

  • jcpez1969
    jcpez1969 Posts: 60 Member
    Aug 2023: 299.6
    September: 291.4
    October: 285.4
    November: 275.4
    December: 268.6
    Jan 2024: 265.4

    February Start Weight: 263.4
    February Goal Weight: 255.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 180

    February 1: 263.4
    February 8: 261.6
    February 15:260.0
    February 22:
    February 29:
  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 187 Member
    February Start Weight: 218
    February Goal Weight: 207
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 160

    February 1: 218
    February 8: 216.2
    February 15: 215.6
    February 22:
    February 29:
    (Leap year!)
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,586 Member
    Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018): 168.2
    January 1, 2024 Weight: 155.4 (10-day average 155.8)
    January 27 (Starting Weight for this challenge): 146.8 (10-day average 146.5)
    February goal: Get back to lower end of maintenance weight range
    Ultimate goal: Stay in maintenance range between (absolutely 140 - 153 and ideally 142-148)

    I report scale weight and (ten day average weight), and I post on Saturdays.

    January 27: 146.8 (10-day average 146.5)
    February 3: 148.0 (10-day average 146.2)
    February 10: 148.2 (10-day average 146.9)
    February 17: 146.8 (10-day average 147.0)
    February 24:
    March 2:

    Total loss for February: I held steady this week. Really steady. On average. On a daily basis, I have been up over two pounds in a day twice and down more two pounds in a day twice. I appear to be up a half pound for the month, but that's OK after being down so much in January. Just a pause as I work back into the bottom of my maintenance range. I am still down 8.8 pounds for the year.

    Stick to it!
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 549 Member
    February mindset - less sugar, less wine and more water, vegetables and exercise!
    Not doing great with sugar and wine with a few birthdays and Super Bowl and now a vacay coming up 🥹
    Upped my exercise in the last two weeks and seeing a NSV in toning over a loss on the scale.
    Looking at the big picture, I need to keep on keeping on!

    February Start Weight: 146.9
    February Goal Weight: 143
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 139

    February 1: 146.9
    February 8: 147.3
    February 15: 147.9
    February 22:
    February 29:
    (Leap year!)
  • DLJ_77
    DLJ_77 Posts: 100 Member
    I was doing well, but was on vacation the past 9 days. As you can see I didn't log anything and didn't make the best choices, but it was fun!

    February Start Weight: 182.1
    February Goal Weight: 176.1
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130.0

    February 1: 182.1
    February 8: 179.7
    February 15: 184.2
    February 22:
    February 29:
    (Leap year!)
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,208 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 63 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall. My highest weight was 253 in 2016. My MFP start weight was 235 in 2018. I will be continuing my weigh-in dates on Sundays. It helps keep me accountable on the weekends.

    Start Weight (from Jan 31st ): 181.6
    Goal Weight: 177.6 (4 pound loss)

    End of Challenge Weight: xxxxx
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (I’ll know it when I get there!)

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    02/01-183.4-(Trend Weight: 183.0)-

    02/04-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    02/11-179.2-(Trend Weight: 181.7)- I’m okay with a 0.2 increase even though I wish it wasn’t the day before an important doctor appointment. The increase is expected due to no TMI and also because of that sandwich I had at 2:00 a.m. I was just so hungry! I wasn’t about to make the same mistake I’ve made so many times and start stuffing “approved” snacks into my pie hole that add up to big trouble and no satisfaction. So I just broke down and made my low calorie/lower carb sandwich and enjoyed it with a cold glass of water. I don’t think it actually put me over my calories or carbs for the day so I’m happy to see the damage wasn’t too bad. Tonight I’ll need to go to bed earlier for my traveling downstate early in the morning so history should not repeat itself, at least not tonight. While traveling I will opt for my highest calorie day on the zig-zag plan, but will very likely still be over. I’ll pay that fiddler when I get home.

    02/18-179.2-(Trend Weight: 180.5)- Pile it on, whittle it off. Gosh, I thought the scale would go down a bit more considering how hungry I was yesterday and how well I coped/starved. I came within an inch of another binge, which I had the day before, this time it was hungry and cravings all rolled up into one. Then I looked at my watch and was shocked to see it was already after 2:00 a.m. So I said to myself, “Donna, you won’t even be awake long enough to gloat in it or bask in its sunshine”, so I didn’t do it. I must admit, had it been 9:00 pm I think I would have caved. There is more than one kind of strength training. The one with my handweights is much easier than this! I’m already starting my day off still hungry. In fact, when I went to copy today’s post to add to my saved format, I thought my computer said Pasta. It said Paste.

    02/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    02/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150's
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,103 Member
    edited February 19
    @deepwoodslady Are you sure you're getting enough calories? If you're hungry all the time, you may need to eat more. That sounds counter-intuitive when you're trying to lose weight... but if you're not satisfying your body's needs for adequate nutrition, you'll be more likely to start binge-eating, which tends to undo whatever weight loss you may have achieved by depriving yourself. (To be clear, I'm not saying that you are depriving yourself... since I don't have any idea what you eat. But maybe run your numbers through a body weight planner, to make sure you're getting enough food for your weight, age, and activity level.)

    I had about six months of nice, steady weight loss last year... and then I started a cycle of hunger/exhaustion and bingeing, and my weight loss was no longer steady. It turns out I wasn't eating enough to fuel my new (and far more active) lifestyle. Only after I ensured that I wasn't starving myself, and once I started to feel better, did the weight loss start up again.

    I found the Brain over Binge podcast super helpful in figuring this out. The podcast taught me that food deprivation is one of the causes of binge eating. Basically, the body will do anything to get the food that it needs, and if we don't feed ourselves well, then the brain will resort to urges and cravings to attempt to get what is necessary. Except of course binges don't give us the nutrients we actually need, because nobody binges on healthy food :# So the cycle of bingeing and guilty calorie restricting continues. I recommend the podcast if you want to know more.
  • FatboyLo103
    FatboyLo103 Posts: 29 Member
    February Start Weight: 158.8
    February Goal Weight: 154
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150

    February 1: 158.8
    February 8: 158.6
    February 12: 156.8
    February 19: 157.8
    February 26:
    February 29:
  • Wean_over_that_now
    Wean_over_that_now Posts: 54 Member
    @deepwoodslady. I agree with this statement. Had nightshift Saturday past, only 2.5 hrs sleep. Got home Sunday at noon. Rowed 10,000 meters, then worked out on my gym and was totally spent. Only 6 hrs sleep Sunday night, and was just gasping all evening for oxygen. Monday morning I started packing the food into me, all good stuff. But in the evening still hungry and exhausted so ate around a cup of peanuts and a cup of raisins. Felt better afterwards but went over by 1500 calories for the day, but didn't care at that point. Slept well last night and lost a pound. Body needed the protein and iron to recoup. So I will not make that mistake again.! Listen to your body, I say it knows better then we do in our heads, that's for sure!
  • ATnowornever
    ATnowornever Posts: 389 Member
    Welcome @Lazuliz!
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,306 Member
    February Start Weight: 135
    February Goal Weight:130
    Ultimate Goal Weight:

    February 7: 135
    February 14: 136
    February 21: 136
    February 29:
    (Leap year!)
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,427 Member
    Thank you, @enlightenme3 !
    I'm Chris - 73 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 148.0
    UGW: 145.0
    February 01: 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...still sick
    February 05: 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 5.60 miles in 115 mins in cold wind and rain!!
    February 12: 149.6 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/my trainer
    February 19: 148.1 at 8:10 a.m. ...60 min workout w/my trainer then worked on taxes :'(
    February 26:
    February 29:
    (Leap year!)
    Good luck everyone!
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,103 Member
    @brandice65 I'm not the boss here or anything, but you're doing great!