Am I just a whiny *B*?

Started all this on 8-5. Literally dropped 12 lbs in the first 2 weeks - I'm sure a lot of water. Here it is 9-5 and the scale has not moved in over 2 solid weeks. In fact, I go up 1 and down 1 over and over and over. I'm exercising like a lunatic, drinking more than my fair share of water, and making super food choices and staying within the 1260-1600 calorie range. I'm 5'3", 39 and started at 259 lbs. Isn't it supposed to come off easier in the beginning? It used to. I'm not quitting - just ticked. Maybe I need an attitude adjustment. Go ahead, give it to me, I can take it...


  • clairegogogo
    Can't see your diary so don't know exactly how to help, but think this way -- you lost 12 lbs in your first month, right? Congrats!!
    It's a long journey, stick to it and you'll see a difference.

    good luck
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Two weeks isn't a very long time...BUT.....maybe you are eating more than you think. Do you guess and estimate portion sizes? Forget about condiments, oils you cook with, etc? Maybe you're under estimating your intake.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    I did the same thing. The first 15lbs just melted away quickly, but then my weight stalled. I was frustrated and angry with myself, convinced I was doing something wrong. It took about 3 weeks, but then my scale finally started moving again - in the right direction. Just be patient. You're doing fine and it will show.
  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
    I made my diary public. I didn't start using MFP regularly until the last week or two, so in the beginning it was kinda wacky. I'm awful about logging on the weekends, but I still count every morsel, every dab of condiment, etc.
  • muamontreal
    muamontreal Posts: 109 Member
    Hi :flowerforyou:

    Weight loss is not linear . Don't worry, keep doing all the good work ! I noticed that whne I stall sometimes for 2-3 weeks thaen the 4th week I lose the amount I was supposed to lose on those blank weeks as if it was added (?)

    Good luck with your weight loss

    Caro xxx
  • Rogsman
    Rogsman Posts: 106 Member
    If you're sure your tracking calories accurately, just keep going. I had a three week period of the same problem, and all the sudden 10 lbs dropped off in 3 days. I couldn't figure out if it was water retention, something I was eating or what. It's a mystery.

    But what's not a mystery is that I just kept doing what I knew was right and it corrected itself and the weight loss march continues.

    There's many posts saying "tape measure" with "scale" to figure out how you're doing, that may help show there's actually something moving around inside.
  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147

    Weight loss is not linear

    Good way to think of it
  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
    If you're sure your tracking calories accurately, just keep going. I had a three week period of the same problem, and all the sudden 10 lbs dropped off in 3 days. I couldn't figure out if it was water retention, something I was eating or what. It's a mystery.

    I'll be hoping for this!!!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    do you actually weigh your food????with a scale???

    As well I see a lot of big calorie burns like 1000 where is that coming from??? HRM??? MFP Database?

    And you calorie goal is 1210???? eek how much do you want to lose??? and how fast????
  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
    do you actually weigh your food????with a scale???

    As well I see a lot of big calorie burns like 1000 where is that coming from??? HRM??? MFP Database?

    And you calorie goal is 1210???? eek how much do you want to lose??? and how fast????

    Hey Stephanie - I'm usually around 1600. When I go to the gym I do 45 mins on the elliptical and an hour of yoga. MFP database calculates the burn.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If you're exercising like a lunatic, weigh 250 lbs, and only eat 1600 tops a day, that's your problem. You're not eating enough.

    Either that or you're not weighing your food properly and eating more than you think.
  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
    do you actually weigh your food????with a scale???

    As well I see a lot of big calorie burns like 1000 where is that coming from??? HRM??? MFP Database?

    And you calorie goal is 1210???? eek how much do you want to lose??? and how fast????

    Hey Stephanie - I'm usually around 1600. When I go to the gym I do 45 mins on the elliptical and an hour of yoga. MFP database calculates the burn.

    Oh - and yes I weigh with a scale
  • clairegogogo
    took a look at your diary, on the days that you log, your sodium is always very very high. Sodium makes human body contain water, so it might be water weight you are holding? Just a personal input.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    What exercise are you doing to burn 750-1000 cals??? For me that is 1.5-2 hrs of continuous running 9-10 min/mile pace. I'm thinking you are overestimating exercise burns and eating too much of it back.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    make sure you track calories accurately and dont leave stuff out

    another big thing that made a huge difference for me is properly refueling after you workout which you said you do alot - it sounds counterproductive to put stuff into your body after you just spent all this time burning it off but it really does help - when you dont refuel properly it can send you body into starvation mode post workout which basically makes it impossible to loose weight. Try the 2:1 carb:protein ratio. I like to drink the new leucerne protein chocolate milk after workouts, it tastes good and is light if you dont feel like eating then. I try to put back in 1/2 the calories I burned and you want to do it within 30 mins of working out. Just an idea to try out.
  • Michelle_dirtracer
    The best advice I can give anyone is to MEASURE!! Get off of the scale and buy a soft tape measure. I used to get so upset over the scale that I would give up. I started with a trainer and we did measurements and after 5 weeks I had lost a total of 4.5 inches all over but the scale only moved 2 lbs. After that I quit worrying about the number on the scale and taking weekly measurements. I still weigh myself but I don't get upset any longer.
  • LovinHISWORD
    LovinHISWORD Posts: 13 Member
    well I think we all need an attitude adjustment occasionally, especially when that scales can be so doggone uncooperative.
    If you need someone to be accountable, message me, and we can do this together. Because, to tell you the truth, my attitude needs some help too
  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
    What exercise are you doing to burn 750-1000 cals??? For me that is 1.5-2 hrs of continuous running 9-10 min/mile pace. I'm thinking you are overestimating exercise burns and eating too much of it back.

    45 mins of elliptical and 60 mins yoga. MFP gives me the calories.
  • Rogsman
    Rogsman Posts: 106 Member
    What exercise are you doing to burn 750-1000 cals??? For me that is 1.5-2 hrs of continuous running 9-10 min/mile pace. I'm thinking you are overestimating exercise burns and eating too much of it back.

    This is a very good point. 30 hard minutes on an elliptical is 382 calories for me, 15 on a rowing is 150 (target cardio heart rate). The machines I use calculate via weight. If your using what MFP says, it's way off actual to a point where it could wreck your fitness goals (sorry MFP).

    I have a heart rate monitor arriving Friday to get another reading on calories burned, but will continue to use the lowest number when doing my calorie counts.
  • A3L7
    A3L7 Posts: 10 Member
    I didn't really start to see results until my second or third week (and I had about 60 to drop, so I thought it'd be easy at first!). Just stick with it... things will start to change!