Rediscovering myself

I am turning 68 this month and am a widow of 3 years. I look in the mirrior and think who are you? Well it's time I found out who I am now and it isn't 50 lbs overweight and being inside this box I've put myself into. So my journey has begun and I pray it's going to be an awesome one!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,784 Member
    Hello, and welcome!

    I'm also a 68 year old widow, but at a different stage.

    I had around 50 pounds to lose, and lost them at age 59-60. I've been at a healthy weight since. It was a huge quality of life improvement, and I hope it will be the same for you.

    I was widowed in 1998, but recall that it took some time to sort out who I was on my own (we'd been married for nearly 22 years at that point). It did work itself out, with some patience and effort. I hope you're well on your way to finding your best solo self, or a new partnership if that's your goal.

    In some ways, living alone made weight loss easier for me: Everyone can be 100% responsible for what they put in their mouth, chew and swallow . . . but with a partner in the picture who shares meals, there can be some complications to negotiate, I think. People here talk about what to cook that everyone will enjoy; or about partners who are slim and like fast food or snacks that are going to be present in their lives, but that the person pursuing loss doesn't want to eat in the same ways anymore. Some even bond over food. For me, living alone, I had no such issues. (No in-home cheering squad either, of course.)

    I think you can succeed, and I'm cheering for you to do just that: The rewards are worth the effort!
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,488 Member
    Been there, done that. (Divorced, not widowed).
    Lost close to 100 pounds, a few vanity pounds to go some day, no hurry.
    Hope your journey is happy and healthy! You can make it that way. Go for it!