What are your tips for curbing those hunger pangs ?



  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Sorry, I had too much coffee this morning! My answers are: coffee, water, and eating my meals slowly. Sometimes half way through a meal I just get up and walk away from the table to see if I'm truly still hungry.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I also find I have hunger waves. If it feels like a hungry week, I just eat a bit more. Typically an extra 100-200 calories does the trick.

    You also might find it helpful to eat more often. Splitting your meals up into 2 parts. Eat the same food, but have courses. I.e. take 15 minutes to eat your veggies, take a break, then eat your protein, take another break, then your starches. Over a 1-2 hour period. This can keep the hunger at bay.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't know about anyone else but if I am truly hungry and I drink water or eat an apple or cucumber slices or something I feel like puking! when my stomach is empty is needs REAL food or I just feel sick!

    Apples and cucumbers aren't real food??
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    These help me:

  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    If I'm actually hungry then I eat. Regardless of what any calculator says, if I'm legitimately hungry it means I need more nutrients in me.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I don't know about anyone else but if I am truly hungry and I drink water or eat an apple or cucumber slices or something I feel like puking! when my stomach is empty is needs REAL food or I just feel sick!

    Apples and cucumbers aren't real food??

    I don't know what the poster originally meant when they said this but when I get that way whatever I eat has to have a high concentration of calories from fat. Eating fruits or veggies without an accompanying fat source makes me nauseous. I use peanut butter.
  • shirtswiththumbholes
    Honestly, I got rid of those "healthy" portion controlled snacks and replaced with a nice high fat pick me up. You don't have to go out and get a big mac, just do some homemade mayo and add a reasonable amount to something ( tuna, eggs, stuff ) and eat it.

    Not fearing the good fats is really helping me a long.

    That and finding time wasters like signing up for contests, painting, playing with the kitties, anything other than staring at a wall.

    THIS! And especially the last tidbit.. At lunch when I'm at work, I eat, and then I pick up my Kindle and read a good book for the rest of my lunch. Boredom leads to overeating and unhealthy snacking for me.
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    Fizzy water...also known as Perrier or the cheaper alternative Polar Seltzer water
  • BelleVegan77
    BelleVegan77 Posts: 70 Member
    Hey thanks for the good tip! Water and apple cider vinegar is a good idea it is suppose to up your metabolisum and help break down body fat too I have read.
  • tenajh
    tenajh Posts: 208 Member
    I did not read all 4 pages, but I do find that when my protein levels are higher my appetite is a little more stable. I also find that eating 'a little bit' 15 min before a full meal helps. I also find that when I am happy I am able to exercise more often and have a greater desire to do what is right for my body and for my health. I look up jokes and try to find positivity in each negative situation I encounter. Best wishes to you. Love peace and light : ) btw, I have heard many times over the years that a tblsp of apple cider vinegar a day is good for your overall health, also probiotics like " inner eco fermented coconut water "on a daily basis
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    I can think of 2 obvious ones ...........
    eat lots of veggies
    and drink lots of water


    wondered if you had any personal experience with what has worked best for you
    and / or any other things which you have found helpful

    Kind regards;


  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    I get really hungry when I haven't had enough fats, especially in the afternoon. A handful of nuts usually does the trick!
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I can think of 2 obvious ones ...........
    eat lots of veggies
    and drink lots of water


    wondered if you had any personal experience with what has worked best for you
    and / or any other things which you have found helpful

    Kind regards;


    Egg white scrambled eggs, potatoes, protein shakes, oatmeal, beans
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I get really hungry when I haven't had enough fats, especially in the afternoon. A handful of nuts usually does the trick!

    I agree.
  • _AC3_
    _AC3_ Posts: 16
    Yup, filling up on veggies works great, with light ranch (or light whatever is your pleasure) to help make it doable. Also, the reality is, is that you will have to deal with some hunger pangs as it is an inevitable part of losing fat with a calorie deficit. But employing volumetrics to make sure your belly is full is very helpful. Obviously the trick is to fill up on this before you reach your calorie limit, veggies with light dip if you got 100 calories or less to go, but if you have closer to 200, give something like pop chips or special k chips a try- you can have a ridiculous amount (about 20+ chips per serving) for about 110-120 calories and it also helps with the "yummy pangs" :)
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Eating food.
  • candifeola
    candifeola Posts: 305 Member
    freeze dried fruits from trader joe's...the entire package is about 130 calories (depending on the fruit) but I eat a few pieces at a time and it's exactly what I need to get rid of the stomach burn
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    Just saw my photo never came up. I was referring to sugar free tropicals with 2 net carbs :smile:

  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I increased my protein to help with the hunger. It works quite well. I also increase my fiber.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member

    I go without food 3 days a week & yet to get dizzy, the shakes or fatigued. I can be damn hungry... but not get one of those. My blood sugar must be really good with water then. Like I said, people THINK they are hungry & are now going to use those as an excuse to eat.

    You go without food three days a week and talk about "excuses" to eat.... You may want to think about your relationship with food, because it sounds seriously disfunctional to me.....
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