Guess who's back...back again...

maliciouspenguin Posts: 37 Member
edited October 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Well that was a fun 5 years.

Not away from the app, just the weight loss journey!

Brief back story:

Had an operation in 2001 that meant my fairly active self was unable to do any real exercise for a few years, cue 70lbs+ weight gain, followed by the terrible self-esteem and all that horrible stuff, the fad diets, the obsessions over food etc.

Fast forward to 2018, and I decided to give myself one last try to lose weight, and I made the realisation that the only way I'd lose weight is if I truly wanted to - and I tried intermittent fasting, or, as I called it, skipping breakfast.

For 1 year I averaged 1lb a week weight loss, dropping to a max loss of 55lbs, and I felt really good/positive about myself. Then I relaxed, lockdowns happened, and I added 15lbs over a few months.

Over the last few months I've been concerned over my weight gain (despite running a marathon...) and took the plunge this morning. In just over 2 years, I gained... 5lbs!

Never felt so relieved in my life!

So I'm back on the horse. IF or CICO, whichever I feel like, and hope to lose 11lbs by the end of the year.

You can add me if you want, but since the app layout change I interact much less than before!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,770 Member
    Welcome back - wishing you another round of success!
  • RMD131
    RMD131 Posts: 19 Member
    Marathons are no joke. You definitely have determination. Great job keeping your health goals!