🌷 Just Give Me One Month - March 2024 🌼



  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    edited March 29
    January 24: 158
    February 24: 157.2
    March 24: 152

    March 1: 152
    March 2: 152
    March 3: 156
    March 4: 153
    March 5: 153 🤷‍♀️
    March 6: 152
    March 7: 151
    March 8: 150 🙌
    March 9: 150
    March 10: 150
    March 11: 152
    March 12: 151
    March 13: 150
    March 14: 150
    March 15: 149 🥳
    March 16: 150
    March 17: 149 🍀
    March 18: 150 ⚖️
    March 19: 150
    March 20: 149
    March 21: 148
    March 22: 148
    March 23: 149
    March 24: 150
    March 25: 150 😒
    March 26: 153 😳
    March 27: 150
    March 28: 150
    March 29: 150

    Not feeling motivated as before, but going to continue with tracking/ gym routine. I usually give up at 148lbs so it’s a pattern. Don’t think I’m leaving the 150’s yet.
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 277 Member
    UGW - 54kg (SW - 60.5kg)
    UGWaistM - 78cm (Start Measurement - 83cm)

    Mini Goals March:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    12 March - 60.5
    13 March - 60.2
    14 March - 60.0 Assume this is initial water weight coming off
    15 March - 59.9
    16 March - 59.8
    17 March - 59.7
    18 March - 59.6
    19 March - 59.5
    20 March - 59.4
    21 March - 59.2 WM - 82cm
    22 March - 59.2
    23 March - DNW
    24 March - 59.1
    25 March - 59.1
    26 March - 59.1
    27 March - 59.0
    28 March - 58.8
    29 March - 58.8
    30 March - 59.0 - well, that's disappointing.
  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    January 24: 158
    February 24: 157.2
    March 24: 152

    March 1: 152
    March 2: 152
    March 3: 156
    March 4: 153
    March 5: 153 🤷‍♀️
    March 6: 152
    March 7: 151
    March 8: 150 🙌
    March 9: 150
    March 10: 150
    March 11: 152
    March 12: 151
    March 13: 150
    March 14: 150
    March 15: 149 🥳
    March 16: 150
    March 17: 149 🍀
    March 18: 150 ⚖️
    March 19: 150
    March 20: 149
    March 21: 148
    March 22: 148
    March 23: 149
    March 24: 150
    March 25: 150 😒
    March 26: 153 😳
    March 27: 150
    March 28: 150
    March 29: 150
    March 30: 149

    Last night (almost) put an end to the carb bingeing/grazing! Had some vegetables, plain miso soup, and popcorn after gym. Went over calories for loss, but not for gain. Hoping to continue pattern today as well. Or do better!

    When my meal times aren’t same everyday, and I don’t consume enough protein, I start carb grazing. It’s such easy habit to fall into cause ‘just one bite’ before catching on to what is really happening. Those bites add up to no weight loss when you’re already within healthy weight range.
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 277 Member
    UGW - 54kg (SW - 60.5kg)
    UGWaistM - 78cm (Start Measurement - 83cm)

    Mini Goals March:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    12 March - 60.5
    13 March - 60.2
    14 March - 60.0 Assume this is initial water weight coming off
    15 March - 59.9
    16 March - 59.8
    17 March - 59.7
    18 March - 59.6
    19 March - 59.5
    20 March - 59.4
    21 March - 59.2 WM - 82cm
    22 March - 59.2
    23 March - DNW
    24 March - 59.1
    25 March - 59.1
    26 March - 59.1
    27 March - 59.0
    28 March - 58.8
    29 March - 58.8
    30 March - 59.0 - well, that's disappointing
    31 March - 58.8 - WM - 80.5cm

    Met my goals and a bit more this month, just shows how much water weight can be carried. Under no impression that it will get harder. 54kg seems a very long way off.

    @Plasicage - I always start the morning with a protein shake to make sure I get enough protein and I have my meals roughly planned in to MFP at least the night before so I can make better snack choices. It's the only thing that seems to work for me.
  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    edited March 31
    January 24: 158
    February 24: 157.2
    March 24: 152

    March 1: 152
    March 2: 152
    March 3: 156
    March 4: 153
    March 5: 153 🤷‍♀️
    March 6: 152
    March 7: 151
    March 8: 150 🙌
    March 9: 150
    March 10: 150
    March 11: 152
    March 12: 151
    March 13: 150
    March 14: 150
    March 15: 149 🥳
    March 16: 150
    March 17: 149 🍀
    March 18: 150 ⚖️
    March 19: 150
    March 20: 149
    March 21: 148
    March 22: 148
    March 23: 149
    March 24: 150
    March 25: 150 😒
    March 26: 153 😳
    March 27: 150
    March 28: 150
    March 29: 150
    March 30: 149
    March 31: 150

    Was doing great yesterday, until I got busy and starving, and dinner didn’t start to 10pm when I got home… I had snacks with me but was craving a warm meal.
    Need to shake things up for April!

    @SofaKween thanks, I start my day with protein shakes too. For work I do same lunches, and similar dinners, but when off work my schedule runs differently, and I don’t eat enough protein at every meal. Or in time like yesterday.

    Something I have to train myself to do. Or start more preplanning in general.