

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,972 Member
    MFP Mystery—— Anyone commenting, I will keep track and work comments into story. @Linda-Florida, who would you like to be? I will use the characters that we have and missing ones will be included now and then for story. Weekend is here so I should have time to work on this a little more and add to the story……. Have fun with this…… I am!!!!

    Fairy Godmother
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :) I have been retired from teaching in the public schools for nearly 20 years and things have changed in the world since then. What I remember is that we tried to take field trips using parent volunteers to drive instead of paying for bus transportation (very expensive with fuel and salary costs) and found it difficult or impossible in my school which had a low income family base. The high requirement for auto insurance including high liability was way above what our families had as they could afford only the minimum. Also, I remember that one teacher who was also a minister in a very traditional religion would not allow parent volunteers in his classroom if he knew the parents in the home weren't married to each other.

    :) My neighborhood is filled with tulips. My morning walks are beautiful.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,542 Member
    MsElphaba wrote: »
    Good morning, Friends!

    It’s 70 and sunny here in Jacksonville, Florida, but we are headed up to near 90 and will get past 90 the next few days.

    Rebecca: Nice cut! I like short hair on everyone but me. Long story, but I like my hair longer. I cut it myself about every three months. Now and then I’ve messed up and had to get it professionally fixed, but for the most part, I have it figured out.

    Allie: My son bought a tower laser for our cats. Turn it on and it spins a laser light in circles at different speeds and directions. Cats love it!

    Michele: I had to do go through a background check to chaperone field trips when my son was in 9th grade. It was a Christian school and several of us moms thought it was ridiculous. We’d been chaperoning since the kids were in Kindergarten. Then one parent failed… and we stopped complaining. Maybe the church can split costs or help out for those who would like to volunteer but can’t afford the check?

    Pipcd34: I’ve been trying to figure out what the numbers you post are, but I don’t have a clue. What are they?

    Barbie in NW WA: I love the pig tails! I do that sometimes with my hair if I can get the part relatively straight in the back.

    Machka: When I was fencing with long hair, I would put it in a pony tail that would slip above the strap of the fencing mask. Then I’d put a kerchief over my head to keep any strays from slipping around and catch sweat before it dripped into my eyes.
    Beautiful photos! I’m really trying to get the hang of manual settings, but it’s so easy to switch to auto! Especially when I’m trying to photograph the dogs. They don’t have the patience for me to dial in settings. LOL

    RustyBFF: Congrats on the 5kg! You should be pleased. Enjoy Wicked!

    Annie in Delware: Hope you feel better soon.

    Whibdey, WA: I remember Dorothy Hamill’s haircut and how it would fly up when she did spins. I had another iconic short style in high school… a Lady Di!

    As for me, I’m down to 180.9, so that is just about 5 pounds since March 26. Considering I was on vacation and haven’t worked out this week due to being busy with other stuff, so I'm happy with that.

    This morning, I noticed two monarch caterpillars munching away on a milkweed plant! Might have to get a few more of those. I wasn't sure they would find it, but they did!

    Make it a great day,
    Linda in Jacksonville

    Nice! I have had shoulder or short hair for the most part, all of my life. My Mom cut my hair in a pixie because it was just easier I suppose. If I did have it past my shoulders a bit, it was 99% up in a hair tie, and my scalp would be so sore and achy. In general I don't have the patience for long hair. Today I woke up and the top of my hair was sticking straight up like an 80' punk singer! I threw some water on it and ran fingers through it and it was great. That's the style I can get behind.😂
    I do commend those that have long hair though!👍🏼💖
    Well today I donate blood. I don't wanna but sometimes we do things just because we have to.👍🏼
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,433 Member
    Pip - love your landscaping and entryway. Looks very inviting and easy to care for.

    Rusty -great job on the weight loss. Sorry the grocery delivery was messed up. I wonder who received the groceries or maybe they didn't even send them out from the store?

    Annie - hope you feel better soon. Tummy or cold/flu symptoms?

    Rebecca - cute haircut, looks easy to maintain.

    Machka - glad your cancer was caught early and it's under watch. I checked with my sister yesterday, she said neither our mom or grandmother had surgery for their endometrial cancers which came on in their mid-80's, only radiation. That was 45 years ago for grandmother, 25 years ago for mom. Treatments are likely much different these days.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,372 Member
    Your photo looks very lovely and yes, put on some lipstick! LOL You did a good job of taming the bed head! :)

    Our little Athena is growing up before our eyes! <3

    Carol in GA
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,542 Member
    edited April 19
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Your photo looks very lovely and yes, put on some lipstick! LOL You did a good job of taming the bed head! :)

    Our little Athena is growing up before our eyes! <3

    Carol in GA

    I am thinking once my face clears up, I will look into some sort of make up like Parnell (been seeing lots of videos on that), and a lipstain. Part of my issues with lipstick is the heaviness and I literally can't talk normal!😂.
    Yep she is! You all are her aunties.💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,542 Member
    edited April 19
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    Today my hair was straight up like a punk rocker but with some water and my fingers, it obeyed and went how I like it. I need some actual red lipstick now.😁
    Kids had company visiting, her friend from her childhood. She has a little boy younger than Athena though. He has some disabilities but looks likes quite the trooper and looks quite resilient handling it.👍🏼 He and Athena get along like peas and carrots.💖

    I guess my son was the photographer so none with him.😂

    LOVE Multnomah Falls. I want to go back again. We have only been there once.
    I am so ready for a vacation, anywhere!! Last trip we did was our last cruise which was at the very beginning of Covid(we were on the Grand Princess-the people getting on the day we got off are the onese that got quarantined on it)

    Your hair looks so good. Mom has her's short, so does my younger sister.
    I have a hard time imagining what my hair would be like shorter. It is so curly with it really long.
    Not planning on cutting it to see.

    Heading up to mom's this evening. Looking forward to it- will be a working weekend, getting her greenhouse planted as much as I can.
    I picked up all kinds of seafood for me to cook for us. Seafood salad and sushi for tonight, salmon tomorrow night and shrimp on Sunday night.

    Walked MIL's dog for a shorter walk and will do the shorter path at the wetlands. I have, what I believe to be shingles popped up again on my foot. I get them every six months or so, only on my feet but in different spots. This time it is a cluster of blisters the size of a nickle right where the toes meet the ball of my foot, right in the middle. I did pop one of the blisters last night because it was hurting so much. That helped. May have to pop another one after my walk.

    Need to start packing my clothes and the plants I plan on taking up. Find the seeds(they aren't where I thought they were)

    Napa Valley,CA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    Hey all!!
    Rita- you will have to pick a person for me in the mystery..
    Ive re- arranged the kitchen ..folded and put away the laundry
    Dan stopped by and took out the garbage and i made reservations for Amtrak and Best Western in Philly he is going to another Fan thing at a convention center..on the May 3-5th
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    We returned the loaner car today then went to Sam’s (I had a credit and wanted to get dishwashing detergent – theirs was rated the highest.) and Vince ordered new glasses. Then went to WalMart for a few things.

    Ginnny – yes, I totally and completely agree that anyone who has access to children (or the infirmed) should get a background check. When I worked in the school district, I had it. But I also think that there needs to be some reasoning. Like this one guy is a bingo caller. Heck, there aren’t even children IN the bingo room. Ushers – like they have access to children (unless they’re escorting them to the bathroom, but I wouldn’t let anyone else but myself usher my child to the bathroom and I would probably go in with them.). I think the church is probably over-compensating for all the religious sexual scandals. But I’m not going to pay the money just so I can lector. Like I said, I volunteer at the soup kitchen where I have much more access to children and they don’t require it. If I have to stop lectoring or counting the donations – I stop. I’m certainly not going to die. I wonder if the church is going to find themselves needing even more volunteers. The only problem I have is with the idea is that I have to pay to volunteer. And then I have to pay again to renew it.

    Hair – I usually cut my bangs myself and about every 6 months or so and then I go and have a regular haircut

    Debbie – One of the things I’m constantly amazed at is how thankful people are at the soup kitchen. It’s few and far between for someone to give you a hard time. Just last week this lady asked for a dish of water for her dog while she ate. So I gave it to her. I figure the dish is going to get sanitized when it goes thru the dishwasher, anyway. Well, someone else told her that she couldn’t do it because it was unsanitary. She apologized to me over and over and kept saying that she hoped she didn’t get me in any trouble. I wouldn’t call this unsanitary, but it CAN get out of control. So many people will say “thank you for doing this”. They just served their one millionth meal

    Tracey – I have no problem if I get the clearance for free. Somehow, tho, I suspect the church won’t do that. Guess we shall see. To me, it makes much more sense for them to do it.

    Rusty – have fun seeing Wicked. Are you seeing a play or the movie?

    Annie – what’s the matter???

    For the life of me I kept thinking that the guy who is basically taking Jerry’s place (actually, he’s doing a better job.) looked familiar. Today it dawned on me. I swear he could be Pete’s twin. They talk alike, they’re both on the thin side, will work hard, he even has a short beard like Pete! He’s Italian, too.

    Heather – really hope this round of antibiotics works to get rid of the UTI completely

    Rebecca – you look absolutely stunning in that picture

    Just got back from my walk around the neighborhood. Oh, one of my neighbors is having an estate sale. You should have seen how many cars there were! And I also saw that another neighbor just put their house on the market. Good for them they got a lot of drive-by traffic, which doesn’t happen much in my development. Guess I should call and see if I need to appear for jury duty Monday.

    Took two traffic cones to my neighbor for her to borrow for tomorrow so that people don’t turn around in her driveway. Today she parked a car at either end of the driveway. This way she won’t have to do without a car tomorrow.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member