staying positive and encourager and need encouragement accountability

My name is Christina but go by Chris. I have had a very exciting life one that I can surely share as I'm not ashamed anymore with the actions. I feel that everything that life has brought me is for a reason and I choose to use it all for good of possibly helping others. I have been through a lot; I also know that people have gone through more than self. I'm not saying that I'm better than others so please don't get my statements confused. I've always been taught if in doubt than ask. so, if anyone has any questions or doubt of anything I say, or type I have no problem responding and clarifying. I myself am not perfect and I'm here to ask to help and to help others if possible. I'm in a situation that I feel where there is 2 or more together, we can conquer the struggles together and hold each other accountable. So, if you would like to grow with wisdom and learn knowledge and become the person that we are created to be please fiend me and we can work on this together. now about me, I need to lose several pounds at least 50. to be healthy to where I can stand on my feet and walk without any pain. I have authorities badly in my legs or I should say knees. they swell up badly. I feel in my heart that once i get this weight off that I will be able to function and keep the swelling down. I'm quite sure that there are others that can relate. I'm hoping to get to meet others and share our journey together, possibly meet new positive and encouraging friends.


  • capgordon76
    capgordon76 Posts: 101 Member
    Nice to meet u Chris no doubt reading Ur story you will smash it
  • Krazy80ate
    Krazy80ate Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Chris yes I am sure you got this I have just started back at it this week too. I am also a LMBT and I would recommend looking into MLD massage this will help move interstitial fluid and get lymph flowing which in turn can help bring down the swelling, try knee braces till you get to goal weight, if you don’t where insoles go to someplace like the good feet store and buy a pair. It helped with my knee and back pain when I was 305lbs. Do cardio that doesn’t stress your knees so maybe do ground and pound in a heavy bag battle ropes aince you don’t have to move the legs. Make sure not to skip leg day opt for the leg press machine at the gym over squats starting out. The squats will come later. Also get a digital scale weight everything out, fasted cardio before breakfast, weight training. And if the inner thighs are chaffing get some either leggings, spandex or a rash guard that fighters wear under their shorts and gui pants. Hope that helps.
  • andre_andre1960
    andre_andre1960 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Chris, hope we can be good friends??