I wonder...



  • itchmyTwitch
    itchmyTwitch Posts: 4,019 Member
    jbs116 wrote: »
    Revolu7 wrote: »
    I wonder how much better off the world would be if money was never invented

    The strong would be in charge, the weaker would serve them. There would be no law and order since nobody works for free. Their would be less technology and innovation, just what was needed to barter goods as currency. I think the world would still be the have and have nots....just would be a flip flop of who has the power and who doesnt in todays money filled world.....

    Pretty much this I imagine. There would not only be less technology but possibly no industrialized nations. There would be no less evil in the world because money is not evil… man is.

    “ not all men”
  • jasond2424
    jasond2424 Posts: 100 Member
    I wonder if people notice that I accidentally stare at them.

    I honestly wonder this alot. Like what is going through people's minds when they look at me or when I look at them.
  • nonchalantxo
    nonchalantxo Posts: 570 Member
    Dino farts must be rotten 🤣


  • capgordon6530
    capgordon6530 Posts: 212 Member
    What do u think when u see me go