Trying again

Turning 50 this year and need to do something about all this extra weight. I have a hard time tracking consistently - I know all the things I should be doing but actually doing them consistently is hard. I hate when I go to doctor and it says "obese" on the form. I know I eat when stressed and eat when sad and eat when happy lol. Oof. Time to stick with small changes and persist.


  • 4lovebug
    4lovebug Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Katherine! My name is Sara. I live in Nevada. This is what resonated about your post. I love your line I know all the things I should be doing! Me too! I know all the things I should be doing but I don't. Thank you for making me feel like I am not in this alone.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,052 Member
    Welcome, Katherine! And welcome, Sara!

    Knowing "all the things" is great, but as we've identified, doing them all is hard! But let's NOT do them all; let's just pick ONE thing from our list of "things I should be doing" and work on adding that ONE item to our daily routine. Post stickie reminders around the house, setup phone alarm reminders, ask a friend or loved one to ask you daily, post here on MFP, something to help remind you and spur you into doing that ONE THING. After a couple weeks it gets easier to remember without being hounded, after three months it has become so ingrained as part of a new habit it can start to work on autopilot. That's when you choose ONE OTHER THING to add and focus on until it becomes habit, also. Yes, it takes time to add things in this manner, but small changes are a lot easier to accept, and over time small things add up to big things.

    You both got this!
  • teamweiss
    teamweiss Posts: 1 Member
    I am turning 50 also this year. Menopause is kicking my butt, tracking is hard and so is working out. All the things I know how to do but lose my drive. So I am trying again also.

    One thing that is helping me - is meal planning. I enter all my dinners on a shared calendar with my husband (he is the cook). Then I enter all the meals into tracking for the week. I have like three breakfasts that I rotate, so I enter them in also. Each, I only need to enter lunch and snacks. I enter all of this on Sunday mornings for the week and plan ahead if I have evening events. This helped a lot. Thought i would share.
  • Rxman1971
    Rxman1971 Posts: 402 Member
    53 here it's the new 30 lmao. Add if like