

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Today my hair was straight up like a punk rocker but with some water and my fingers, it obeyed and went how I like it. I need some actual red lipstick now.😁
    Kids had company visiting, her friend from her childhood. She has a little boy younger than Athena though. He has some disabilities but looks likes quite the trooper and looks quite resilient handling it.👍🏼 He and Athena get along like peas and carrots.💖

    I guess my son was the photographer so none with him.😂

    LOVE Multnomah Falls. I want to go back again. We have only been there once.
    I am so ready for a vacation, anywhere!! Last trip we did was our last cruise which was at the very beginning of Covid(we were on the Grand Princess-the people getting on the day we got off are the onese that got quarantined on it)

    Your hair looks so good. Mom has her's short, so does my younger sister.
    I have a hard time imagining what my hair would be like shorter. It is so curly with it really long.
    Not planning on cutting it to see.

    Heading up to mom's this evening. Looking forward to it- will be a working weekend, getting her greenhouse planted as much as I can.
    I picked up all kinds of seafood for me to cook for us. Seafood salad and sushi for tonight, salmon tomorrow night and shrimp on Sunday night.

    Walked MIL's dog for a shorter walk and will do the shorter path at the wetlands. I have, what I believe to be shingles popped up again on my foot. I get them every six months or so, only on my feet but in different spots. This time it is a cluster of blisters the size of a nickle right where the toes meet the ball of my foot, right in the middle. I did pop one of the blisters last night because it was hurting so much. That helped. May have to pop another one after my walk.

    Need to start packing my clothes and the plants I plan on taking up. Find the seeds(they aren't where I thought they were)

    Napa Valley,CA

    Enjoy yourself at your mommas!💖
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,892 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,817 Member
    Geez Annie ,that doesn't sound good at all,I'd lay low today If I were you..
    Rita- have you come up with my character yet?
    Its a yucky rainy weekend here..
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,542 Member
    edited April 20
    Good morning, my chickens, from the soon-to-be rainy morn of the socked-in Arkansas River Valley,

    My husband's heading into work for the morning to get one of the trucks fixed that just came in last night and needs to be available on Monday morning. Hate how tired he gets when he works this much overtime, but that kind of responsibility to his job is why his employer loves him. They treat him well.

    Since it's a rainy day, I will probably do my yoga and then work on the quilt I've got in progress. No pressure on anything today. Can't even express how lovely it is to not have anything medical for the next 17 days.

    Heather - Hope the next bout of antibiotics does it for the UTI, so glad you're on top of it, and the docs are willing to take your word. It's just not an option with the VA docs.

    Annie - That does not sound like any fun at all! Hope you're feeling much better today. Take care of yourself, dear heart.

    Machka - Love the color, it looks like it will brighten your space enormously.

    Vicki - What was the upshot overall on what's going on with your heart? You may have said and I missed it, sorry. You stay on my mind, especially with how hard you work.

    On with my day, hope yours is, was, or will be filled with joy and serenity,

    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Thank you for your concern. I don't really know whether I had a bug or just severe dehydration. Thursday I climbed the stairs, and suddenly got so dizzy I was crashing into the walls. I stumbled to the bathroom, vomited, spent a few hours on the floor in there, and then made it to bed with a headache. I swear I wasn't drinking alcohol at all. I'm just lucky this was after I drove home from horseback riding.

    Annie in Delaware

    Could be dehydration. Did you drink water at all before, during or after your horseback riding?

    Have an extra couple glasses of water today.

    It's probably OK to exercise a bit ... go for a walk with your father.

    M in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,728 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,202 Member
    Joy1580vb wrote: »
    Good morning, ladies.

    Annie, sorry to hear about your illness. Hopefully it passes quickly.

    Rita, what characters are still needed? Would like to jump onboard.

    Hubby is getting busy here. Had the electrician out yesterday and he wired everything for the seed cleaner. Put a control panel in that has only two buttons to start the machine so a very simple setup. Also has a safety feature that will shut down the unit if it gets overloaded with grain. Hopefully it works good. He's still setting things up so probably won't be trying it out until later this afternoon.

    We are in a total fire ban area as I'm sure is most of the province is. Extremely dry here. Not able to burn our household garbage anymore so will just collect the bags in the garage then take them to our local dump. We usually just burn in our burning barrel in the yard but certainly can't do that for now. Lots of concern that we are going to be in a drought this year. Southern Alberta uses irrigation for crops and some areas have already been told they will only have access to 1/2 of the water they usually use. Will have a major impact on crops and also pastures for cattle.

    Enjoy the day.


    We're in a drought in Tassie. Several places have water restrictions in place now.

    And the long range forecast (wild guess) is for a dry winter. That's usually when we get most of our rain.

    I keep hoping for another solid day of rain like we had a few weeks ago. That won't solve the problem but it would help.

    M in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,817 Member
    Great Job Rita 👏