How do you stay on plan when you travel?

I travel frequently for both work and fun. I'm finding better ways to manage exercise and eating but am always looking for advice or best practices from others. What are ways that help you stay on plan when you travel? And do you track food while on the road?

A few of mine:
- Find Hotel near running trail or close to my national gym.
- Grocery Store run when I land to have healthy drink, snack, food options for the week.
- Planning light lunch's in anticipation of bigger dinner & making wise choices at those dinners. More fish, chicken, etc than maybe I'd naturally be inclined to choose.
- Variety of in room exercise options depending on circumstances. Kickboxing, Yoga, Pilates, Practicing line dancing (Don't judge me, I spend a lot of time in Texas ;) )


  • Fitgoal90
    Fitgoal90 Posts: 15 Member
    On vacation, my partner and I tend to walk EVERYWHERE (usually well over 10k steps a day) unless the location absolutely requires driving/uber. The exploration is fun and calories are burned.

    Food-wise, I try to eat a salad and/or extra veggies as a side with roughly 85% of meals, plus have at least 2 glasses of water per meal. This and the walking usually tend to balance out the 15% of "deliciously bad" food choices.