Trying again

howesara88 Posts: 1 Member
I've failed every diet I've ever tried. I weighed in at over 400 at my Dr's. But I'm trying again. Can I get some encouragement. I have to stick with it this time.
My dr made me sign a paper saying healthy diet or no focus meds. Amongst many other things I signed off on. So my hand is truly being forced.
I hope to lose 200 lbs and that's going to take more patience than I think I have.
But I got over the trauma that led me to get this fat so there's that.


  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,735 Member
    howesara88 wrote: »
    I've failed every diet I've ever tried. I weighed in at over 400 at my Dr's. But I'm trying again. Can I get some encouragement. I have to stick with it this time.
    My dr made me sign a paper saying healthy diet or no focus meds. Amongst many other things I signed off on. So my hand is truly being forced.
    I hope to lose 200 lbs and that's going to take more patience than I think I have.
    But I got over the trauma that led me to get this fat so there's that.

    The good news is, that, at 400 pounds, you can make some relatively minor changes that will make a big difference. The first thing I would do is, stop drinking any calories (i.e. no regular soda, lattes, juices, smoothies, or shakes.). From there, you can slowly start making some other small changes.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Sure, 200 pounds would feel overwhelming. How about you take it 10 pounds at a time? Do you use a weight trend app like Libra (Android) or Happy Scale (iphone?) With Happy Scale, you set milestones.

    I agree with the advice to "slowly start making some other small changes."

    You're in this for the long haul Enjoy the Non Scale Victories on the way. For example:
    • Your joints will start to hurt less.
    • You'll have more energy. (Assuming you're not undereating. Don't undereat.)
    • You'll sleep better.
    • Your clothes will fit better.
    • You'll fit in chairs better.

    All this will happen before you've lost anywhere near 200 pounds :smiley:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Oh, and I totally empathize with trauma-related weight gain.
  • MinnieEden
    MinnieEden Posts: 2 Member
    I know 200lbs feels overwhelming but you can do it.. try to make minor changes and log everything because it will teach you so much and when you start to see the line of your weight loss graph go down it will motivate you so much.. I lost 7 stone last time I did this and doing what I mentioned above really kept me focused and motivated. I’ve finally just started again after I gained most of it back through lockdown and I plan on doing what I suggested.. GL and if you need some motivation you’re more than welcome to add me ☺️
  • nmgrover13
    nmgrover13 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m in the same boat. Hit over 400lbs and finally saw a nutritionist and endocrinologist. My doctors are amazing and gave me a goal of losing 10% of my weight before the end of the year. Before, I was just thinking “I need to lose 200+lbs” now my mindset is “I need to lose 40lbs”
    This makes it more achievable and sustainable. It can be hard to make these changes, but you can do it :)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Did your Dr. then prescribe a particular diet or recommend a dietitian or left you to fend for yourself?
  • fern52464
    fern52464 Posts: 1 Member
    Don’t give up I have been on this journey now for 5 years. This Ap really makes it easy to keep track. Small changes just like everyone is telling you is the key. Otherwise if you deprive yourself all at once will not stick with it. There is a book called Healty Gut Reset by Kara Holmes. Because of all the processed foods we consume many people have what’s called leaky gut and it does not allow you lose weight until it is fixed. She breaks everything down for you and gives you a healthy alternative that will help you reset your gut and help you to lose weight. I am the kind of person. That needs a plan to follow. If this is you I highly suggest you pick up this book it helped me finally see some progress. Good luck to you and please keep us posted. <3
  • howesara88 wrote: »
    I've failed every diet I've ever tried. I weighed in at over 400 at my Dr's. But I'm trying again. Can I get some encouragement. I have to stick with it this time.
    My dr made me sign a paper saying healthy diet or no focus meds. Amongst many other things I signed off on. So my hand is truly being forced.
    I hope to lose 200 lbs and that's going to take more patience than I think I have.
    But I got over the trauma that led me to get this fat so there's that.

    Happy to be on your team. It's not my first time either. My heaviest was 365 15 years ago. I lost 100 lbs, gained moat back, lost 50 lbs, etc. I restarted at the first of the year at 315 and am down 50 lbs.

    It feels different for me this time. I think because I'm finding my own way and made health related goals that were more specific than lose weight.

    Do you have a plan to follow?
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,067 Member
    smaller goals are much less overwhelming. maybe start by just weighing all your food and logging it, just to get used to it and seeing what you'll see. then try replacing something you like to eat with a lighter version? experiment till you find one that's tasty. i lost 60 pounds doing just food substitutions and short walks. you can do this!
  • wilddwood
    wilddwood Posts: 5 Member
    A lot of really great advice here that I would echo. I have restarted my yourney after gaining about 10 of the 60lbs I lost during lock down. Initially I started with meal meal prep, weighing everything, and logging all of my foods. I also started walking daily, a couple of miles, which led to some jogging after losing a good portion of the weight. Lastly, I did A LOT of research around the number of calories I should be eating in a day, with and without exercise, and discovered yhat I was grossly under eating which was working against my weight-loss goals. Good luck, I know that it can be overwhelming but you can do it! Remember to start small, one change at a time, as overwhelming yourself allows room for those negative thoughts ot creep in. Feel free to add me.😊