My name is Kelly. I am 52 and watch my grandkids 5 days a week. I watch 4 of them 5 days a weeks and 6 on Wednesdays so I keep busy with babies all week. They are all 3yrs and under. I weigh weekly. This daily group accountability is awesome! I absolutely love this group.

    Goals for August:
    Walk for 30 minutes a day 6 days a week
    Log all my food daily
    Hit at least 10,000 steps 6 days a week
    Hit 100lb weight loss this month

    August SW:166
    August GW:155

    1. Walked, logged, 23k+
    2. Walked, logged, 24k+
    3. Walked, logged, 21k+
    4. Walked, logged, 20k+
    5. Logged, rest day, weight 163 😊
    6. Walked, logged, 16k+
    7. Walked, logged, 22k+
    8. Walked, logged, 23k+
    9. Walked, logged, 17k+
    10. Walked, logged, 26k+ (that's a first!)
    11. Walked, logged, 20k+
    12. Logged, rest day, weight 160 🥳 (I made my goal to lose over 100 lbs)
    13. Walked, logged, 15k+
    14. Walked, logged, 23k+
    15. Walked, logged, 23k+
    16. Walked, logged, 22k+
    17. Walked, logged, 23k+
    18. Logged
    19. Logged
    20. Logged, weight 157
    21. Walked, logged, 23k+
    22. Walked, logged, 23k+
    23. Walked, logged, 23k+
    24. Walked, logged, 16k+
    25. Walked, logged, 16k+....I over ate today
    26. Logged, rest day, weight 156
    27. Walked, logged, 13k+
    28. Walked, logged, 22k+
    29. Walked, logged, 18k+

    I really struggled today with being hungry so I drank soooo much water. I am going to the bathroom every half hour with a full bladder. I did stay on track with my eating but I'm not sure why I felt so hungry today. 🤷‍♀️
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hey, there, ladies. I dropped off the face of the myfitnesspal earth in early July. I couldn't go for my walks because of my knee and my son was coming home mid month, so I bailed. Both just convenient excuses, I know. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself because of my knee and just adapt. You read through any support thread on MFP, and you are guaranteed to find someone who has a lot more to deal with than yourself! I need to try this again. My motto of "fake it 'til you make it" starts on the first. See you in September!

  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 570 Member
    edited August 2023
    @Buckeyebabe7l7 Can you have some additional protein? I wonder if that's less of a craving, and more a sign that your body/metabolism just needs something extra today.

    I hope tomorrow is easier!
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    @Buckeyebabe7l7 Can you have some additional protein? I wonder if that's less of a craving, and more a sign that your body/metabolism just needs something extra today.

    I hope tomorrow is easier!

    You know you might be right. I am going to try that today and see if that helps. Thanks for the suggestion. 😊👍🏻
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Hey, there, ladies. I dropped off the face of the myfitnesspal earth in early July. I couldn't go for my walks because of my knee and my son was coming home mid month, so I bailed. Both just convenient excuses, I know. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself because of my knee and just adapt. You read through any support thread on MFP, and you are guaranteed to find someone who has a lot more to deal with than yourself! I need to try this again. My motto of "fake it 'til you make it" starts on the first. See you in September!


    Glad you are ok and back with us in September. You got this!!!
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,846 Member
    I'm Darlene. I'm 63. I'm Married, and have one kid (28) and one pup (Monty). I have been working on me since mid January and have lost almost 40 pounds to date.

    August Goals
    Lose 4 pounds ⚖️
    Log 175+ Miles on Fitbit 🏃‍♂️ Hit the 1,500 fitbit miles mark towards my 2,023 in 2,023.
    Drink 6-8 Glasses of Water Daily 💦
    Read daily 📖
    Do something creative daily - Knit, Crochet, Color, puzzel etc. 🧶 🖍️ 🧩

    Highest Weight - 227
    Jan Loss - 9 Pounds
    Feb Loss - 5 pounds
    March Loss - 5 Pounds
    April Loss - 8 Pounds
    May Loss - 5.2 Pounds
    June Loss - 6.4 Pounds
    July Loss - 1.0 Pound
    July Ending Weight - 187.4

    Aug 1 - 186.2
    Aug 2 - 186.6
    Aug 3 - 185 The bloat is ending! 😁
    Aug 4 - 184.2 😁 Woo Hoo! I'm back to my low.
    Aug 5 - 183.4 😁
    Aug 6 - 183.2 😁 I probably shouldn't say anything to jinx it, but I have been working really hard so it's nice to see that it has paid off!
    Aug 7 - 183.4
    Aug 8 - 185 My own doing. My sister brought cake to Bingo with Mom night for my birthday (yup turned 63 today) and I ate more than I should. Also rained yesterday and didn't get my steps in. All around not a good day. Today my daughter is taking me out for lunch, but am going to try to stay in check the rest of the day. Hoping for a quick turn around.
    Aug 9 - 184 😁 Had a really nice day. Started the day with my usual walk "after" the rain. Half way through it poured, was kind of refreshing and made us laugh. My daughter took us out for a nice lunch, and then just a quiet day at home the rest of the day. Tonight is Trivia night. We haven't been in a long time, so really looking forward to it.
    Aug 10 - 184.2 4th Place in Trivia; waitress must have known that I was on a diet - never brought our dinners - just the salad! But - she brought me two beers I didn't order - yes I drank them. HA!
    Aug 11 - 184.2
    Aug 12 - 183.8
    Aug 13 - 184.8 (Corrected)
    Aug 14 - 184.2 I have been out of my normal routine too long - never really got back into the full swing since coming home from Nashville. Starting fresh today! The timing was terrible in that the two competition challenges that I was in ended at the same time - nothing to keep me structured and accountable, so I would be on track one day and then off the next. I need someone to tell me what I need to do and then I will do it. Kind of like handing in my homework at school - I need to check the boxes! The competition challenges do that for me. LOL. One starts up again today the other the following week; so excited to get started again - hopefully will get to the 170s soon.
    Aug 15 - 182.8 😁See what little accountability does for me.
    Aug 16 - 182.6 😁
    Aug 17 - 182.8
    Aug 18 - 182.6 Packing up today - we rented a house on Lake Bomoseen in Vermont. Taking the boat (and Monty of course), leave tomorrow morning. There a lot of nice trails we are going to try, so should get in a lot of steps. With Monty with us, won't be going out to dinner, don't know if I'll be under my calorie limit - but at least I be able to log everything and control the salt. I'm bringing my laptop, so will be checking in every day, but won't be weighing in.
    Aug 19 - 183 The good thing is that they have a scale, the bad thing is they have a scale. This is my view for the next week.
    Aug 20 - DNW took @joans1976 advice
    Aug 22 - DNW
    Aug 23 - DNW
    Aug 24 - DNW
    Aug 25 - Not going to weigh until Sunday when I have a mandatory weigh in for the Hogwarts Challenge. Vacation was wonderful but am glad to be home sweet home. No more social situations until October 😁.
    Aug 26 - 181.6 😁 I said I wasn't going to weigh in until Sunday - but I couldn't do it. I am so happy - we exercised a lot on vacation and I logged everything - but was over on my calories a couple of days so thought it would be a big up on the scale. Sometimes I don't understand the body! But I will take it!
    Aug 27 - 181.2 😁
    Aug 28 - 179.8 😁Doing a happy dance.
    Aug 29 - 180.2 The 70's were short lived, but I know they are permanently just around the corner!
    Aug 30 - 179.2 😁
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,846 Member
    @melwillbehealth Look at you go! You can do it.

    @manifestingToday Your starting weight was just about mine (227). In January I had the same thought you did and said enough is enough. I had an account with MFP from way back, but never used it. Starting logging my food in January and walking. Then I found the challenges page in March. I tried quite a few; kept the ones I like - this one for sure. I have had my ups and downs, but just kept coming back regardless! The challenges keep me accountable, and this one for sure gives you support.

    @deepwoodslady So glad you are feeling better! Wish I could make better choices when I go out.
    Restaurants are my downfall - I make a plan and then as soon as everyone else starts talking about what they are going to get the plan goes out the window. Great job

    @fouratomej Fantastic job on the race; and first place!

    @jm216 Thanks for posting Septmber. Can't believe that Fall is almost here (at least where I live). My favorite time of year.

    @buckeyebabe7L7 Good advice from @deepwoodslady. I keep light&Fit greek yogurt in the fridge all the time for when I'm hungry. Only 90 calories and 14 grams of protein - sometimes I add a little fat free whipped cream to the top to make it feel like a sundae. Fills me up every time.

    @haswlrs So glad to have you back. We missed you.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    Hello, I’m Jill. 🥰I’m 53, 5’7” and I live in Michigan.

    My goals for August:

    🏡 Yardwork
    🤿 Swim
    📝 Log consistently
    🐶 Walk and train puppies
    🥗 Continue the high-protein, lower carb, lower fat plan

    Starting weight January 1st: 224.5
    January weight lost: 7.7 pounds
    February weight lost: 5 pounds
    March weight lost: 6 pounds
    April weight lost: 6.5 pounds
    May weight lost: 2.6 pounds
    June weight lost: 1.6 pounds
    July weight lost: 1.3 pounds

    1: 199.6 Moved my daughter back to college today. She starts her RA training tomorrow. So proud of her!
    2: 199.4 Feeling a bit sad. Missing her today. Guess I’ll cut the grass and work in the yard today for a little sun therapy.
    3: 200.4 Boing! Gotta get back to healthier snacking. Taking in carrots to work.
    4: 201.0
    5: 200.7 Must get back into logging food. 🪵
    6: 198.6 Boing, Boing, Boing!
    7: 198.6
    8: 198.6… love the consistency. 🥰 still need to log more.
    9: 199.6
    10: 198.8
    11: 200.2 Went to my best friend’s daughter’s wedding. 💒 It was so beautiful and the couple is so in love and happy. The crazy thing is that a tornado touched dow in Perry, MI and we were only 4 miles from there.
    12: Did not weigh
    13: 199.4 Happy Sunday! I walked my dogs this morning. My goal is to walk them at least once a day. Hopefully this will tire them out and they’ll stop digging holes in our yard. At least the potty training stage is over.
    14: 199.0
    15: 200.3
    16: 199.3
    17: 198.7
    18: 200.5 🪀 🪀 boing boing
    19: 200
    20: 198.7
    21: 198.5
    22: 198.1
    23: 198.4
    24: 198.1
    25: 200.1
    26: 200.5
    27: 200
    28: did not weigh
    29: 200.3
    30: 199.6

    Jill 🥰
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member

    8/26 - 154.8 TODAY is race day!!!!!!
    8/27 - 152 - This weight will not stay - Race went better then ever - we finished in 12:58 - shaved off almost 30 minutes from last year - took first by 12 minutes!!! WHOOP!!!!
    8/28 - 153.2 -

    I totally missed this....but that is so amazing!!!! Congratulations on the awesome finish 🎉🥇🎉
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 570 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hi, I'm a married female in my 50's, 5'6", and tired of looking and feeling like I do. I am committed to weighing myself daily, logging all food, and working out 4-5 days a week. I'm trying to tweak other aspects of my life too, but all things in time.

    Heaviest Weight: 221
    Starting Weight Aug 2023: 212.7
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    Aug 25: 212.7
    Aug 26: 212.0 - Late to the August party, but don't want to wait until Sep to get started. Hope that's ok to just jump into this thread.
    Aug 27: 211.8
    Aug 28: 210.7
    Aug 29: 208.2
    Aug 30: 207.5
    ddainiak wrote: »
    @manifestingToday Your starting weight was just about mine (227). In January I had the same thought you did and said enough is enough. I had an account with MFP from way back, but never used it. Starting logging my food in January and walking. Then I found the challenges page in March. I tried quite a few; kept the ones I like - this one for sure. I have had my ups and downs, but just kept coming back regardless! The challenges keep me accountable, and this one for sure gives you support.

    @ddainiak Thank you! I think this is my 3rd time with MFP trying to lose the same 20 lbs, though I've always intended to get to 160 or below -- I get to the low 190's and then lose motivation. I know it's coming down quickly at the moment, but that will start to level off where it's just .2 or .1 drop each day. I need to stick to it this time. And this type of challenge is the one that works for me -- accountability. Your progress (and everyone's progress in this thread), is inspiring. Thanks so much!

  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,846 Member
    August Reflection

    Can’t believe that summer is almost over. August is one of my favorite months, as it is my birthday (63) and anniversary (36 years). I didn’t really do much for the birthday but rented a beautiful house in Vermont for a week for our anniversary. It was lovely to get away.

    I met most of my goals. Slayed my 4 pound loss goal losing 8.2 pounds, 48.8 pounds from my highest weight in January. After a disastrous July, it was nice to see. I logged 201 miles this month, hitting my 1,500 Fitbit Mile badge on August 20. I'm currently at 1,564 miles towards my 2,023 miles in 2023 goal. My tracker says I'm on pace to finish on November 9th. I finished Agatha Christie And Then There were None, and the first book of the Percy Jackson series both of which were loaned from my daughters library (and are on her favorites bookshelf). Started the second book in the Percy Jackson series as well as Harry Potter Half Blood Prince (reading along with the Hogwarts Challenge). The Half Blood Prince is my favorite in the series – loved the flashbacks. It was my least favorite of the movies because it deviated too much from the book. My sweater is coming along, although did not knit as much as I planned. I still struggle to get in the water, but met my goal most days.

    Fall is my favorite time of the year. Not too cold, not too hot – no bugs. Looking forward to it tremendously. No big plans for September. My husband’s birthday is coming up- going to see “The 12”, a new musical based on the 12 disciples.

    Looking forward to the new month. Thank you everyone in this group for all your support and encouragement. Let's make September a month for the record books!

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    Hello, I’m Jill. 🥰I’m 53, 5’7” and I live in Michigan.

    My goals for August:

    🏡 Yardwork
    🤿 Swim
    📝 Log consistently
    🐶 Walk and train puppies
    🥗 Continue the high-protein, lower carb, lower fat plan

    Starting weight January 1st: 224.5
    January weight lost: 7.7 pounds
    February weight lost: 5 pounds
    March weight lost: 6 pounds
    April weight lost: 6.5 pounds
    May weight lost: 2.6 pounds
    June weight lost: 1.6 pounds
    July weight lost: 1.3 pounds

    1: 199.6 Moved my daughter back to college today. She starts her RA training tomorrow. So proud of her!
    2: 199.4 Feeling a bit sad. Missing her today. Guess I’ll cut the grass and work in the yard today for a little sun therapy.
    3: 200.4 Boing! Gotta get back to healthier snacking. Taking in carrots to work.
    4: 201.0
    5: 200.7 Must get back into logging food. 🪵
    6: 198.6 Boing, Boing, Boing!
    7: 198.6
    8: 198.6… love the consistency. 🥰 still need to log more.
    9: 199.6
    10: 198.8
    11: 200.2 Went to my best friend’s daughter’s wedding. 💒 It was so beautiful and the couple is so in love and happy. The crazy thing is that a tornado touched dow in Perry, MI and we were only 4 miles from there.
    12: Did not weigh
    13: 199.4 Happy Sunday! I walked my dogs this morning. My goal is to walk them at least once a day. Hopefully this will tire them out and they’ll stop digging holes in our yard. At least the potty training stage is over.
    14: 199.0
    15: 200.3
    16: 199.3
    17: 198.7
    18: 200.5 🪀 🪀 boing boing
    19: 200
    20: 198.7
    21: 198.5
    22: 198.1
    23: 198.4
    24: 198.1
    25: 200.1
    26: 200.5
    27: 200
    28: did not weigh
    29: 200.3
    30: 199.6

    Jill 🥰

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Hi! I’m a grandma of 8. 6 months ago I was diagnosed diabetic. My goal is to be able to stop taking drugs, and lower blood sugar. I’ve lost about 40 lbs. in the last 6 months, decreased my bp medication, and my blood sugar level has decreased.I count calories, swim, and do osteoporosis prevention aerobics.

    Starting weight: 230
    Goal weight: 120
    Height: 5’2”

    Monthly Weight Loss:
    March-10 lbs.
    April- 8 lbs.
    May- 5 lbs.
    June- 4.4 lbs. (trip to Europe)
    July- 5.6

    Aug. 16- 193.8 lbs. starting this challenge 1/2 way through. Don’t know what to expect. DH has a knee replacement surgery in a week. I’m his caregiver.
    Aug. 17-193.8 swam for an hour. Haven’t been swimming as the pool has been closed for 2weeks. We had a horrific incident and a man drowned. I feel a bit strange because of it. It’s terribly sad.
    Aug. 18-DW gentle aerobics class
    Aug. 19-194.4 ate some junk food last night, lots of salt, swam for 55 min.
    Aug. 20-192.4 woo hoo ! I hope it stays. This is a huge loss for me.
    Aug. 21-192.6. Still happy, aerobics, DH has surgery tomorrow, his knee replaced.
    Aug. 22- DW surgery went well!
    Aug. 23- 193 up we go! One of those things😳 DH is 🏡
    Aug. 24- 193.4 first class of water aerobics in 5 years
    Aug. 25- 192.2 gym aerobics. My weight loss is full of fluctuations . Sometimes , I know the reasons for it. Other times I’m baffled. It’s taken me a long time to accept the fluctuations and just be able to move forward.
    Aug. 26-191.6 swam
    Aug. 27-191.2 happy with this
    Aug. 28-190.4 I’m close to making my goal for this month😊
    Aug. 29-190.2 we’ll see, it will be close😉 2 days to meet that goal.
    Aug. 30-191 overate last night. Still, went to aerobics class. Going to try harder today.
    Aug. 31-

    @ddainiak congratulations on doing such a wonderful job during the month of August. You are a great inspiration to someone like me. I also think September is a beautiful month. This is the first challenge that I have ever tried. I doubt if I will meet my goal tomorrow but I still feel that it has been really worthwhile helping me stay on track. I’m looking forward to the next challenge for September.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 63 years old and from the Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from July 31st): 193.8
    Goal: 189.8 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    08/01-193.6-(Trend Weight 195.2)-

    08/02-194.6-(Trend Weight 195.2)-

    08/03-196.8-(Trend Weight 195.3)-

    08/04-195.4-(Trend Weight 195.3)-

    08/05-196.6-(Trend Weight 195.4)-

    08/06-197.6-(Trend Weight 195.6)-

    08/07-195.8-(Trend Weight 195.6)-

    08/08-194.6-(Trend Weight 195.6)-

    08/09-194.6-(Trend Weight 195.6)-

    08/10-195.2-(Trend Weight 195.6)-

    08/11-193.8-(Trend Weight 195.5)-

    08/12-192.6-(Trend Weight 195.2)-

    08/13-194.2-(Trend Weight 195.1)-

    08/14-194.2-(Trend Weight 195.1)-

    08/15-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/16-196.6-(Trend Weight 195.6)-

    08/17-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/18-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/19-198.0-(Trend Weight [b196.3[/b]x)-

    08/20-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/21-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/22-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/23-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    08/24-195.4-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    08/25-195.6-(Trend Weight 196.9)-

    08/26-197.6-(Trend Weight 196.9)-

    08/27-195.2-(Trend Weight 196.8)-

    08/28-193.6-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    08/29-191.8-(Trend Weight 196.0)- Finally some potty relief which showed up on the scale. Feeling so much better! I took my older friend out for dinner last night at a new little restaurant that opened recently about 16 miles down the road. It’s a little dive because it opened in a very old place that had been closed for 20 years. You can imagine the critter residue as it pretty much sits in the middle of the woods with nothing around it for miles and miles. It took a long time to get through all the inspections and water testing (new well) but it finally opened. In small towns like mine, we like to support small local business and each other so lots of people were there to enjoy and congratulate. It really is a little Andy Griffith-like in small towns like mine so, of course, we had to go. I chose my dinner carefully which kept the calories and carbs down. It was a nice evening. I finally inched my way back into a tiny bit of exercise yesterday after such tummy pain. I can feel my guts are still slightly inflamed but at least their not full! Raining and gloomy here today so handymen will be shifting gears and working inside. They were originally scheduled to replace a pipe on the roof. I won’t be able to exercise until this evening but will push myself to get it in. I’m usually so tired in the evenings, especially when it’s raining so heavily. It’s dark (need the lights on) and cold. I’m about ready to turn on the heat. Very strange weather in August, even for Michigan.

    08/30-192.2-(Trend Weight 195.6)- I’m not sure why the scale jumped up. A fluctuation I suppose. My diet was very much on point, however, the exercise was non-existent so maybe that’s it. Trend weight has been going down dramatically each day so that is a good sign of my efforts. I travel tomorrow to see the endocrinologist for my diabetes. Lunch will be out and I am craving Chicken Alfredo. Pasta is something I don’t get to eat often on my plan. I realize the scale will not like it the following day (Friday) but I don’t think there will be any lasting damage as I plan to have a clean eating weekend. I will also strive to come home and make good choices for my dinner or snacks. I do not need to blow the whole day and eat stupid *kitten* late into the night just because I had a little pasta! It’s a plan!

    08/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-