barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

:) Welcome to a friendly place for support, encouragement and friendship. This thread starts over each month to give us a clean slate to make our lives better.

:) The name of the thread is "Women Ages 50+" but all women are welcome.

:) Be sure to bookmark the thread so you can find it again easily.

:) Please sign your post with a name or nickname and your location either specific or general to make the discussion more personal.

:) I look forward to sharing your journey with you.

<3 Barbie in NW WA




  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,030 Member
    THANK YOU!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend- Will check in with all of you on Monday-
    Heading up to mom's
    Beautiful drive from Napa Valley, through St.Helena, Calistoga and to Alexander Valley.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    For a second there I thought I was actually going to be the first to reply to Barbie, but Debbie beat me to it.

    I usually forget it’s a new month and am surprised at the small number of posts in the old thread when I log on.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,532 Member
    Happy June, y'all, and thank you, Barbie.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,425 Member
    Thank you, Barbie, for leading us into June. Already. :p

    Lanette B)
    Sunny SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,719 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Thanks Barbie!

    Sue in WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    Machka I'm with you on disliking the dark months, although it's bright and sunny here now. Does the dark affect your husband?

    He's home all day with the curtains open and can be out in the garden during the day. So he doesn't seem to mind what time the sun comes up or goes down. If we go through a week or more of rain and gloom, in the winter, that bothers him.

    But for me, the sun is barely up when I go to work, and it's pitch dark when I go home. I try to get outside at lunch for about an hour, but if it is cold and windy, I walk through the city shopping areas. I can go several days and barely see the sun, even through cloud.

    Being indoors or outside in the dark all the time is incredibly depressing.

    Well, I set up a walk in a nearby forest with my friend for my father and me, but this morning my father said he didn't want to go. I thought he would enjoy it again. I convinced him to go anyway since I can't go without him. But now I feel like I'm dragging him along.

    He wants to go sailing and he wants to go on road trips, but that's too much for me. Well, getting us both out to walk is a good thing whether he admits it or not. I can't aspire to him liking everything, because that won't happen.

    Have a wonderful day, and may you all be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

    When was the last time he went sailing or on road trips?

    I'm wondering if he is living in the past?

    Machka in Oz

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,368 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,962 Member
    Happy June everyone! We are already 6 months into this year! Where has the time gone??
    Yesterday morning had blood work. My DH even went without much complaining! That is a definite win! We go every 3 months with our PC who is a wholistic doctor. Our results will be available next Friday when we both go for the follow-up appointment.
    It’s overcast this morning. I hate days like this, they are so depressing.
    Not much going on here. Usual summer stuff at the park, campground full and day side busy. I will probably need to work the entrance booth again this week. Not sure yet, no one has asked me but I’m just assuming.

    Laters Ladies!
    RVRita at Bottomless Lakes