❤️⭐️February Daily Weigh-in and Logging Challenge⭐️❤️



  • KountryKat
    KountryKat Posts: 130 Member
    Hello, it's nice to meet you all! My name is Kat and I'm 32, 5'1". My goals for February are mindfulness around food, mini-exercises throughout the day, and no logging(I get way too competitive with myself and burn out!). SW: 123 | UGW: 110 | No specific goal weight for Feb., just to see consistent downward movement! I'm excited to join you all and stay accountable!
    2/8: 122.6
    2/9: 121.6
    2/10: 121 I'm assuming the water weight is off and now the real work begins. Happy weekend everyone!
    2/11: 120.8
    2/12: 120.8 I worked out all throughout the day and even did some work outside which got me sweating, so I'm pretty disappointed in the stagnation. I am feeling some muscle growth though so the soreness isn't for nothin'!
    2/13: 119.4 This ended up being an inadvertent rest day. I'm still tired and sore, but feeling a bit more ready to get back to it. I hope everyone has a great day!
    2/14: 119.2 Happy Val/Gal-entine's Day!
    2/15: 119.0 Well I've been very consistent the past few days haha! If that keeps up it'll make predicting timelines pretty easy.
    2/16: 118.2 @jm216 Happy Birthday! Tomorrow I'm going on an *all day* drive and shopping trip so I'm trying to make a plan since I'll need to keep my energy up. It may need to end up being a "cheat day"...
    2/17: 118.4
    2/18: 118.8
    2/19: 120.0 Hello again, it's been a busy weekend! I'm feeling incredibly frustrated because I spent nearly 5 hours laboring outside yesterday only for the scale to keep going up. I only seem to lose when I do my mini-exercises, but when I'm actually active all day working hard - nada. We'll see if I can get back on schedule tomorrow.