What are your tips for curbing those hunger pangs ?



  • bestjuneever
    bestjuneever Posts: 33 Member
    I drink water or I chew gum. Also if I am feeling hungry even though I know I should not be. I look at thinspiration. Always gets my hunger thoughts right out.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    1) make sure your calorie defcit is a reasonable one. I had nary a hunger pang when I was losing. If you're having frequent hunger pangs, it is likely your calorie goals are too aggressive.

    2) Exercise is an excellent appetite suppresent.

    3) plenty of water

    4) Foods high in protein, fiber, and healthy fat

    5) Kinda goes with #4, but lots of whole foods

    Good luck in your journey
  • lfhibiz
    A lot of helpful posts for this topic,

    What I have found in decades past that works for me is eating every 2-3 hours, a bit of coffee, water, sometimes a few raw almonds and sex (since my girlfriend left I may gain a pound or two lol).

    Remember everybody's body chemistry is different, some more than others, keep trying until something works right for you to help you meet your goals.

    Last thing that I did not see posted is willpower, it didn't come instantly for me I had to work at it.

  • HelllYeaHH
    HelllYeaHH Posts: 56 Member
    Smoking works for me, this is why quitters usually gain weight as they confuse cravings with hunger, though its probably not the answer you're looking for. ;)

    I've been spreading out my meals more. Instead of having 1 big portion, make it 2 smaller ones an hour apart. Also; plan ahead when you'll eat what. It's much easier to resist the urge to eat when you know you can have something in 40 minutes.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member

    I go without food 3 days a week & yet to get dizzy, the shakes or fatigued. I can be damn hungry... but not get one of those. My blood sugar must be really good with water then. Like I said, people THINK they are hungry & are now going to use those as an excuse to eat.

    You go without food three days a week and talk about "excuses" to eat.... You may want to think about your relationship with food, because it sounds seriously disfunctional to me.....

    Oh yes, I happily go without food 3 days a week & have a great relationship with food. I use it for energy not as a thing to do. 5:2 is a great way of eating. Actually I do 4:3 myself. but that's personal choice. I don't have any of this "oh I think I'm hungry I will have something to eat just so I don't have to feel hungry anymore" that's how I got fat, by eating when I thought I was hungry. 36hours without food 3 times a week is brilliant for me knowing when I actually NEED food rather than just wanting food. Food is not a toy that you grab out to play with, it's an energy source that should only be brought out when actually need...not because someone tells you it's time to play with it.
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