LESS Alcohol ~ DECEMBER 2023 ~ One Day at A Time



  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 545 Member
    December has been more challenging this year - first time doing LA around the holiday season (in 20 years)? I was very aware of my anxiety all day yesterday while trying to finalize a couple of gifts and what I want to do for Christmas Eve/day dinners. I’m a planner and normally have this pinned down weeks in advance. Anyway, that nice bottle of red I bought for Christmas Eve? Yep, it called my name all day and I opened it last night. Now have a lot left over and want to save it for Thursday night.
    Sooooo, note to self…..when I’m too tired, hungry, angry or anxious it is harder to make good choices…..I will be more aware today.
    Accountability post:
    AF - 6
    A - 8
    LA - 4 (low A content wine)
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,626 Member
    edited December 2023
    Hi all, the season’s upon us! I have a few more small things to buy, and then I’m done. Getting an early start to bang most of this out before work today. My house is a mess, need to clean as well before my sis and BIL come on Saturday.

    The combo of not doing LA this month, dinners out PLUS all the treats our patients give the office means my weight is up. It all goes to my menopause pooch. Not a good look on me! But oh, the homemade cookies! One guy makes his own hand-dipped peanut butter balls. Delightful.

    So, I’ll be a cliche and join the ranks of millions who try to shed the weight and eat healthier in January. Between the alcohol and and the sugary treats, I cry Uncle!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,626 Member
    @lmlmrn I hope your new treatment protocol gives you some much needed relief so you can get back at the things you love to do!

    @MissMay sometimes it takes being jolted to get out of our heads. That said, I never know what they mean by “when children are present” besides the obvious of kids getting dropped off/picked up. Do they mean school hours when the kids are inside the building? Or just when there are kids outside for whatever reason?
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 545 Member
    Successfully AF last night! I was in bed at 10:00 p.m. and finished shopping for my last gift. Getting ready this am to volunteer and then will enjoy a luncheon sponsored by the organization (no A).

    I’m so happy to say this is my last commitment before Christmas at my house! Stress is actually fading with many social obligations behind me. Also looking forward to taking some long walks over the next few days.

    AF - 7
    A - 8
    LA - 4 (low A content)
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,345 Member
    Womona wrote: »

    The combo of not doing LA this month, dinners out PLUS all the treats our patients give the office means my weight is up. It all goes to my menopause pooch. Not a good look on me! But oh, the homemade cookies! One guy makes his own hand-dipped peanut butter balls. Delightful.

    So, I’ll be a cliche and join the ranks of millions who try to shed the weight and eat healthier in January. Between the alcohol and and the sugary treats, I cry Uncle!

    Ditto!! :)
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,626 Member
    xbowhunter wrote: »
    I realized I am starting to slip back to daily drinking. I need to get my head back in the game and it starts today. I was kidding myself that just drinking on the weekends was ok and I could stop at one. Nope Alcohol is a more powerful drug than I thought.
    The holidays are coming so I can't think of a better challenge for me than to abstain from alcohol from this point forward. :)

    AF - 3
    A - 16

    Oh I hear ya! It’s easy to slip back, is isn’t it? I’m in the same boat, slipped back into daily drinking. You’re so good about putting your mind to LA, I’m sure you’ll do great!
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 545 Member
    @xbowhunter woo hoo! I bet you feel SO good today!

    I’m reading about slipping, and daily drinking again and also had several moments this month of OMG, what am I doing?
    After a full day of commitments yesterday, I did have some planned Chardonnay and didn’t measure or count like usual.
    Tonight is a planned AF night.

    AF - 7
    A - 9
    LA - 4 (low A content)
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 545 Member
    I just remembered some posts here from several months ago that talked about envisioning our ‘tomorrow selves.’
    Thinking this mantra will get me through the upcoming holiday (and long) weekend.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 545 Member
    While shopping yesterday I ended up buying a few bottles of wine for the first time in forever. Honestly, I told myself I’m sick of counting and tracking and not going to stress about thinking about it for the next several days of this holiday season.

    But this morning I have a change of attitude. And…..the scale was up. So, if my goal is to lose/maintain weight and have more energy I have to count and track because that is the only way I can reduce calories and alcohol!