Sugar Cravings are killing me



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    My calories are 1400 right now and my Macros are Carbs 40%, Protein 35% and Fats 25%.

    Yes calories are a bit low but the struggle with sugar is there even when I was set at about anywhere between 1800-2000 calories. For me, it really doesn't seem to matter. In fact I was hard core keto many years ago and was fit enough to be doing Spartan races , Tony Horton workouts , and riding endurance horses 100 miles a week. It was still a struggle then.

    I do realize its choices and fighting through the cravings is something the only option on the table for me. Sometimes if I can talk myself though it and distract myself with something else, like a walk or a task I can manage. I just am reaching out because I want this monster to go away or atleast not rear its ugly head daily for me. Sugar addiction is a real thing and I am envious of those who have no desire for that. I do come from a family over eaters and super heavy people, who eat rather unhealthy. I often wonder if its the genetic code at some level playing a part.

    When you run a report, how well do you hit your protein goal? Also, what's your fiber goal and how well do you hit it? If it's the default, try upping it...slowly. Your GI system will thank you for the slow increase :lol:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I am trying to use MFP to get some level of control and clarity on my health and diet. For the last two years it seems like a never ending climb upward on the weight scale no matter what I do. I am closer to 50 than 40 and dealing with menopause symptoms. I know sugar and alchohol and frankly just getting a bit lazy on the activity scene , has been a big part of issue. I have given up the alchohol , no issue there, and I have gotten into a fitness routine but I struggle daily , sometimes multiple times a day with wanting sweets. Cookies, pudding, candy, whatever I can get my hands on. I do keep a few things in the house. I have tried not having it in the house and it almost makes it worse because then I will obsess about it and then go to the store . (and usually over buy things) I blew it today and and over ate on my calories and macros. I only ate one cookie but I just overate in general. I was hungry which might have had something to do with being unrested from last two nights of lack of sleep.
    I feel like crap and want to kick myself repeatedly. If I could get rid of the sweet cravings, I think I would do alot better. I can usually go a day or two without them if I really work hard at it but by the third day, its impossible and I cave. I have tried alot of things but nothing really seems to break this habit. Tomorrow I feel like I am going to have to work out double hard to offset things from today.

    Yeah, I've got nothing for sleep deprivation munchies other than to make sure I hit protein, fiber, and fruit goals and try to not eat higher than maintenance calories.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    kaferine69 wrote: »
    Can you try a couple different flavors of gum? I also struggle with sweets. People tell me I'm crazy when I say I have a sugar addiction, but I really believe it's an addiction just like any drug addiction.

    I personally don't think having one or two mini chocolates are that bad for you. Often if I have, like, one mini Milky Way piece, it keeps me from indulging in an entire cookie or entire candy bar. I've also kept a bag of chocolate chip morsels (the ones you use for baking) in the freezer and if I am really feeling the sugar craving, I will grab a couple of those, or maybe like a tablespoon's worth.

    Maybe you can also designate a single day a week where you do indulge in a slice of cake, or a cookie or two. It's better than binging several times a week.
    kaferine69 wrote: »


    As if I could have a bag of mini Milky Way or chocolate chip morsels and NOT eat the whole package before bed.

    Your definition of "addiction" and mine are very very different!!

    Oh trust, there are certain "hot button" sweets that I simply cannot be around. Packages of any cookie, really, or donuts of any kind, and I do not have a stop button, even if I feel sick or ill.

    But for me, straight chocolate just makes my mouth feel gross when I eat too much of it. So the chocolate morsels trick works for me because if I eat more than a tablespoon or two, I just start feeling blech. Maybe there is a candy or sweet snack that works this way for OP, as well.

    Re: single-serve, this works well for me also. When I go to work, I pack ONLY what I will eat that day. I don't keep a drawer of snacks "in case I get hungry". And when I have only brought one single snack pack of whatever with me, well, then that's all I get! Aldi has a couple really yummy 100 calorie snack pack options, actually.

    I like the chocolate chips thing too, 54%-60%, about 10 grams/50 calories at a time. I let them dissolve, one by one, super slowly, and by the time I'm finished, my chocolate itch has been thoroughly scratched.

    Like you, I've learned what founds I can moderate and what I simply cannot have in the house.

    Or, if they are for my partner, I put them where he can access them and I cannot see them.
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 725 Member
    @DFW_Tom - ty.
    I don't talk about this much irl, but when i do, and even here, rarely meet anyone that says they experience similar. There is an emotional/participate in life component that is essential/important too. It has taken time for me to sort through frequent social feasting to find what works for me. It continues to evolve, but I appreciate having a place we can talk about such things.
  • dontlikepeople
    dontlikepeople Posts: 142 Member
    There have already been great responses, and I'm probably repeating something that was already said, but:

    My personal experience is that I have to completely restrict sweets. The moment I eat a cookie or slice of pie my hunger goes into hunger drive. Pretty much the only way I can keep my hunger in check, is avoiding sweets.
  • tanmayarora73
    tanmayarora73 Posts: 2 Member
    If Sugar is your weakness then must try whey protein and low fat high protein yogurts