Here We Go Again

Hello to my fellow healthy lifestylers! I have been using the MyFitnessPal app on and off for 5 years now. I am a 45-year-old mother of 2 grown children and Yaya to 3 grands (all under the age of 5). I have struggled with my weight since my 20s. I have tried a variety of diets, fads and trends over the years with some varying degree of success or failure. My issue is never motivation, it's discipline. I suck at "sticking to the plan." I have to get this weight under the control. I am not the biggest I have ever been but I never want to see that mark again.
I have been back logging my food & counting calories since Monday (it's now Thursday). I have a whole new attitude about the plan to keep me on the road to success so I am confident this will work. If you're looking for someone to be accountable with or to help you through those hard times when you want to make decisions, add me, cause that's exactly what I'm looking for here. Let's get healthy, fit & fine together!


  • PaulaHunn
    PaulaHunn Posts: 1 Member
    U sound like myself, good luck to us on our journey 🥰