Male adult - ribs showing at maintenance

I am 177cm & 70kg (154 lbs). I am looking for a bit of advice, although I am within my weight range for my height, my last 5 ribs show and I do not know if that is normal or whether I am under weight. I recently been to an osteopath to help with posture, having had a piece of tape put between my shoulder blades to help me naturally sit upright my ribs became prominent, my osteopath says I am within my weight range but could gain 10kg (22lbs). Do ribs show at normal weight? Has anyone been similar to this?


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    edited July 17
    I've never been male, so I can't necessarily give you truly relevant experience. I can say that at a weight both I and my doctors consider healthy and suitable for me, some of my ribs show on my upper chest, and some of the lower ones are slightly visible on my sides.

    The photo below is about the only one I can find that shows the upper chest ribs a little. This was at BMI 19.3 (about 165cm and 52.5 kg) as a female. (Yes, I'm flat-chested because post-mastectomy, and no, that has nothing to do with why the upper ribs show.) You're at a higher BMI (22.3) at 5'9.7" and 154 pounds (translating into different units for other 'muricans ;) ), but men's best weight is typically higher than women's best weight, statistically speaking.

    Some women here on MFP thought I looked too thin, maybe unhealthfully thin, at that weight. How much do I care about their opinions when both my doctors and I think otherwise? Not the teensiest, tiniest bit. ;)

    What I did was ask all of my doctors how they felt about my weight. (At my age, and as a cancer survivor, I have multiple doctors. :D ). Their opinion counts, my opinion counts, pretty much nobody else's opinion counts, in my world. I'd consider adding weight if it were muscle, but I'm probably too lazy to add muscle. I'm a little heavier than the photo now (not lots, and part of it by intention), and that's OK, too. Ribs still show.


  • Alex079589
    Alex079589 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for your input and telling me about your situation. When I am in the perfect upright posture position from the sternum the last five ribs show mainly on the sides.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I don't know about normal. It is what your body is like. If you don't like it, perhaps consider trying to put some muscle on.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,187 Member
    Does the doctor think your weight is appropriate considering your height?
  • Zhatan
    Zhatan Posts: 46 Member
    I have a BMI of 23 and my ribs show as well. I think it just depends on your build.
  • cupcakesandproteinshakes
    cupcakesandproteinshakes Posts: 1,108 Member
    My ribs show. I’m not underweight. BMI 20. How do you feel at your current weight?
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    edited July 30
    I have scoliosis. If I walk “as per normal”, I have a round and soft protruding belly.

    If I stand up straight and pull my shoulders back, I have a concave belly and my ribcage shows prominently. My six pack peeks out, although it looks like melted wax because of leftover loose skin from weight loss.

    I am 23.6 BMI. 25 BMI would be “overweight” for my height.

    Yet, you’d look at me and swear no way was I borderline overweight. I wear a small or extra small women’s clothing size.

    Different bodies wear weight in different ways.

    I’m happy where I am. I’m even happier when I remind myself to stand up straight, lol.

    You decide what “look” you like. Don’t let some Influencer or glossy weightlifting magazine or YouTube etc “advice” tell you what you “should” look like.

    You are an individual. Get out there and look like one. You know the old saying “plenty of fish in the sea”? Bah humbug. Fish all look alike. Be different. Be you.
  • blackpinkinbayarea
    blackpinkinbayarea Posts: 29 Member
    I'm not male but I'm 180cm and 50kg and my ribs show no matter what position I'm in. Whenever I gain weight tho it ends up becoming slightly less visible. If its something your self conscious about maybe gain a few lbs. But you're probably fine.