Why do you excercise, really?



  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands. They just don't.

    :laugh: Gotta love some Legally Blonde
  • To be honest, my initial motivation was to look good naked, blah, blah, blah, all the vain reasons of course. As consistency became a challenge, looking good no longer was enough to get me through the lazy times. I had to have a reason greater than looks to keep going. Knowing that my faith demands that I take care of my body, that sacrifce and suffering is good for the soul, this is why I exercise. The outcome from suffering is spiritual and physical beauty. Oh, and not all exercise is boring or dreadful. I do the hard routines 2 or 3 times a week and then look forward to activities i really enjoy, like dancing, cycling, etc. If you like cycling, continue doing so. Add HIIT intervals here and there and try other activities.
  • I would keep your rides enjoyable. The stress release of being in nature and relaxing is probably worth more than the additional calorie burn of pushing yourself all the time.

    There is a guy named Mark Sisson (Primal Blueprint book author). His workout plan is lots of low level activity (like walking/hiking/your biking etc), along with lifting some heavy things and a bit of sprinting (you could probably do this on bike, if you like). Might be a consideration.
  • sub10orbust
    sub10orbust Posts: 706 Member
    cuz i dont wanna be too bulky
  • I used to exercise because I didn't want to be fat. Now that I've discovered lifting, I exercise because I love it.

    ^^^ This, first and foremost.
    And so I don't kill people. When my kids still lived at home if they had something bad to tell me I'd hear their conversation "so did Mom go to the gym yet?"

    Continue to ride your bike because you enjoy it.
    Find another activity to be considered "working out".
    And maybe, as a bonus, you'll find you enjoy that activity as well.
  • melissaka7
    melissaka7 Posts: 277 Member
    Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands. They just don't.

    & because I was fat. And I didn't want to be fat anymore. Now I love it and myself.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    i'm sick of being fat. Sick of walking by skinny women and feeling ashamed of myself. sick of not wanting to go out with my husband, and sick of not being in any photos with my daughter for the lasr 2 1/2 years
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    Should you start cracking the whip? Well, that is entirely up to you. What are your weight/ exercisr goals? Do you want to get stronger, or are you happy where you are at? I started not quite two months ago. First I startwd with running in place, 10-20 min at a time- which is a huge thing when you havent run in years. Then uped to 20-25 min at a time, twice a day. Then started walking a mile in the morning, then two, and now 2+ ( pending on what I feel like doing. I also usually run a mile in the evening and walk a mile back. When I started, the first time, I could not finish the mile, the second time I finished, but a little walking a little running and took 18-19 min. Then I ran it! Without stopping, and made it in 17 min, then it varied between 16-17, in about 90-100 weather ( in the evening, rly hot in summer) Now I can run it in 14 min. My goal is to run it in 12 min, and then try to run a mile and a half by december. My only real desire is to do a 5k. I want to be able to go on family hikes, fit in clothed I love- not just clothes that fit, and be content with my body, but also be healthy. Im not looking to be a marathon runner, but I do want to be fit and have physical stregnth. I want my "outside" to match the way I feel inside.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands. They just don't.

    ^^^ This. 100%
  • leahgoldgirl
    leahgoldgirl Posts: 61 Member
    So that I don't go f*cking crazy and lose my friends, family and job.

    Exercise gives me a way to burn energy, focus in, think things through and release stress.

    Yes, I like looking great. Yes, it's awesome to be strong. Still, my number one reason for exercising is to maintain mental balance. Also, it helps me sleep.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    The same reason guys do ANYTHING, to bag women.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Based on how I felt after that big training effort before the MS ride, I fear that all that so called purpose will kill all the joy of riding. I know I'm pretty lazy. I suspect that my concern about spoiling the fun of cycling is just a cover for not wanting to work hard at anything. But this is pretty much the only excercise I get consistently.

    Do I need to start cracking the whip on myself?

    To answer the subject line: I exercise for health. It prevents bone and muscle loss, gives me energy, reduces risk of disease. And it allows me to eat more without gaining weight.

    To answer your question above: I would suggest a middle ground. You don't have to ride 50 miles a day, but it does sounds as if you could kick it up a notch. Would adding in a few hills or 5 min here or there of really pushing yourself during your normal ride really kill all the joy of riding? If the answer is yes, then keep your lazy ride and do some jumping jacks and burpees later.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Tired of being fat.
  • bethFromDayton
    bethFromDayton Posts: 112 Member
    Based on how I felt after that big training effort before the MS ride, I fear that all that so called purpose will kill all the joy of riding. I know I'm pretty lazy. I suspect that my concern about spoiling the fun of cycling is just a cover for not wanting to work hard at anything. But this is pretty much the only excercise I get consistently.

    Do I need to start cracking the whip on myself?

    What's your goal? There's no question that being extremely fit requires more concentrated work outs. But that doesn't mean that's your goal and that a less ambitious goal (have more energy, do more things with my family, whatever) isn't a worth goal--and a SUFFICIENT goal.

    Not everyone who walks for exercise wants or intends to start running. Not everyone who runs wants to run a marathon.

    I walk 20 minutes, twice a day. That's my exercise. It's not heavy duty at all. But, it's doing what I want it to do--I'm losing weight and have more energy. I can walk all day at the zoo, go on a hike with my son, clean the garage, and just generally do more without getting tired. Some of that is due to weight loss and some of it is due to being more active.

    My doctor is happy with what I'm doing right now--he's not encouraging me to be more intense--he's pleased that I'm doing what I'm doing.

    One of the reasons that I don't read the forums on here regularly is there's a constant push to work out more--hours at the gym, or twice a day, or whatever and the assumption that if one doesn't work out at that level it doesn't count at all. That's just not where I am or where I intend to ever be. I think that's okay.

    "Thinner than I was", "fitter than I was", "healthier than I was"--those are my goals. If those are your goals, then you're doing great--and don't let people chide you into not feeling good about what you ARE doing.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    It's like brushing my teeth now
  • SherryIsRunner5
    SherryIsRunner5 Posts: 74 Member
    I enjoy running. end of story :)
  • JamieBeth19
    JamieBeth19 Posts: 47 Member
    LOVE the Legally Blonde reference!!! :)
    KMMRN Posts: 104 Member
    I bike because I don't have a car....bike to work, bike to the pool, bike to do errands. I walk because the dog is better behaved when he gets regular exercise. I swim because it keeps my arthritis under control. But I enjoy every minute of it. (Maybe not biking to work at 530 am in January when it is -20 C.)
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    My ankle and leg hurt like Hell when I go a few days without exercise. It's excellent incentive.
  • b218w
    b218w Posts: 76 Member
    Equal parts vanity & sanity. :)

    My thoughts exactly:smile: