
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,975 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,574 Member
    Today’s gratitude: 15 degree temperature drop at sunset, and wow was it a beaut!
    Just let word get out at church that you have water/well/cistern/pump troubles and what a lot of helpful advice, support and sound recommendations come your way during fellowhip. Have a strong recommendation for a pump and well company if our water guy should be unable to finish the job. The waiting list will be long, the bill will be high, but at least there’s a plan B.
    Terri how long will the grout take to set, when can you shower again?
    Michele, thanks for the Genius Gourmet and Elevation protein puff tips. Alas I’ll have to pass. Neither sucralose nor maltodextrin are my friends. Hope your scratchy throat eases soon!
    Annie did your dad make it to church?
    Lisa I’m just happy to hear you’re able to nap and sleep 7 hours and that the Chron’s is subsiding at last. Hard won peace.
    Carla in South Louisiana good Dr. Pepper substitute plan! What do you like to do in the garden? Brava for yoga, and return to normal potlucks.
    Heather love how relaxed you sounded about Sue’s visit and that she’s returning in August (with food) to help care for you. Really love your painting, have you ever worked in stained glass?
    Margaret, saying “No” to fun but stressful invitations, brilliant! Your success with clean, gut friendly eating is inspiring. What do your sources recommend for alternatives to heartworm preventatives like Interceptor and Heartguard?
    Rita you are doing so well with your plates! Sorry your pay booth work is taking such a toll on your back.
    Allie I too struggle to get in enough protein, especially when I’m taking a break from dairy. Edamame steamed and salted helps, almost like eating popcorn ;)
    Lanette whooshing hopes the heat wave breaks before your sister’s visit. This weather is nutz.
    Rebecca “no thank you” are powerful words.
    Debbie looks like a great little restaurant. :love: the kittens. Tenshi just melts my heart.
    Flea thanks for sharing the pics of your trip and your pooch!. :love: the historic Columbia River Highway, except at 4 am in March when it’s iced over ;}
    Pip good talk clearing the air with your brother, well done!
    Dia_R so glad to see you posting again, well done on the mowing!
    Machka you’ve got to be kidding. I could never be too busy for chocolate. Hope the moving aches and pains ease soon! Thanks for the pepitas reminder, think I have a bag in the pantry, might sprinkle some on my breakfast fruit tomorrow instead of the Kashi.
    Proud of me, did my Knee PT/BB&B combo before church and got the dogs down to the powerline after. Too hot to transplant the daphne. Made tuna salad. Packed up my towels etc so I can shower at the gym after BB&B class and before line dancing. If the water guy doesn’t come Monday, Joe will drive over and talk to him Tuesday. Fingers Xd.

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,575 Member
    edited July 8
    Pleased with self today. For the last couple of days I've been getting down onto the floor for some of my exercises. :D
    Also, for the first time I walked up the stairs with two cups of tea, one in each hand. :D
    I tried to yesterday, but John heard me downstairs and came down to find out what I was doing. :o I told him to let me try next time. Hooray for me!
    I still have to hold on going downstairs, but I can use both legs normally.

    Also, o:) I did six minutes on the recumbent bike and five minutes on the rower. B)

    Progress! Shame I will be going backwards for a while. The second hip op is on the 26th.

    Protein bars, shakes etc are all ultra processed food, with all kinds of artificial ingredients in. They are very bad for our microbiome, which doesn't recognise them as food, and the emulsifiers can give you a 'leaky gut'. Think of them as poison, and you won't be far wrong. Listen to the Imperfects podcast I recommended. No diet sodas. I drink organic cranberry juice, no sweetener, with Sodastream fizzy water.
    For protein Barbara's edamame beans are fantastic. A hard boiled egg. Cheese. Wholeground peanut butter, no additives. Nuts. Roast some chickpeas. Hummus.
    If you eat proper meals three times a day you won't go hungry and need snacks. No ultra processed bread. Big heaps of veg. Protein. Some healthy wholegrain carbs if you like. EVO. Whole fruit, not smoothies. Give those gut microbes something to chew on. Do not eat anything with lines of unpronounceable ingredients, including palm oil. Good dark chocolate. Good coffee, no sugar. Black or green tea. All full of wonderful polyphenols. Herbs, spices. Real garlic, not some powder.
    Up your fermented foods. Coffee counts, as does chocolate. Real cheese, not processed. I eat homemade yoghurt every day for breakfast, and sometimes at night with fruit. Also with Indian, or Turkish food, falafel, kebabs, etc. Of course there are all the powerhouse ferments, like sauerkraut, kefir, etc, but even good coffee is a super food. It also contains fibre.
    As for processed snacks - bin them. They just make you hungrier. I do occasionally eat crisps, that are simply cooked in oil and lightly salted, no other ingredients. Usually when we have guests. Or Edie!

    I'm expecting a phone call from G at any moment, before she heads home on the train from her weekend political festival. How she keeps going, I don't know!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,722 Member
    edited July 8
    Heather: I don’t see the point of smoothies. I prefer to let my body process the food.

    My go to for extra protein is frozen cold water prawns. I always have a bag in my freezer. They defrost quickly and I eat them au naturelle. I prefer a proper food rather than ultra processed. My indulgences at the birthday lunch were all home cooked by daughter and grandson.

    We had a super time. But I do miss granddaughter at these get togethers.

    I’m did my bed this morning as it’s good drying weather. Hopefully will do some gardening later.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,722 Member
    edited July 8
    Rebecca: I scrolled back for the kiddie pics. I missed them as they were in a spoiler. They are sure growing fast.

    Allie: 😍 the Miles fixes 😂
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka you’ve got to be kidding. I could never be too busy for chocolate. Hope the moving aches and pains ease soon! Thanks for the pepitas reminder, think I have a bag in the pantry, might sprinkle some on my breakfast fruit tomorrow instead of the Kashi.

    I did have a chocolate brownie and chocolate ice cream. :)

    I have used sunflower seeds too, but I like them too much and I end up sneaking spoonfuls of them throughout the day.
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Proud of me, did my Knee PT/BB&B combo before church and got the dogs down to the powerline after. Too hot to transplant the daphne. Made tuna salad. Packed up my towels etc so I can shower at the gym after BB&B class and before line dancing.

    Later, lighter, lovelies!

    Well done!

    I hope you get the water going soon.

    M in Oz

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,500 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,500 Member
    Allie ~ I think Miles really enjoys day care! It was probably a great decision for him to be there.

    Machka ~ I can feel your sorrow and am saying a prayer for you and your husband as you both adjust to this new life and home.

    Beth ~ You have been a wonderful daughter to your mom. Having a house full of stuff is overwhelming.

    Carol in GA