Women 200lb+, Let's Find A Way This May!!!



  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    I’m starting in today even though it isn’t a beginning of a month because there is no time like now! I was at a really stressful job and bad habits made me gain a lot of weight. I am now at a new job, and the weight was coming off, but then it stopped. I tried to actively lose weight alone, but seemed to be treading water, so now am reaching out for community.

    I went back to tracking today. Non-weight goals are to make my porridge every day and have standardized meals, with a different salad or soup added in. Exercise goals are to stretch 2x a day and walk 5 days a week, minimum a mile.

    05/26 216.8

    SW: 216.8
    CW: 216.8
    GW: 199 hold for 6 months
  • CeCeFlyy
    CeCeFlyy Posts: 23 Member
    Weekly Check In • 5/27

    SW: 237
    LW: 236.8
    CW: 236.8
    GW: 165

    One thing I want to improve from last week:

    Sticking to weight loss calories. I’ve had a bad b***e cycle the last 2 weeks. Happy to see I’ve gained nothing but need to break this “bad habit”. Therapy today to discuss how to move forward and break this cycle.

    One thing I enjoyed from last week:

    Last week was that time of the month so I didn’t enjoy much. Chocolate chip muffins from Costco, delicious.


    ✨My face is slimming down
    ✨Water intake has been decent.
    ✨I woke up and did a work out this morning

    Carnaval was this week, and it was so cold I wasn’t leaving the house. But there’s another smaller festival this upcoming weekend so hopefully it warms up so I can dance in the street!
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member

    Yesterday went well, and I met my goals and had 131 calories left over for the day. Don’t worry - I start out at 1600, cals, so this is sustainable and I’m not starving myself. I dropped a little weight, but I’m trying to get back down another 2.5 pounds which is my true starting point for this leg of the journey. I really slipped for about a week there. That’s why tracking and support are going to be important.

    I found a soup to make for the week - I can make it tonight and then eat it for lunch at work. I am really wanting greens, so I can also make a light salad for dinner. I’m having a wedge salad for dinner for 2 more days. It’s all veggies except for the dressing, which I measure and track. I’m not bothering with the veggies, because they are so low.

    Today I am looking forward to putting in the tomato plants, pulling ivy, cleaning the living room, and I am not looking forward to doing my side jobs taxes and my employed job of 2 reports. 4 hours of my life gone. Le Sigh. I was a stay at home mom for 16 years, and am rebuilding my professional life. It’s not easy.

    *** Previous***

    I’m starting in today even though it isn’t a beginning of a month because there is no time like now! I was at a really stressful job and bad habits made me gain a lot of weight. I am now at a new job, and the weight was coming off, but then it stopped. I tried to actively lose weight alone, but seemed to be treading water, so now am reaching out for community.

    I went back to tracking today. Non-weight goals are to make my porridge every day and have standardized meals, with a different salad or soup added in. Exercise goals are to stretch 2x a day and walk 5 days a week, minimum a mile.

    05/26 216.8
    05/27 215.2

    SW: 216.8
    CW: 216.8
    GW: 199 hold for 6 months
    Greater Seattle Metro Area, WA
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 65 Member
    Sorry, that I havent put anything in here the last couple weeks. I plateaued. Not happy about it. I did amazing on my walk on Saturday. I did 4 miles in 54.50. I seen some pictures that were taken of me and I am now focusing on certain areas of my body. I will finish this month out strong!
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 235 Member
    SW: 236.2 (4/18/24)
    LW: 231.8 May 1st
    230.8 May 6th
    226.8 May 13th
    224.8 May 20th
    222.6 May 27th
    Monday weigh in

    Goals for May:
    Walk 30 min / 3x per week - still working on this
    Log daily (and honestly)
    Measure my food when I am at home
    225 on the scale *Hit this so my new goal is 220 on 6/3

    Had a great weekend that ended with a crawfish boil on Sunday evening. I am feeling really positive about my progress this May and already thinking about my goals for June. One of the things that I have been working on is listening to my body. I have started getting deep tissue massages for my problem areas. Last week she worked on an extremely tight sub scapular muscle and abductor muscles in my leg. I am finally starting to see results. She has removed knots from both calves and helped with the scar tissue from my back surgery. A little back story - I was in a pretty bad accident in 2018 - I was at a dead stop and a car rear ended me at 55 mph - they never hit their breaks. I was very lucky that my injuries were not worse. But I feel like I am finally getting to the root of my physical issues and getting me back too.

    One thing I would like to focus on in June is self care. What are some of the things you do for self care? I am still going to work on my movement and water. I seem to carry around my insulated cup more than I drink from it.

    Hope you all are having a great day. The first round of storms just passed over and we are expecting round two this evening.
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    had a really good day food and energy wise today. Food wise is not surprising because I am feeding my body what it wants. I made my porridge, which is so important to a good start. And I made the soup, so I had plenty of healthy food to eat. When I feed myself, I don’t get desperate and eat so that I am not starving. I have 191 calories left today, so I am motivated to do my walk and get another few calories. My kid is grabbing me a nice tomato, so I can have the wedge salad I am craving. And I should be about ready for my bedtime routine after that.

    I got the tomato plants in yesterday, but have one more waterwall to complete - I’ll try for that tomorrow. I didn’t get the living room clean though. Maybe I’ll try to work that in tomorrow as its my work from home day and I get back an hour and 40 minutes of commute time.

    I kept trying to build in a little stretch time at work today and it just didn’t happen. I need so little. 30 seconds, but I could only get 10 and then I’d be interrupted. I did my first set, finally, right before coming on here. So thanks for the motivation! Working with the tomatoes, hauling bags of mulch, and pulling Ivey did a number on my back yesterday - which meant a throbbing knee. I had to take advil to sleep! This is why the stretching is so important.

    Good news! I found my watch, in my purse (so silly). It’s a small purse, but the watch band is a dark color. Now I can time my stretches better.

    I am going to add in the goal of gettting more sleep. I need it.

    @jenbroussard71 - Hi from another Jennifer - I go by Jenn though. I need to find a masseuse. Stress is getting in my left shoulder right now. But my back and hip are always off. I see eating well as self-care- so I am working on that. And I really need more sleep. I average about 6 hours a night, which isn’t good. I am going to go for my walk in a hot minute, do some clean up and then get in bed. I’ve started crocheting - which is a new activity for me. I always knit before, but I want to do some projects with my kid and crochet will be easier for his hands.

    *** Previous***

    I’m starting in today even though it isn’t a beginning of a month because there is no time like now! I was at a really stressful job and bad habits made me gain a lot of weight. I am now at a new job, and the weight was coming off, but then it stopped. I tried to actively lose weight alone, but seemed to be treading water, so now am reaching out for community.

    I went back to tracking today. Non-weight goals are to make my porridge every day and have standardized meals, with a different salad or soup added in. Exercise goals are to stretch 2x a day and walk 5 days a week, minimum a mile. Get more sleep. :)

    05/26 216.8
    05/27 215.2
    05/28 215.0 - getting closer to my low weight for this round of 212.5

    SW: 216.8
    CW: 215.0
    GW: 199 hold for 6 months
    Greater Seattle Metro Area, WA
  • mmatcha_latte
    mmatcha_latte Posts: 132 Member
    edited May 29
    Name: Melissa
    39 years old, 5'8" woman

    My Numbers:
    SW: 263.4 lbs (Nov 1 2023)
    CW: 205 lbs (29 May 2024)

    Omg May is almost over already!! My weight stalled a bit this month but then I was surprised this morning with a 2 lb loss right at the end of the month, leaving me with a 7 lb loss for May.

    I've been struggling a lot with mental health lately but I'm trying my best to incorporate some skills from therapy and it's been helping a lot! When I start to get stuck in negative thoughts I stand up and swing my arms around or walk in place for a bit and if that doesn't help then I'll go downstairs and make some tea or go outside for a walk, just something to get out of the room I was in and busy myself with.

    My husband and I tried some veggie burgers for a memorial day bbq and they were so delicious! I sauteed peppers and onions to put on top and we ate them with hummus and veggies, chickpea salad, and pasta salad on the side. It felt good to try to make a healthier version of the burgers and chips I grew up with. I'm putting so much effort into trying to make this a lifestyle change and incorporate healthy options everyday and I feel like I've made good progress.

    I've also been making some homemade matcha lattes that are soooo good. I use matcha powder from Japan (ippodo brand is great!) plus a small amount of Splenda and sometimes even collagen peptides and fiber powder. I typically do half unsweetened almond milk and half unsweetened soy milk then crumble some freeze dried strawberries on top. I recently ordered some boba poppers that are only 30 cal for the serving I use so the whole drink is waaaay less calories than my typical order from the boba shop I love. It makes me so happy still getting to have my fav drink.

    This month I'm slowly working up to 60 mins of walking per week, probably doing 20 mins 3x per week and also stretching everyday. My stamina is very poor from being on bedrest for so long so I'm just taking it slow and building myself back up over time. I can't wait to be back to walking 4-5 miles per day but I know it's gonna take a while to get back there so I'm trying to be patient and kind with myself.

    See you all soon in the June thread! 🌞
  • kiteflyer105
    kiteflyer105 Posts: 137 Member
    edited May 31
    ((Long post)) From the beginning of the Eating Disorder Clinic, I was told, “This is not a weight loss program”. If I treated this as such, I would never recover. I needed to focus on Weight Maintenance. After that, I did whatever they would tell me to do. I've had 11 days without bingeing or drinking Coke. I have seen many mind shift changes within myself. I know recovery is possible. This is seriously doable. It is simple not easy. They take a person with BED and make them eat 6 times a day with full nutrition. Even for me, this was too much eating. Then they incorporate desserts and *trigger* binge foods into your food plan. They call them Sparkle foods. You can get support while eating those. I ate my favorite desserts and never wanted to see them again.

    They recommend exposure therapy, which is eating food in public. Graded exposure: Your therapist asks you to list your feared objects, activities and situations in order of intensity. You start with mild to moderately difficult exposures and progress to more difficult ones over time. I had to eat shrimp fettuccini alfredo, which I was super stressed over. This was a high anxiety item. I did it.

    This all happens rather slowly. I cried; I had high anxiety over eating cookies in front of my group. The nutritionist and Behavioral Health technician ate with us. You had to show all your food to the dietician (before) and your empty dishes after. For the drinks, you had to turn them upside down to prove you drank them. At first eating in front of strangers stressed me out. Over time, I did not care. You stated your level of anxiety, 1-100, how hungry or not hungry you were and what specific tool you would use during your meal. Then afterwards, you would check out. They would ask your hunger and fullness and document that data. We were told repeatedly, everything is data.

    This is the only time I let anyone have control over what I ate for the first time in my life. It is/was scary, yet worth it. I don’t stuff down

    Most people I encountered with all eating disorders were perfectionistic, had major food rules, and were very rigid. All of us had poor core concepts.

    You first deal with your core concepts of yourself. Like, “I am not worthy”. Or, “I am ugly.” You use Cognitive Behavior Therapy to reconstruct your false messages about yourself. Those are lies. Then you substitute new, positive more helpful messages. Repetition is key.
    Over time you get used to your hunger and fullness cues at every meal. You use the tools and skills that they teach you like “do the opposite”, mindfulness, radical acceptance, self-compassion”, etc. I would say the “The Serenity Prayer” at each meal. You asked yourself, “What do I really want?” Sometimes it is not food. Overall, I feel more control of my eating. They aim for success 80% of the time. I don’t eat fast anymore.

    I want to taste the food instead of inhaling it. During a binge, I didn’t even enjoy the food. I pause in between bites now, have a conversation, or just take a time out. I really don’t like massive amounts of food anymore. I stopped my fast-food compulsion; that is the only good thing about the prices going up. I am buying a wok to make Chinese meals. I also use copycat recipes too. This is certainly a more enjoyable way of life without all the stress. The most important thing is we eat a wide variety of foods. This eliminates boredom, and it won’t get stagnant.

    I want to eat just enough. I don’t like to be super full anymore. This is rather unpleasant. Many of the rituals I used to have are nonexistent now. It didn’t happen overnight. In total, it will be 3.5 months of recovery then outpatient care. I am glad I stuck to this Every. Single. Day. My eating was never perfect. The first 2 weeks in both inpatient and outpatient were super rough. Yes, I binged. It doesn’t go away overnight. I've had 37 years of practice. If a person wants it bad enough, you can change. It is a lot of work. My insurance footed the bill. Otherwise, this facility is $16,000 a month or $56,000. This is a case by case basis. Some people stay more or less depending on their situation.

    I will never chronically diet again. I will never severely restrict again. I don’t have to… Most weight loss programs don’t work. Only 5% of the population keep the weight off. The diet industry is a $71 billion industry, yet according to studies— 95% of diets fail.

    My therapist reports,” They make us find 71,000 ways to hate ourselves.” This has been a part of my life experience. At first, I hated to be away from here, but honestly, I was relieved. I didn’t focus on calories anymore, just my hunger and fullness cues. I am moving towards Intuitive Eating and focusing on nutrition and figuring out what my body needs. I learned that food is just food. There are no bad/ good foods. This is a part of the diet industry mentality.

    In all, I am very pleased of the progress I have made. Before, I didn’t think it was possible. The clinical staff said, “Trust the process.” I did and it has made all the difference. When I first started, my BED had 95% of me—the true me was only 5%.

    Now, I am 85% the true me and 15% of eating disorder. Given that I continue to work at it, my goal is to be 95% of my true self. I chose to live and consciously choose recovery daily, or I will die. It feels great to finally take care and love myself. I owe a big thanks to God. I prayed at the beginning I couldn’t do this without him. HE didn’t let me down. Realistically, I could have died last year. I am very thankful to be living. Don’t waste your life. Do it now. You are worth it.

    I remember thinking in the beginning I didn’t have this in me. I am glad to prove myself wrong.
    This is what my recovery has looked like for my Binge Eating Disorder.
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    Last night I took advil before bed and slept really well. Sometimes my knee wakes me up. I stretched at work a bunch of times today and it went well except when I sat for too long, then I got stiff. I walked tonight and it was great. I just need to keep moving. I’m going to bed early tonight because I had to work too late last night to get enough sleep. I’m bushed!

    @mmatcha_latte I love all of these skills you are using for your mental health. The struggle is real.

    Goodnight all!

    *** Goals***

    I went back to tracking today. Non-weight goals are to make my porridge every day and have standardized meals, with a different salad or soup added in. Exercise goals are to stretch 2x a day and walk 5 days a week, minimum a mile. Get more sleep. :)

    05/26 216.8
    05/27 215.2
    05/28 215.0 - getting closer to my low weight for this round of 212.5
    05/29 213.6 - getting closer!
    05/30 214.0 - oops got a little further away. ;)

    SW: 216.8
    CW: 214.0
    GW: 199 hold for 6 months
    Greater Seattle Metro Area, WA
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 42 Member
    42, 5’10
    Evolving snack queen

    HW: 269
    SW: 266.8
    CW: 256.8
    GW: 170s

    Switching to Sunday weigh-ins

    5/05: 255.8
    5/12: 253.0
    5/19: 249.8
    5/26: 250.2
    5/31: 247.4

    Personal May Goals:
    249 on the scale… even just a flicker
    ✅ woohooooo this was so exciting to see!!!
    Complete C25K
    ❌ did not complete, I’m still in week 6, but I have been repeating some of the days that have been difficult
    Log every day
    ✅ logged EVERYTHING good and bad

    Looking forward to June! 🤩
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone, and happy last day of May!

    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150
    2024 goal weight: 165
    SW 2024: 182.7

    🌻 May Goals!🌻
    🌻 May GW: 178

    🟡May SW: 181.4
    5/4: 183.2
    5/18: something ridiculous, ew
    5/25: 182.8
    5/31: 182.6

    🟡Practice for performance at least 3 days a week✅ PERFORMANCE WENT GREAT, I'm still so happy with this.
    🟡Stick to weight loss calories 7! days! a week! ❌
    🟡Log everything in grams ✅

    Looks like I gained overall for this month, but I came back from the brink. Overall I'm just maintaining for 2024 so far, almost to the tenth of a pound. Which isn't bad, I've had higher and lower days and don't feel deprived very much. I'm maintaining this weight well. Now I just have to make a push, and it might have to wait until after all my vacations next month, haha. I'll ponder my goals.

    I've read all your updates, you're all doing great! See you in June!
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 65 Member
    officially plateaued. coming up with a plan for june.
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 72 Member
    edited May 31
    ReStarting weight: 225 (May 2024)
    Goal weight: 175
    Final Goal Weight:145

    Weigh-in Fridays
    5/3 224
    5/10 225.8
    5/17 222.4
    5/24 221.8
    5/31 218.4

    Goals for May:
    -Log every day ✅ Thank you to everyone who had tips for logging. This group helped me realize it’s not that hard and absolutely worth it to log every day.

    -Close all of my rings 5 days a week ✅ I have 3 weeks so far that I closed my rings every day of the week. I also increased my activity goal from 550 calories a day to 600 calories a day.

    -Walk or exercise at least 30 min a day ✅ I’ve nearly doubled this on a daily basis.

    - May goal weight: 213 ❌ While I didn’t hit this goal, I’m still proud of the 7 pound loss this month. It’s been steady and I’ve maintained the weight loss. I didn’t lose a whole bunch up front then start a yo-yo. I have more energy already and I’m more active at the end of the month than I was at the beginning!

    Looking forward to June! One more month until I’m on our Alaskan cruise vacation and I can’t wait.

  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    I stepped on something a while ago that is stuck in the bottom of my foot. Long story short, the doctor couldn’t get it out. I had an x-ray and we are waiting to see what is in my foot. I knew I was going to the doctor today, so I did my walking earlier in the week. I preplanned my off day. And I stayed on point with food logging. I did give myself a treat today of 3 little chocolate and a fried egg sandwich. I figure I deserve something nice since it’s Friday and I had to have my stupid tetanus shot. Ugh. Plus, a blood draw, because good things just keep on coming!

    Ugh, I just walked into the kitchen and it hurts really bad. I won’t be walking until it’s out.

    *** Goals***

    I went back to tracking today. Non-weight goals are to make my porridge every day and have standardized meals, with a different salad or soup added in. Exercise goals are to stretch 2x a day and walk 5 days a week, minimum a mile. Get more sleep. :)

    05/26 216.8
    05/27 215.2
    05/28 215.0 - getting closer to my low weight for this round of 212.5
    05/29 213.6 - getting closer!
    05/30 214.0 - oops got a little further away. ;)
    05/31 214.4 - wah
    Lost for the week - 2.4

    SW: 216.8
    CW: 214.4
    GW: 199 hold for 6 months
    Greater Seattle Metro Area, WA
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    I would like to join this group but have you started one for June yet? Please provide the link if you have so I can start in the new month. Thanks
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
    💜💜💜Hello, ladies!!! Sorry for the delay (I usually like to have the new group posted one minute after midnight on the first of the month)!💜💜💜

    Next month's group has been posted in the Motivation and Support forum. Hope to see you there!

    🌼Women 200lb+, Let’s Have A Jazzy June!!!🌼

  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 235 Member
    SW: 236.2 (4/18/24)
    LW: 231.8 May 1st
    230.8 May 6th
    226.8 May 13th
    224.8 May 20th
    222.6 May 27th
    223.8 June 3rd
    Monday weigh in

    Goals for May:
    Walk 30 min / 3x per week - still working on this
    Log daily (and honestly)
    Measure my food when I am at home
    225 on the scale *Hit this so my new goal is 220 on 6/3

    Had a little gain the last week of May, but I am not going to be disappointed with myself. We had more social events then usual and those darn charcuterie boards get me every time! So I am sure I consumed way too much sodium. I am so ready to jump into June and continue with progress! I hope to all see you there....