

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Well my dad had an adventure last night. He left sometime after four to walk to Starbucks. At 7:30 the YMCA called me and said he needed a ride home. He got lost in the dark and the fog and his dementia and walked in circles.

    He was exhausted but not sorry. He feels like he just made a little wrong turn. He was so wobbly he could barely stand up.

    And I won't be able to talk to him today because his hearing aids are not in the charger. I looked at GPS trackers yesterday but they all need charging. He got rid of his phone because he couldn't remember how to turn it on. He won't even carry my phone number, they called the house phone which I don't usually answer.

    Eventually he is going to have an accident because he is reckless and I can't stop him. We had agreed that he wouldn't leave our development months ago, but he must have forgotten. He's like a toddler.

    I guess I shouldn't worry so much about what I can't control. He is going to keep doing this until he can't anymore. Maybe I should be grateful for his health and strength.

    Thanks for letting me rant. He's been late before, but this is the first time I had to pick him up. I normally don't drive at night because my vision is lousy, but it wasn't far and I made it.

    I'm going out to lunch today. I will likely eat more calories than I burned all week on the bike. But it's getting better.

    Have a great day,

    Annie in Delaware

    My recommendation is to start looking into options for people with dementia in your area.

    There may be carers, trackers you can "install " in a pocket of his clothing or something, and other forms of help.

    With dementia, he won't remember agreements you've made months or even weeks ago.

    Do you have a dementia organisation in your area that can provide you with more information?

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Annie- please like Machka said look into Delaware Community care for the elderly.or your local social services.. they are a wealth of information
    Believe me I did it all on my own for my FIL,all I needed from my BIL was his financial papers
    They did an assessment and had adult day care that picked him up and dropped him off,which I think would be a wonderful thing for your dad,they helped with a life alert and even had companions and homemakers come in on the weekends and meals on wheels.
    It really took a load off our mind knowing that Tom and I living an hour away..that he was safe and well fed..
    Honest..all it takes is a phone call or 2.
    Good luck..
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    I’m enjoying holding babies and spending time with my granddaughter and her DH. I’m going to miss them when I head home on Friday. Debbie, Wasilla is a lovely town with mountains all around. If I were younger I might just move here and drive Winnebago like your friend, Edwina.

    Betsy in Wasilla AK.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    Today is chocolate cake day, well I can’t eat that but have a recipe for KETO Mousse that I can make a chocolate one or maybe mocha? Breast pumping day, not any more! Check out a quilting store, we don’t have one specifically, but do have a sewing store and a couple of craft stores. HMMM, there is a nice craft store, locally owned, on Main ST with the alien stuff, perhaps I’ll take a ride there?



    Ps @Machka Sorry I didn’t mention Australia Day. I though you had mentioned that it was controversial earlier in yesterday’s post, so didn’t want to ‘rock the boat’ 😊 😇

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Well got up and dressed and am tiding up the bedroom and folding and putting clothes away.. going through my sock drawer now and getting rid of some of my holey ones,I get worn out quick ,so maybe later on will have a go at the kitchen counters..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Kylia and Rita - trying to get our DH's to get into good health habits and eat better and cut out or at least cut down the drinking is a huge task. I managed to make myself crazy and jeopardize my own health to some extent stressing over it and thinking I was partially responsible because I wasn't shopping or cooking right toward the end of my DH's life. All I can think of is do the best you can for your own health and maybe they'll learn from your example. Sending (((HUGS)))).

    Lisa - you and Corey are on fire. Love to hear about all the little changes going on to make the house easier for you to live in. Our farm house had a mud room that was wonderful - not as large as yours, but a place to hang coats and kick off boots, and store some firewood and with a huge closet to boot. I miss that.

    I just started reading "The Joy of Movement - How Exercise Helps Us Find Happiness, Hope, Connection, and Courage," by Kelly McGonigal.

    What I picked up in the first few pages: Our ancestors evolved walking and carrying stuff. Sometimes heavy stuff. That's what our brain and bodies are designed to do. Sounds simple, but I think it's profound, considering how easy it was to create my habit of "walking with weights."

    Here's a 12 minute Dr. Chatterjee interview with her. It's filled with a lot of gems.

    Stanford Psychologist Reveals How Movement Can Transform Your Life | Kelly McGonigal

    Heather - this makes me think of Edie and how driven she is in sports and in many parts of her life. (Congrats on finishing your book by the way. Is there another one planned?)

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Terri - hope your leg heals soon! John has had an itchy rash on his arm. The pharmacy gave him something for it. It's healing slowly. :/

    Annie - My very great sympathy to you. What a conundrum! <3

    Rita - (((HUGS))) <3

    After my exertions this morning I had a doze before Edie arrived. We set to on our Art. :p Edie wanted to finish her cello painting with the rubber resist design, I painted a Valentines card for John, behind a screen, and John completed a crocus painting.
    Edie's second task was to make a box out of A4 paper. She painted and decorated the paper first. She followed instructions on my Instagram feed, and it turned out really good. She's giving it to her parents for Valentines Day! <3
    I made a little envelope out of a magazine page. I thought of Rebecca. :D
    So, all good.

    Her mum came to pick her up and now we are relaxing with a gin and tonic!

    Will watch Maigret, in French, tonight.

    Heather UK, waiting for her book to appear on Amazon...... xxxxxxxx

    Awe, its a fun thing, and glad you thought of me!💖👍🏼
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Annie-glad you got your dad home safely. Will you be at gp with him? Maybe if you don't want to say everything in front of him you could write some bullet points of issues for doctor to review before you are all in the room? It is typically difficult to get things done with adults while they are still somewhat lucid but you need to start a formal record now.

    Kylia-sorry DH is uncooperative in health arena. You can only do so much. Hope you can avoid migraine.

    Lanette-going to give vest a try.

    Terri-happy to hear you are on the mend.

    Lisa-one project does lead to another!

    Pip-good start on the bathroom. I would not have tried removing those mirrors!

    Rebecca-glad you got out for the day.

    Rita-relationships are tough and the only people who can make decisions about them are the people in them. I get what you mean about not wanting to toss things away. Also, even though he is having his problems now I am sure there are times you look in his eyes and can see the man you fell in love with. He's still in there-sometimes they just get covered up.

    Semi productive day but I think the benadryl I took last night carried over to today! Moving slowing but getting things done. Have dozed off and on. Went for a two mile walk so that was nice,

    Off to face the litter boxes!

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    Yes I can get to be a happy hermit here, but my friend says she won't let me.😂