Is soda really "evil"?



    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Yep, just a Monsanto shill, living in a 2 bedroom apartment on a Navy base and driving my 7-year-old car. :laugh:

    Seriously, who is holding all my checks from big sugar and big wheat??? Its like Monsanto is never going to pay up. Sigh, guess I'll just have to live without them and be satisfied with my bangin' body and deprivation-free lifestyle.

    and don't forget your humility.

    who said I was humble? I love the way I look.

    Apparently. Well, good for you then. Personally, I think that 4th picture is pretty interesting.

    I think personal attacks on others are against the forum rules.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Aspartame is a highly studied food additive with decades of research showing that it is safe for human consumption. As expected, the research is complex making it possible to cherry pick and misinterpret individual studies in order to fear monger. But the totality of research, reviewed by many independent agencies and expert panels, supports the safety of aspartame.

    A conspiracy to hide the risks of aspartame, however, remains a popular internet urban legend that will likely not disappear anytime soon.

    Do you own stock in Monsanto?

    Peer-Reviewed Studies Showing Aspartame is Neurotoxic to Life Forms

    1970 Olney, Brain Damage in Infant Mice Following Oral Intake of Glutamate, Aspartate or Cysteine. Nature 1970;227:609-610. Funding Source: Washington University Findings: Adverse reaction identified.

    ... edit wall o text and a bunch of articles that poster never even read ...

    1998 Trocho C, Pardo R, Rafecas I, Virgili J, Remesar X, Fernandez-Lopez JA, Alemany M, Formaldehyde Derived From Dietary Aspartame Binds to Tissue Components In Vivo. Life Sciences 1998;63(5);337-349. Funding Source: Universitat de Barcelona Findings: Adverse reaction identified.

    Nothing post 1998? And to the idea of anyone here being a shill for a corporation and not just an individual with a different point of view than you...

  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    A list of questionable studies, the most recent of which is 15 years ago...sounds legit.

    Just out of curiosity, have you actually read a single one of them? Cause I know I haven't and I wouldn't feel comfortable calling all of those studies questionable simply because they didn't conform with my confirmation bias. Note: I'd say that about a study on either side, but would want to 1) actually look at the study and 2) know who funded it.

    You can only read the same study so many times. I've read plenty of them on this subject. It gets old. At some point you have to start ignoring the chicken littles and their panic attacks. That said, I don't drink soda, but I also don't go around telling everyone else that they're going to die from it. I just don't like sweet drinks, with the exception of Sauternes.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Yep, just a Monsanto shill, living in a 2 bedroom apartment on a Navy base and driving my 7-year-old car. :laugh:

    Seriously, who is holding all my checks from big sugar and big wheat??? Its like Monsanto is never going to pay up. Sigh, guess I'll just have to live without them and be satisfied with my bangin' body and deprivation-free lifestyle.

    and don't forget your humility.

    who said I was humble? I love the way I look.

    Apparently. Well, good for you then. Personally, I think that 4th picture is pretty interesting.

    I think personal attacks on others are against the forum rules.

    They are! Which is only one of the reasons why I don't do it.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    A list of questionable studies, the most recent of which is 15 years ago...sounds legit.

    Just out of curiosity, have you actually read a single one of them? Cause I know I haven't and I wouldn't feel comfortable calling all of those studies questionable simply because they didn't conform with my confirmation bias. Note: I'd say that about a study on either side, but would want to 1) actually look at the study and 2) know who funded it.

    You can only read the same study so many times. I've read plenty of them on this subject. It gets old. At some point you have to start ignoring the chicken littles and their panic attacks. That said, I don't drink soda, but I also don't go around telling everyone else that they're going to die from it. I just don't like sweet drinks, with the exception of Sauternes.

    Is that what these studies say? That they are going to die from drinking it? Somehow I doubt that is what they say.

    Also, aren't you potentially closing yourself off from new information if/when it is published if you think you already know enough based on old studies you've read and formed opinions on?
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    A list of questionable studies, the most recent of which is 15 years ago...sounds legit.

    Just out of curiosity, have you actually read a single one of them? Cause I know I haven't and I wouldn't feel comfortable calling all of those studies questionable simply because they didn't conform with my confirmation bias. Note: I'd say that about a study on either side, but would want to 1) actually look at the study and 2) know who funded it.

    You can only read the same study so many times. I've read plenty of them on this subject. It gets old. At some point you have to start ignoring the chicken littles and their panic attacks. That said, I don't drink soda, but I also don't go around telling everyone else that they're going to die from it. I just don't like sweet drinks, with the exception of Sauternes.

    Is that what these studies say? That they are going to die from drinking it? Somehow I doubt that is what they say.

    Also, aren't you potentially closing yourself off from new information if/when it is published if you think you already know enough based on old studies you've read and formed opinions on?

    The listed studies stopped in the late 1990s. Do you have a point?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Yep, just a Monsanto shill, living in a 2 bedroom apartment on a Navy base and driving my 7-year-old car. :laugh:

    Seriously, who is holding all my checks from big sugar and big wheat??? Its like Monsanto is never going to pay up. Sigh, guess I'll just have to live without them and be satisfied with my bangin' body and deprivation-free lifestyle.

    and don't forget your humility.

    who said I was humble? I love the way I look.

    Apparently. Well, good for you then. Personally, I think that 4th picture is pretty interesting.

    Wow really? For all the complaining about others being mean-spirited, I kinda expected better.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I used to love drinking soda, but it ruined my kidneys. Any time I drink one now I almost instantly get a UTI until I flush it out. I haven't touched a soda in months. I'm talking 4+ months, and I've been UTI free now ever since. It was the best choice I ever made.

    If I need that carbonation now, I drink naturally flavored sparkling water.

    UTIs are infections caused by bacteria. Unless you were spritzing bacteria laden soda into your urethra, the soda was not causing the infection. If anything, the caffeine would irritate the infection that was already there. UTIs can be present without the feeling of burning during urination. You should see a doctor, get a urinalysis and then some meds (if you have one).

    STAHP with the erroneous pseudo-medical craziness.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    A list of questionable studies, the most recent of which is 15 years ago...sounds legit.

    Just out of curiosity, have you actually read a single one of them? Cause I know I haven't and I wouldn't feel comfortable calling all of those studies questionable simply because they didn't conform with my confirmation bias. Note: I'd say that about a study on either side, but would want to 1) actually look at the study and 2) know who funded it.

    You can only read the same study so many times. I've read plenty of them on this subject. It gets old. At some point you have to start ignoring the chicken littles and their panic attacks. That said, I don't drink soda, but I also don't go around telling everyone else that they're going to die from it. I just don't like sweet drinks, with the exception of Sauternes.

    ^This. Except I drink diet coke on occassion. I get it free with my shill cheque...


  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Yep, just a Monsanto shill, living in a 2 bedroom apartment on a Navy base and driving my 7-year-old car. :laugh:

    Seriously, who is holding all my checks from big sugar and big wheat??? Its like Monsanto is never going to pay up. Sigh, guess I'll just have to live without them and be satisfied with my bangin' body and deprivation-free lifestyle.

    and don't forget your humility.

    who said I was humble? I love the way I look.

    Apparently. Well, good for you then. Personally, I think that 4th picture is pretty interesting.

    I find your paranoia and dedication to the idea of a mean person brigade pretty 'interesting' personally. Let's talk about that.

    Were kids mean to you in school? Are you hoping for a White Knight award? Do the voices tell you about conspiracies and special groups you aren't privy to?

    Lol. Yup, that must be it. :yawn:
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Yep, just a Monsanto shill, living in a 2 bedroom apartment on a Navy base and driving my 7-year-old car. :laugh:

    Seriously, who is holding all my checks from big sugar and big wheat??? Its like Monsanto is never going to pay up. Sigh, guess I'll just have to live without them and be satisfied with my bangin' body and deprivation-free lifestyle.

    and don't forget your humility.

    who said I was humble? I love the way I look.

    Apparently. Well, good for you then. Personally, I think that 4th picture is pretty interesting.

    Wow really? For all the complaining about others being mean-spirited, I kinda expected better.

    means spirited people are the "other people" when the world revolves around you
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    A list of questionable studies, the most recent of which is 15 years ago...sounds legit.

    Just out of curiosity, have you actually read a single one of them? Cause I know I haven't and I wouldn't feel comfortable calling all of those studies questionable simply because they didn't conform with my confirmation bias. Note: I'd say that about a study on either side, but would want to 1) actually look at the study and 2) know who funded it.

    You can only read the same study so many times. I've read plenty of them on this subject. It gets old. At some point you have to start ignoring the chicken littles and their panic attacks. That said, I don't drink soda, but I also don't go around telling everyone else that they're going to die from it. I just don't like sweet drinks, with the exception of Sauternes.

    Is that what these studies say? That they are going to die from drinking it? Somehow I doubt that is what they say.

    Also, aren't you potentially closing yourself off from new information if/when it is published if you think you already know enough based on old studies you've read and formed opinions on?

    The listed studies stopped in the late 1990s. Do you have a point?

    Yup, and I made it already. If you don't understand or agree with it, that's another issue.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Yep, just a Monsanto shill, living in a 2 bedroom apartment on a Navy base and driving my 7-year-old car. :laugh:

    Seriously, who is holding all my checks from big sugar and big wheat??? Its like Monsanto is never going to pay up. Sigh, guess I'll just have to live without them and be satisfied with my bangin' body and deprivation-free lifestyle.

    and don't forget your humility.

    who said I was humble? I love the way I look.

    Apparently. Well, good for you then. Personally, I think that 4th picture is pretty interesting.

    Wow really? For all the complaining about others being mean-spirited, I kinda expected better.
    lol, its cool, that pic is from the last time I bad-mouthed Big Soda. They sent thugs to my house to beat me up. I keep the pic up as a warning to others. We just need to keep up the act and collect our checks.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Yep, just a Monsanto shill, living in a 2 bedroom apartment on a Navy base and driving my 7-year-old car. :laugh:

    Seriously, who is holding all my checks from big sugar and big wheat??? Its like Monsanto is never going to pay up. Sigh, guess I'll just have to live without them and be satisfied with my bangin' body and deprivation-free lifestyle.

    and don't forget your humility.

    who said I was humble? I love the way I look.

    Apparently. Well, good for you then. Personally, I think that 4th picture is pretty interesting.

    I think personal attacks on others are against the forum rules.

    They are! Which is only one of the reasons why I don't do it.

  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    A list of questionable studies, the most recent of which is 15 years ago...sounds legit.

    Just out of curiosity, have you actually read a single one of them? Cause I know I haven't and I wouldn't feel comfortable calling all of those studies questionable simply because they didn't conform with my confirmation bias. Note: I'd say that about a study on either side, but would want to 1) actually look at the study and 2) know who funded it.

    You can only read the same study so many times. I've read plenty of them on this subject. It gets old. At some point you have to start ignoring the chicken littles and their panic attacks. That said, I don't drink soda, but I also don't go around telling everyone else that they're going to die from it. I just don't like sweet drinks, with the exception of Sauternes.

    Is that what these studies say? That they are going to die from drinking it? Somehow I doubt that is what they say.

    Also, aren't you potentially closing yourself off from new information if/when it is published if you think you already know enough based on old studies you've read and formed opinions on?

    The listed studies stopped in the late 1990s. Do you have a point?

    Yup, and I made it already. If you don't understand or agree with it, that's another issue.

    I haven't seen you make a cogent argument and was offering you another chance. You claimed I was "closing [myself] off from new information," and yet, there was no new information offered in the discussion.
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    As for the OP:

    It's a complex and personal topic. My questions to you would likely be this:

    Will drinking an occasional soda make you crave more soda, make it harder to maintain your dietary goals?
    If no, then do you have extra calories available in your day?
    If yes, do you want the soda badly enough to exchange it for the calories you could otherwise have taken in by more satiating choices?

    If yes, then go for it. If you answered the opposite to the above questions, maybe you consider staying away.

    As for diet soda, I think the link between aspartame and headaches among certain populations is pretty solid. Ditto the link between aspartame and depression issues among those who are already diagnosed with depression. For the average population, though, I wouldn't say it's unhealthy.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    @ beach. I first pointed out to you that the studies probably don't tell people they will die if they drink it and asked if that was what you were implying. Then I asked, not referring to any study in particular, if your comment that 'I've read plenty of them' and 'you can only read so many', would close you off to new studies.

    Not sure how your response that my 'argument' (which I'm not trying to enter either an argument or debate wit you) was not cogent. It seems more like a non response to what I said. But that is ok. You don't have to respond to it either.
  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member
    soda is not evil.......
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    @ beach. I first pointed out to you that the studies probably don't tell people they will die if they drink it and asked if that was what you were implying. Then I asked, not referring to any study in particular, if your comment that 'I've read plenty of them' and 'you can only read so many', would close you off to new studies.

    Not sure how your response that my 'argument' (which I'm not trying to enter either an argument or debate wit you) was not cogent. It seems more like a non response to what I said. But that is ok. You don't have to respond to it either.

    Well I'm not Beach, but I do agree with him. After so many of these threads, unless a study is new I'm not particularly interested. What I do personally is keep up with Science Based Medicine, because they review a lot of newer studies and they often point out flaws that I wouldn't know were there.

    For those of us who aren't scientists but who still want to do our research, it helps to have sources who are knowledgeable in study design and/or medicine.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    @ beach. I first pointed out to you that the studies probably don't tell people they will die if they drink it and asked if that was what you were implying. Then I asked, not referring to any study in particular, if your comment that 'I've read plenty of them' and 'you can only read so many', would close you off to new studies.

    Not sure how your response that my 'argument' (which I'm not trying to enter either an argument or debate wit you) was not cogent. It seems more like a non response to what I said. But that is ok. You don't have to respond to it either.

    Well I'm not Beach, but I do agree with him. After so many of these threads, unless a study is new I'm not particularly interested. What I do personally is keep up with Science Based Medicine, because they review a lot of newer studies and they often point out flaws that I wouldn't know were there.

    For those of us who aren't scientists but who still want to do our research, it helps to have sources who are knowledgeable in study design and/or medicine.

    Allright, technically though you never answered my question regarding whether you ever read a single one of the studies cited. But, I would be willing to take a look at your carefully studied science research. Perhaps you would like to share the links along with who funded the studies?