🍃🍂September Daily Weigh-in and Logging Challenge🍂🍃



  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,797 Member
    🍂🍃Hello, I’m Jill. 🥰I’m 53, 5’7” and I live in Michigan.

    My goals for September :
    ⚖️ weigh in daily
    🏡 Yardwork
    📝 Log consistently
    🦮🦮Walk and train puppies
    🥗 Continue the high-protein, lower carb, lower fat plan- stay within calories

    Starting weight January 1st: 224.5
    January weight lost: 7.7 pounds
    February weight lost: 5 pounds
    March weight lost: 6 pounds
    April weight lost: 6.5 pounds
    May weight lost: 2.6 pounds
    June weight lost: 1.6 pounds
    July weight lost: 1.3 pounds
    August weight lost: up 1 pound

    1: 200.6 Happy September 1st!
    2: 199.6
    3: 199.3
    4: 200.8
    5: 200.9
    6: 202.2… time to get it back together
    7: 201.6
    8: 201.4
    9: 200.4… now I’m below my September 1st weight. Mini goal success!
    10: 199.6 good to be back below 200. 🫧
    11: 199.5
    12: 200.3 hmmm 🤔
    13: 200.3 ⚖️🦮🦮
    14: 199.5 ⚖️ 🦮🦮📝✅
    15: 199 ⚖️🦮🦮📝✅
    16: 199.4 ⚖️📝✅
    17: 200.5 ⚖️📝✅
    18: 200 ⚖️📝✅
    19: 200.6 ⚖️📝✅
    20: 199.5⚖️📝✅
    21: 199.1⚖️🦮🦮📝✅
    22: 198.7⚖️🦮🦮📝✅
    23: 198.8⚖️📝✅
    24: 199⚖️📝✅
    25: DNW too crazy of a day… but it’s winding down nicely📝✅
    26: 198.2 ⚖️
    27: 198.8 ⚖️ didn’t log yesterday and it felt strange. I guess I’m missing my good habit. 😄 Today I’ll log.
    28: 199.4⚖️
    29: 199.8⚖️ I have been off my game without logging and keeping myself in check. I overindulged with nachos while watching the Detroit Lions beat the Green Bay Packers. The game was awesome although I fell asleep watching it. Anyway my goal is to stay below 200 for tomorrow’s final September weigh in.

    Later this morning I’ll be posting the October challenge. Happy Friday!!


  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 486 Member
    Hi, I'm a 50 yo married female, 5'6", and tired of looking and feeling like I do. I’m making changes to get out of the Obese category, to look good in my clothing, and to have confidence in public again.

    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    Starting Weight Aug 2023: 212.7

    September Goals:
    Lose 2 lbs. | Consistently log food | Bike &/or Treadmill 4 days a week | Aim for 7 hours sleep/day

    1 Sep: 207.1
    2 Sep: 206.6
    3 Sep: 207.1 - We had chips+ with our salads yesterday. Still logged it all, but knew the number would go up. Also entering cycle bloat, so this will fluctuate over the next week. Cycles are in sometimes mode, and irregular with M, so who knows right now. : )
    4 Sep: 208.6 - Bloat + an open bag of pretzels. But it's back to food & exercise plan today. :)
    5 Sep: 207.6
    6 Sep: 206.7
    7 Sep: 206.8
    8 Sep: 206.9
    9 Sep: 208.2 -- Pizza & sodium. I haven't had pizza in weeks and to be honest, when we went to bed last night, both my husband and I felt gross after greasy food and we both said we're looking forward to salads tomorrow. :) This morning I'm going to Instapot a bunch of chicken breasts that we can use on salads and in soup for the week ahead. I'm glad we've detoxed enough to notice how less healthy food feels when we have it. It's been a while since we could tell the difference.
    10 Sep: 208.1
    11 Sep: 209.8 :|
    12 Sep: 207.9
    13 Sep: 207.7
    14 Sep: 206.6
    15 Sep: 205.8 :)
    16 Sep: 205.9
    17 Sep: 207.3
    18 Sep: 207.2
    19 Sep: DNW - Vaca Away
    20 Sep: DNW - Vaca Away
    21 Sep: DNW - Vaca Away
    22 Sep: 208.3 - Ok with this number. This will come down as TMI evens out, salts decrease, back to standard foods, etc.
    23 Sep: 207.2 - I'm hoping we can do healthy, low sodium meals for a bit here, so I can get back to that 205 number before the end of the month. I know it's only 2 lbs, but it's 2 lbs.
    24 Sep: 207.9 - meh
    25 Sep: 209.0
    26 Sep: 207.9
    27 Sep: 208.1
    28 Sep: 207.8
    29 Sep: 205.7
    30 Sep:
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    My wife and I attempt to do intermittent fasting (IF). We usually eat breakfast at 10 am and dinner at 4 pm. That gives us a 6-hour eating window and 18 hours of fasting. We are pretty good at this routine when we pay attention and life doesn't get in the way.

    Yesterday we kind of fell off the (IF) train eating early and late. Also didn't eat well because my wife made zucchini bread attempting to finish off our bumper crop of zucchini. We felt obligated to sample a little too much Z-bread, shattering our eating window and overstressing the scale this morning.

    Our challenge will be to finish off Sep with a little more discipline. Only 2 days left.

    Sep 4 - Sep 10:190.0 -185.2 (4.8 Lbs) week-one
    Sep 11-Sep 17 185.2 -184.0 (1.2 lbs) week-two Total (6 lbs)
    Sep:18-Sep25: 184.0 -184.0 (0.0 lbs) week three total (6 lbs)
    Sep 25: 184.0
    Sep 26: 184.0
    Sep 27: 184.0
    Sep 28: 184.6
    Sep 29: 185.4
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 486 Member
    ddainiak wrote: »
    Sep 29 174.8 Rainy day today - have to get my steps inside - always a tough one for me.

    What do you use for walking inside? I'm thinking of going back to my Leslie Sansone videos (lots of them are on YouTube now). I go through phases where I want to do them religiously, or I don't want anything to do with them.
    Also didn't eat well because my wife made zucchini bread attempting to finish off our bumper crop of zucchini. We felt obligated to sample a little too much Z-bread, shattering our eating window and overstressing the scale this morning.

    My husband and I love zucchini bread. It's so difficult to resist. If you have any zucchini left over, can you bake any of that in the oven or an air fryer? Sometimes I'll get a huge bundle of zucchini on the expiring produce shelf at the grocery store. We chop it all up and bake it with just a light coating of olive oil, to keep it from burning. We'll have it with chicken and maybe baked pepper. And it will keep for a day or two in the fridge too, if you cook up a ton of it. You can have so much of it and it's super low in calories. (Please ignore if you're already doing this)

    Happy Friday, everyone.

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,240 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 63 years old and from the Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from Aug 31st): 191.8
    Goal: 187.8 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    09/01-193.2-(Trend Weight 195.0)-

    09/02-192.2-(Trend Weight 194.7)-

    09/03-NWP-(Trend Weight 194.7)-

    09/04-193.6-(Trend Weight 194.6)-

    09/05-192.0-(Trend Weight 194.3)-

    09/06-192.0-(Trend Weight 194.1)-

    09/07-191.0-(Trend Weight 193.8)-

    09/08-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    09/09-192.0-(Trend Weight 193.6)-

    09/10-194.2-(Trend Weight 193.7)-

    09/11-192.4-(Trend Weight 193.6)-

    09/12-191.2-(Trend Weight 193.4)-

    09/13-191.0-(Trend Weight 193.1)-

    09/14-191.0-(Trend Weight 192.9)-

    09/15-189.8-(Trend Weight 192.6)-

    09/16-190.6-(Trend Weight 192.4)-

    09/17-190.4-(Trend Weight 192.3)-

    09/18-190.4-(Trend Weight 192.1)-

    09/19-190.0-(Trend Weight 191.9)-

    09/20-189.2-(Trend Weight 191.7)-

    09/21-187.6-(Trend Weight 191.2)-

    09/22-188.0-(Trend Weight 190.9)-

    09/23-187.8-(Trend Weight 190.6)-

    09/24-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    09/25-188.8-(Trend Weight 190.4)-

    09/26-187.6-(Trend Weight 190.1)-

    09/27-187.6-(Trend Weight 189.8)-

    09/28-188.4-(Trend Weight 189.7)- Hey look! I marked off my 190’s on my colorful chart. This is not the first time I’ve done this so I hope it sticks this time. I had an unexpected and unfair reading on the scale today so I’m having my hissy fit about now. My food was on point and my exercise was good yesterday. I slept well and my TMI was okay. No explanation for it but again, it’s never linear so I’ll have to take my peaks with my valleys on this journey. I’m just happy that even when I fluctuate now, I am still in the 180’s.

    09/29-188.6-(Trend Weight 189.6)- I was way under calorie but way over carbs. Just not the right food combinations for my macros and it was such a busy day that I didn’t have time to keep tweaking. I wondered what this would mean for the scale. Weight up a tad, trend weight down a tad. Up early this morning for the school bus with DGS. Today I take him in for a haircut as we prep for school pics next week. I love the time I get to spend with him although I always dread the early mornings/lack of sleep on Fridays. Gotta push water today. I realized I’ve not had more than 4 or 6 oz per day for the past couple of days which may have contributed to the explained uptick day before yesterday that I’m still fighting.

    09/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,240 Member
    @jm216 Thanks so much for posting the October challenge. I'm in! Here is the link below for everyone to bookmark.

  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,289 Member
    edited September 2023
    I'm Janice...54 yrs old, married 26 years with 4 kids, One 24 week old grandbaby and a small zoo :D I live in Edmonton.Alberta,Canada and I work for Hallmark. I am an avid cyclist...I love to walk, hike, spin class, BodyCombat and BodyPump. I sometimes teach spin classes at a friends gym. I also like to read(audiobooks) and watch movies!!😁
    9 year breast cancer survivor...Osteoarthritis in most of my joints...limited range of motion in my knees, but all bearable for now..
    Highest weight:197.6
    1. Following my Les Mills September calendar
    2. Yoga
    3. Tracking everything
    4. Journaling
    September WI
    1 - 154.2 - up again but not sad about it - ate out - BFF's birthday yesterday <3
    2 - 154.2 - Just glad it's leveled out again :)
    3 - 154.2 - 🍷🍷
    4 - 154.4 - 😡😡
    5 - 154.2 - 😞
    6 - 154 - WHOOP!! :D
    7 - 154 - Turtle - Turtle :/
    8 - 154.2 - sorry fell behind - friend's out from BC for week...but I will stay the course🤔
    9 - 154.2 - 🍷🍷🍷
    10 - 154.2 🍷🍷🍷
    11 - 154 - Took long enough to get back to this...Weekend was a bit crazy but tried not to let it get too out of control...
    12 - 154 - guessing I'll sit here for a bit - friends have headed back - sure gonna miss them - they are just calming beautiful souls and I love having
    them around <3
    13 - 154 - uuuhhhgggg :/:/
    14 - 153.8 - IT MOVED :D Motorcycle burnout
    show - too fun but only had a burger - got to see
    my nephew <3 Don't get to see him often - busy
    15 - 153.8 - now to maintain for another week :'(
    16 - 154 - 🍷🍷🍷🍷 Too much wine last night😁
    17 - 153.8 - 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 lots of water
    18 - 153.6 - 😁
    19 - 153.6
    20 - 153.4 - 😁😁😁

    21 - 153.4 - Spent a few days at the trailer ...just me and the pups - It was wonderfully quiet <3<3
    22 - 153.6 - should have expected that...
    23 - 153.6
    24 - 154 - 🍷🍷🍷🍷
    25 - 154 - Family Dinner - too much food❤️
    26 - 154 - went out for pasta and then to a movie with my daughter and her boyfriend ...'Expendables 4' ...too much popcorn 😬😬😬
    27 - 154.6 - fully deserved...
    28 - 154.6 - busy days - long road cycle training - last solo race on Saturday and I'm crossing my fingers it isn't raining...🤞🤞
    29 - 154.2 - Still raining...temps are dropping...so sad 😢😢
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,289 Member
    edited September 2023
    @ddainiak Such a beautiful place to walk...I love waterfalls <3 Glad it was nothing serious...Maggie is always picking up burr's...it's her fur :#

    @ManifestingToday I always have a lot of zucchini from the garden - I slice it...blanch it for 2 minutes...let it cool and freeze it...then it's great for bakes or zucchini bread through the winter :D

    @stormywxs288 The dreaded zucchini bread :D:D
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,797 Member
    The 🐈‍⬛🎃October challenge 🐈‍⬛🎃is now posted:


    See you there!

  • Rinoga
    Rinoga Posts: 263 Member
    Hi! I’m Athena, I’m 33, divorced, and am 5’. I was in Jill’s challenges heavily last year and the year before that and saw great progress, I got to 139. I went back into old habits and have been fluctuating between 155 and 153. I’m ready to start making progress again!

    Starting weight: 153
    Goal weight: 126
    Month goal: 151


    🍂 Drink 3 jugs of water a day
    🍃 Work out 4Xs a week
    🍂 Portion control
    🍃 Track weight

    Sept. 6: 153
    Sept. 7: 153
    Sept. 8: 153 🏃‍♀️
    Sept. 9: 153 💃
    Sept. 10: 153 🏃‍♀️
    Sept. 11: 153 🏃‍♀️
    Sept. 12: 153 💪
    Sept. 13: 152 🏃‍♀️
    Sept. 14: 153 💃
    Sept. 15: 152
    Sept. 16: 151 🏃‍♀️
    Sept. 17: 152
    Sept. 18: 152 🏃‍♀️
    Sept. 19: 152 💪
    Sept. 20: 152 🏃‍♀️
    Sept. 21: 152
    Sept. 22: 151 🏃‍♀️
    Sept. 23: - 🚶‍♀️
    Sept. 24: 152 🏃‍♀️
    Sept. 25: 151 🧹
    Sept. 26: 152 💪
    Sept. 27: 151 🏃‍♀️
    Sept. 28: 151
    Sept. 29: 151 🏃‍♀️
    Sept. 30:
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    My name is Kelly. I am 52 and watch my grandkids 5 days a week. I watch 4 of them 5 days a weeks and 6 on Wednesdays so I keep busy with babies all week. They are all 3yrs and under. I weigh weekly. This daily group accountability is awesome! I absolutely love this group.

    Goals for September:
    Walk for 30 minutes a day 6 days a week
    Log all my food daily
    Hit at least 10,000 steps 6 days a week
    Strength training...what I can tolerate and build from there
    Hit my original goal weight of 150

    I am going to be transitioning slowly to a maintaining phase of my journey. But I think I do want to get into the mid 140's. So, I want to take this month to lose weight but slow the process down. I will be doing my morning 5 mile walks during the week but I won't push myself to get the same amount of steps each day. I think about 12-15k per day will be good. I will be adding strength training. I have never been good at maintaining so this will be a learning process and I want to slow my weight loss down and gradually get there.

    September SW:155
    September GW:150 or a few pounds into 140's
    UGW:150 or below

    1. Logged, rest day
    2. Logged, walked, 10k+
    3. Logged, walked, 10k+, strength training
    4. Logged, walked, 10k+, strength training
    5. Logged, walked, 15k+, strength training
    6. Logged, walked, 15k+, weight 154.4
    7. Logged, walked, 16k+, strength training
    8. Logged, walked, 17k+, strength training
    9. Logged, walked, 11k+
    10. Logged, strength training
    11. Logged, walked, 14k+
    12. Logged, walked, 15k+, strength training
    13. Logged, walked, 15k+, weight 152
    14. Logged, walked, 15k+, strength training
    15. Logged, walked, 13k+, strength training
    16. Logged, walked, 10k+
    17. Logged, strength training
    18. Logged, walked, 17k+
    19. Logged, walked, 16k+, strength training
    20. Logged, walked, 16k+, weight 148.4
    21. Logged, walked, 17k+, strength training
    22. Logged, walked, 11k+
    23. Logged, strength training
    24. Logged, strength training
    25. Logged, MIA
    26. Logged, MIA
    27. Logged, MIA
    28. Logged, MIA
    29. Logged, walked, 16k+, strength training

    Sorry for the long absence on posting. I was sick and literally had no energy to do internet posting. I was doing all I could to do all I could. lol
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hi. I’m a grandma of 8. I’d like to get healthy and to like how I look. Since Covid, I just kind of stopped caring. I’m back in the game, and seriously motivated.

    Starting weight: 230
    Goal weight: 120
    Height: 5’2”
    Sept. Goal: lose the weight gained after Sept. 22

    Monthly Weight Loss:
    March-10 lbs.
    April- 8 lbs.
    May- 5 lbs.
    June- 4.4 lbs. (trip to Europe)
    July- 5.6
    August-7 lbs. joined a ‘challenge’

    Sept. 1- 190.4 up from yesterday
    Sept. 2- 190
    Sept. 3- 189.6 1hour swim
    Sept. 4- 189.8 osteo aerobics
    Sept. 5- DNW
    Sept. 6- 191.2 overate carbs and calories again. Going to make more effort to lower my carb level, and up my protein. Aerobics. I will try harder to get back and stay in the 80’s🙂
    Sept. 7-DNW overate ( won’t call it a binge )
    Sept. 8-DNW overate, spoke to nutritionist, May be limiting calories too much, leads to a binge
    Sept. 9-189.4 whaaa? 1 hr. Swim
    Sept. 10- 188🙂
    Sept. 11- 188 osteo aerobics
    Sept. 12- 188.2
    Sept. 13- 188.4 didn’t get any exercise yesterday, and a lot of sodium. It shows. Will try harder today.
    Sept. 14- 188.4
    Sept. 15- DNW. Went a little nuts
    Sept. 16- 187.6 I’m still learning what my body needs. Trying to find a happy balance. Going for a swim.
    Sept. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 - DNW sick, ate junk
    Sept. 23- 191.8. I did this to myself.
    Sept. 24- 191.4. Lovely 1 hour swim. Updated my Sept. goal, more realistic.
    Sept. 25- 190. Osteo aerobics
    Happy to see the drop. 2 more lbs. to lose to get where I was before I got sick. Not sure if I can do it by the end of the month, but trying.
    Sept. 26- 190.6 swim
    Sept. 27-188.8 happy with the drop in weight. I really hope it stays. 4 course catered dinner tonight. I’ll try and bank calories today. Osteo aerobics
    Sept. 28- 188. Wonderful party last night. Drank a glass of champagne. Calories over very slightly. Aquafit today.
    Sept. 29- 188.8 darn! Only one more day to make this month count
    Sept. 30-

    This month hasn’t been my best. I hope I redeem myself tomorrow. Ate a hearty, but homemade meal tonight.
  • StirredIntention
    StirredIntention Posts: 227 Member
    Monthly goals:
    Log all my food 🥙
    Work out 3x/week 🏃‍♀️
    8 glasses of water💧
    Make something 🧶

    Sept 23: 🥙 I logged everything, but that's about it. I'm sick for the 3rd weekend in a row and hoping it clears up before I go back to work tomorrow. I had a big loss on the scale this week, which has been a nice encouragement.

    Sept 24:🥙 Logged everything!

    Sept 25: 🥙 Logged and came in under calorie goal! My cold is finally clearing up and I'm planning on making it to the gym tomorrow. The rain has drowned out the kids sports this week so I had some unexpected free evenings 🙌

    Sept 26: 🥙 Logged my food. In a funk but making in through the day.

    Sept 27: 🥙 Logged my food but went over my calorie goal. Back at it again tomorrow and working on increasing my steps/work outs.

    Sept 28: 🥙 Logged my food and was under goal 🎉

    Sept 29: 🥙 Logged and went way over - but totally worth it. Went out with the family for a nice dinner after a long week. Had a great night out with live music and the best fries ever made.

    Sept 30:
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,935 Member
    Hello I'm Darlene. I am 63, married, (Greg), have one daughter, 29 (Allyson) and one 4-year-old Goldendoodle, Monty. I have been with this group since April of this year. I love this group.

    Happy Fall

    September Goals 🍂
    Lose 4 pounds ⚖️
    Hit the 1,750 mile marker towards my 2,023 in 2,023. 🏃‍♂️
    16k Steps Daily 👣
    Drink 6-8 Glasses of Water Daily 💦
    Strength Train 3 days a week💪
    Tai Chi or Some Stretching exercise 1 day a week 🧘
    Log my food daily 🖥️
    Read 📖
    Do something creative daily - Knit, Crochet, Color, puzzel etc. 🧶 🖍️ 🧩
    ⚖️ 🏃‍♂️👣💦💪🧘 🖥️ 📖🧶 🖍️ 🧩

    Weight Loss to Date: 48.2 Pounds
    July Ending Weight: 179.8

    Sep 1: 179.8 👣💦💪🖥️📖🧶 🖍️
    Sep 2: 179.6 👣💦🖥️📖 🖍️
    Sep 3: 179.8👣💦 🖥️ 🧶 🖍️
    Sep 4: 179.4👣💦 🖥️ 📖🧶
    Sep 5: 179.2 👣 💦🖥️ 📖
    Sep 6: 179 💦🧘🖥️We are refinishing our hallway/pantry floor this week, so emptied the pantry, washed the shelves and painted. Busy day - starting refinishing the floors today. It's surprising how much stuff I had in that pantry closet. My living room is filled with junk! Can't wait for it to be finished so I can put my house back in order. Met my 1,600 mile marker yesterday! 😁
    Sep 7: 178.6 😁 💦 🖥️ 🖍️ Had a snag in the refinishing yesterday - After sanding for a couple hours yesterday, realized the floors are in worse shape than we thought. The machine we rented wasn't powerful enough to go down as far as we need; so we returned it. Renting a different kind today - hoping it will work! If not, I think we'll need to rip it up and put down a new floor. Regardless, when they are done I will be happy- now a dusty, messy house! YUCK!
    Sep 8: 179.6 😠 👣 💦🖥️ 🖍️ It's what I "sort of" expected. Didn't eat all day yesterday until dinnertime. (Working on the floors). I didn't want to cook when were done, so we order a plain cheese pizza. Under my calories for the day, but the sodium gets me every time. On a good note, we finished sanding the floors, and they came out really nice. Today we put the polyurethane one (keeping natural); it has to dry for a couple days and then I can move the stuff back in. Then a full day (or two) of cleaning the rest of the rooms. Even though you put up plastic to keep the dust out - it travels everywhere! Can't wait!
    Sep 9: 179.8 😠💦🖥️🧶Don't like the direction I'm going. Hoping it will swish down when I get back into my normal routine. Although I walked yesterday - it was in little spirts - a mile at a time. Although I stayed within my calorie budget, didn't have time to make healty things and didn't eat at regular times. Was ravenous at the end of the day and had salty cashews before I went to bed. On a better note, two coats of polyurethane down. Two (or three if we need it) more today. It's getting close!
    Sep 10: 179.6 😐 👣💦💪 🖥️ 🧶The floor has one more coat to go - then touch up any spots at the end; it needs to dry overnight and then I can start moving the stuff back in. Last night I woke up and couldn't sleep - since there is only one more light sand left I cleaned the family room (the farthest room from the foyer). There was even dust INSIDE the TV cabinet - had to take everything out, dust and put everything back. Hoping that it was worth my effort and it doesn't get dusty again today. Thinking about how much I needed to deep clean anyway and how sparkly my house will be next week. 😉
    Sep 11: 179.4 👣💦💪 🖥️ 📖 Floors done, kitchen and family room (second time) cleaned. Today can put the shelves back in, and filled. Just need to keep the stuff off the floor. Also is Hubby's birthday today, so will celebrate tonight with dinner of his choice.
    Sep 12: 179.4 👣💦💪 🖥️ 📖 🖍️ We ended up going out to dinner on the lake. I had a lovely peach and Burrata salad, but with the glass of beer and dessert (and a couple of hubby's fries), went over my calorie limit. When I got home, I worked off the extra so I could end the day under. This was the view of the lake with a beautiful rainbow.
    Sep 13: 178.6 😁👣💦💪 🖥️ 📖And look at that! A little normalcy and whoosh! The pantry is back in order - just my office left to clean (my old dining room). It was messy to begin with so it will be nice to get it done. Here's my organized pantry!
    Sep 14: 178.6 👣💦🖥️ 🖍️ Trivia last night; made some good choices. I had a burger, without the bun, and a side salad instead of fries. A seltzer with lemon instead of the beer. We tied for third place with a score of 0! LOL. For the last question, you can answer and get it right to double your score for the whole game, do nothing and keep your score, or answer and get it wrong and lose all your points for the game. A lot of teams guessed, we all got it wrong, so we all tied for third. The top two teams didn't answer. Unfortunately, we lost the tie breaker so didn't come up with a prize this week. (They give gift certificates to the restaurant to come back another time). We haven't been in a few weeks, I forgotten what great fun it is.
    Sep 15: 178.4 👣💦💪 🖥️ 🖍️ We made 2 gallons of homemade salsa yesterday with the abundance of tomatoes and peppers in the garden. Yummy; but ate a few chips - made sure I drank plenty of water to compensate and it looks ok so far. Sometimes it shows up the next day though, we'll see tomorrow.
    Sep 16: 177.2 😁 👣💦🧘 🖥️ Woo Hoo! I still don't understand the body - but I'll take it. I've offically (for today anyway) lost 50+ pounds since I started this journey in January. Today we are going to the Goodspeed Opera House to see a musical. Every year we get tickets to see some show for my daughter for her birthday (in May). This year she picked "The 12 -Jerusalem. The disciples are in disarray. Torn apart by the unthinkable death of their leader, see how twelve ordinary individuals come together to create one of the most powerful movements ever known. A universal story of love that you will never forget!" Really looking forward to it. Also celebrating Greg's birthday again today with her - He decided Thai Food - so am looking to see what is the best option. Any suggestions?
    Sep 17: 177 💦💪 🖥️ 📖 Went to my husband's cousin's house today - It's an all day affair. She is in her 90's and lives alone, no children; hubby passed a couple of years ago and she doesn't drive. Greg calls her every day to make sure she is ok, I shop for her groceries and necessities. Unfortunately, she lives an hour and a half away so can't get there as much as we would like. But she is doing well, and fortunately has wonderful neighbors. It's always a nice visit. Had to walk on the treadmill last night instead of my morning walk - managed to get in my 4 miles (my new mini goal), but didn't get my 16K steps.
    Sep 18: 176.8 😁 👣💦💪🧘 🖥️ 📖Tonight is bingo night with Mom. I always leave a little wiggle room on the calories when I go, because somehow there is always some kind of dessert that end up nibbling on.
    Sep 19: 176.4 😁👣💦💪 🖥️ 📖
    Sep 20: 176.8 - 👣💦💪🧘 🖥️ 📖Made a delicious soup yesterday; low in calories but had canned tomatoes in it , so a little higher in sodium than is good for me - and I had two bowls. Should come down pretty quickly. On a good note - I hit the 1,700 mile mark. 😁
    Sep 21: 176.4 I just notice that the last couple days I had myself in the 160's - wishful thinking - No I didn't lose 10+ pounds in a day. HA!
    Sep 22: ☹️177 👣💦💪 🖥️ 📖
    Sep 23: 😁175.6 ⚖️👣 💦 🖥️ 📖
    Sep 24: 175.8 ⚖️ 👣💦 🖥️ 📖I didn't notice that I met my 4 pound goal yesterday; I hope I can maintain it (or more) to meet my monthly goal. We slipped in our walk between the raindrops - just got a little wet. Surprising there were a lot of people on the trail yesterday.
    Sep 25: 175.6 ⚖️ 🏃‍♂️👣💦🧘 🖥️ 🖍️ Bingo night with Mom; will save some calories for the unexpected desserts that they always bring. It's pouring here, and will all day - so an inside walk. I get bored easily on the treadmill so break it into 1-2 mile at a time. Will probably not make my 16K steps - but will make up for that the rest of the week.
    Sep 26: 174.8 😁 ⚖️ 🏃‍♂️👣💦💪 🖥️ 🧩That was a nice surprise this morning. Visiting Allyson this afternoon; she has the day off today (worked this weekend so gets a day off in the week). She has a couple of Daddy Dos that need to be done.
    Sep 27 174.8 😁 ⚖️ 🏃‍♂️👣💦💪🧘 🖥️ 🧩Monty is fine; just gave us a fright when refused to go on. I guess I wouldn't want to walk with that in my toes either. I made my walking goal for the month - at 1,780 miles so far this year. Woo Hoo! Now I need to keep off the weight to make my weight goal. Not much on the agenda today - decided to skip Trivia tonight.
    Sep 28 175.2 ⚖️ 🏃‍♂️👣💦💪🧘 🖥️ 📖🧩 Can't believe it is almost October. The year has just flown by! Holding on to the 4 pound goal by the skin of my teeth; but am confident I will make it.
    Sep 29 174.8 ⚖️ 🏃‍♂️👣💦 🖥️ 📖🧩Rainy day today - have to get my steps inside - always a tough one for me.
    Sep 30 174.2 Happy end of September. Crummy end of the month, my Husband wasn't feeling well for the last couple of days. I convinced him to take a Covid test last night and he tested positive. I'm still feeling fine - but it is probably inevitable that I get it. Fingers crossed that it stays away. Another rainy day today - but since I am trying to keep my distance - will spend it in the workout room. LOL!
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,935 Member
    edited September 2023
    September Reflection

    Down 5.6 pounds this month. Very happy with that. I am down almost 54 pounds to date.

    I logged 206 miles on my Fitbit, 1,781 year to date. My tracker says that I should make my 2,023 Fitbit miles in 2023 on November 7 (if I continue with this pace). I have added a dance exercise to my weekly routine – found “Ger Fit With Rick” on YouTube and am enjoying it tremendously. I especially like the ones without commentary. I also found SeniorShape Fitness which I use for my strength training.

    I created a new mini goal this month. I thought it would be nice to be able to say I did a 10K on Jan 1 2024. So am upping my morning walk by ½ mile each month from now until December.

    I upped my walk to 4 ½ miles every morning and completed that every day since I announced it. Tomorrow I will move to 5 miles. I’m also planning my goal for 2,024 – and think that instead of counting ALL fitbit miles – I will only count my intentional miles. At least that is the plan for now.

    I read The Half Blood Prince this month, following along with the Harry Potter Challenge that I am in. It is my favorite in the series, least favorite book.

    The garden is just about completed. A few stray tomatoes, banana peppers, and a couple of very small green peppers. We also have two watermelons – but we picked one a couple weeks ago and not pink inside, so are waiting until we have a frost threat.

    Unfortunately, my sweater was a bust. I ran out of the yarn I was using, so ordered another few skeins – the colors don’t match and it VERY obvious. I was a little frustrated, so put the knitting needles away for a while. I’ll rip it apart and make a hat and mittens with what I have.

    No really big obstacles this month, wish was nice for a change. It was Greg’s birthday – but one weekend didn’t really kill meOctober should be just about the same.

    Looking forward to what October brings. I am SO close to getting out of the Obese range. I will keep my one pound a week goal – but am hoping to beat that and get to “overweight”.

  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,935 Member
    @ManifestingToday I usually walk on the treadmill for my morning and afternoon walks - watch TV. Currently I am watching Call the Midwife of Netflix. Pretty good. I have tried a few of the Leslie Sansone videos, and I also like Get Fit With Rick. I count them as my "dancing" exercise.

    @fourathomej Good luck on the race today! Hope it isn't raining - let us know how you did!

    @buckeyebabe7l7 So glad that you are feeling a little better. It must be very difficult watching the little ones when you are feeling under the weather. And I know you - you still got it all done! No rest for the weary right!

    @jm216 Thank you once again for this thread and for being our fearless leader. I love this group.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful and successful October!
  • andreajlnhe
    andreajlnhe Posts: 218 Member
    Sept. 1- 141.0 I logged :)
    Sept. 2- 139.2 I logged :)
    Sept. 3- 138.6 I logged :) I think I'm experiencing some quick weight loss that can happen when I simply start watching what I eat and drinking more water.... Nice to see; it will probably steady out.
    Sept. 4- 138.8 I logged :) A potluck yesterday and out to a restaurant today; determined to log
    Sept. 5- 139.4 I liked yesterday's weight better. Oh well, keep moving forward.
    Sept. 6- 138.8 I logged! :) Did not finish logging yesterday. It was cycle day 1 and I totally blew it on calories. Next time I plan to adjust my calorie goal to maintenance on cycle day 1... maybe that will help...
    Sept. 7- 138.0 I logged :) MIL cooked a big huge dinner for us, with dessert... I went over on calories, but logged anyway.
    Sept.8- 138.2 I logged :)
    Sept. 9- 138.0 I logged :)
    Sept. 10- 138.2 I logged :) potluck... kinda hard to log, but I logged anyway. I think I ate at maintenance.
    Sept. 11- 138.0
    Sept. 12- 138.6
    Sept. 13- 138.0 I logged ;)
    Sept. 14- 138.2. I did not finish logging. MIL cooked for us again... whoa, she is such a good cook. How am I ever going to lose weight with these dinners she cooks for us?
    Sept. 15- 137.4. I logged :) That weigh-in is a miracle considering dinner last night. Nice! I'm encouraged... keep logging!
    Sept. 16- 136.4 I logged :) Yesssss! Now to just stay 136ish to the end of the month!
    Sept. 17- 136.6 Two social functions this afternoon/evening; I won't log today. I'll just pick back up tomorrow.
    Sept. 18- 137.8 Not surprised in the increase. Surely all the social eating w/out logging would show up. My goal is to log every day for the rest of the month, including any potlucks/social gatherings/grandma dinners/etc!!
    Sept. 19- 138.6
    Sept. 20- 138.8
    Sept. 21- 137.4 Got really discouraged yesterday. I guess I'll keep trying......
    Sept. 22- 137.8
    Sept. 23- 137.4
    Sept. 24- 136.6 I logged. :)
    Sept. 25- 136.4 I logged :) I'll take it. 5 more days in September... time to "sprint to the finish." I'll be happy to keep this weight to the end of the month.
    Sept. 26- 137.0 I logged :)
    Sept. 27- 137.6 I logged :)
    Sept. 28- 135.4 I logged :) Had a really, really terrible day the other day; came home and ate a 640-calorie chocolate muffin. Eventually decided that would just have to be my "lunch" and stuck it out with logging... keeping on plugging along.... Very happy with today's weigh-in. Keep it up!!!
    Sept. 29- 134.8 I logged :) I got off and on the scale at least 5 times this morning trying to figure out if this was really correct. It said 134.8; then later I was unsure if that's what it really said. So I walked back in and got on it again; then it said 134.0. Huh??? Then it said 135.0. So I'm going with 134.8 which it said a couple times. So weird how sometimes it seems so hard for weight to come off, and then it just suddenly comes off when I didn't expect it.
    Sept. 30- 134.8

    Total loss for September: 6.2 pounds

    Wow. This was my first time weighing every single day. I have learned a lot. I'm also really really happy with my loss for the month. Here is me doing a happy dance to celebrate a successful September. I will be joining you all for October-- see you there!

  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 486 Member
    Hi, I'm a 50 yo married female, 5'6", and tired of looking and feeling like I do. I’m making changes to get out of the Obese category, to look good in my clothing, and to have confidence in public again.

    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    Starting Weight Aug 2023: 212.7

    September Goals:
    Lose 2 lbs. | Consistently log food | Bike &/or Treadmill 4 days a week | Aim for 7 hours sleep/day

    1 Sep: 207.1
    2 Sep: 206.6
    3 Sep: 207.1 - We had chips+ with our salads yesterday. Still logged it all, but knew the number would go up. Also entering cycle bloat, so this will fluctuate over the next week. Cycles are in sometimes mode, and irregular with M, so who knows right now. : )
    4 Sep: 208.6 - Bloat + an open bag of pretzels. But it's back to food & exercise plan today. :)
    5 Sep: 207.6
    6 Sep: 206.7
    7 Sep: 206.8
    8 Sep: 206.9
    9 Sep: 208.2 -- Pizza & sodium. I haven't had pizza in weeks and to be honest, when we went to bed last night, both my husband and I felt gross after greasy food and we both said we're looking forward to salads tomorrow. :) This morning I'm going to Instapot a bunch of chicken breasts that we can use on salads and in soup for the week ahead. I'm glad we've detoxed enough to notice how less healthy food feels when we have it. It's been a while since we could tell the difference.
    10 Sep: 208.1
    11 Sep: 209.8 :|
    12 Sep: 207.9
    13 Sep: 207.7
    14 Sep: 206.6
    15 Sep: 205.8 :)
    16 Sep: 205.9
    17 Sep: 207.3
    18 Sep: 207.2
    19 Sep: DNW - Vaca Away
    20 Sep: DNW - Vaca Away
    21 Sep: DNW - Vaca Away
    22 Sep: 208.3 - Ok with this number. This will come down as TMI evens out, salts decrease, back to standard foods, etc.
    23 Sep: 207.2 - I'm hoping we can do healthy, low sodium meals for a bit here, so I can get back to that 205 number before the end of the month. I know it's only 2 lbs, but it's 2 lbs.
    24 Sep: 207.9 - meh
    25 Sep: 209.0
    26 Sep: 207.9
    27 Sep: 208.1
    28 Sep: 207.8
    29 Sep: 205.7
    30 Sep: 204.5
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 486 Member
    edited September 2023
    ddainiak wrote: »
    @ManifestingToday I usually walk on the treadmill for my morning and afternoon walks - watch TV. Currently I am watching Call the Midwife of Netflix. Pretty good. I have tried a few of the Leslie Sansone videos, and I also like Get Fit With Rick. I count them as my "dancing" exercise.

    We too have a treadmill, but the action of walking on it lately is murdering my feet. I don't think it's my shoes, but I might have to try a new pair and inserts to see if that's what the issue is. We recently purchased a stationary bike as well, and if I can deal with the numb butt after 50 minutes, I can usually burn 400-500 calories. I want to do that daily, but right now I have to stagger the days I ride.
    @ManifestingToday I always have a lot of zucchini from the garden - I slice it...blanch it for 2 minutes...let it cool and freeze it...then it's great for bakes or zucchini bread through the winter :D

    Ooh, I may have to give this a try. We already freeze chicken and there just doesn't seem to be a lot of room in the freezer for more things, but this would speed up dinners quite a bit.
    ddainiak wrote: »
    Sep 30 174.2 Happy end of September. Crummy end of the month, my Husband wasn't feeling well for the last couple of days. I convinced him to take a Covid test last night and he tested positive. I'm still feeling fine - but it is probably inevitable that I get it. Fingers crossed that it stays away. Another rainy day today - but since I am trying to keep my distance - will spend it in the workout room. LOL!

    Nooo. I'm so sorry he's positive. It's definitely making the rounds right now. If you are not symptomatic, maybe mask up and try to stock up on soups/meds/cleaning supplies now. We finally got it last year and that was a s****y 2.5 weeks for both of us. I truly hope you both will be ok with this. <3

    ddainiak wrote: »
    September Reflection

    Unfortunately, my sweater was a bust. I ran out of the yarn I was using, so ordered another few skeins – the colors don’t match and it VERY obvious. I was a little frustrated, so put the knitting needles away for a while. I’ll rip it apart and make a hat and mittens with what I have.

    Depending where you ran out of yarn (body vs sleeves, etc), could you back it up a bit and change to a totally different color and make the color change a design element? Top of sweater X color, Middle of sweater Y color, etc? I hate having to frog something, especially something that a ton of work has gone into. But I've been there many times. Good luck!