Anyone else whose goal is still not a "healthy weight"?



  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Yeah I chucked the BMI chart a year ago... I went from 560 pounds to 250 pounds and went from a 78 inch waist to comfortably wearing 36 in. Levi's but by the BMI chart I am still category 1 Obese... I have been in maintenance for the past 11 months since my circumferential body lift... and at the 1 year mark am going to make a push to get to my original goal of 230 lbs. but I WILL NOT go any lower than that... I am Happy at 250 lol..... But set the 230 goal when I started at 560 pounds so I want to hit that goal... Will I stay at 230 ???? We will see when I get there... lol Best of Luck....
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    I am right now about 2-3lbs over "healthy" and my doctor is fine where I am at weight wise. Myself I would like to get more toned and gain some muscle and drop a bit more body fat. So that said, I might end up at the highest end of "healthy BMI" but it wasn't my goal when I started.
  • Katkamm77
    Katkamm77 Posts: 108 Member
    I think my bones alone weigh as much as the BMI chart says I should weigh.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    My highest-ever weight is 307 (in 2008). I got down to 272 by exercising alone, and then changed my diet pretty dramatically in 2012 and lost only 10 lb.

    So back in March 2013, I started MFP at 262 and now I'm at 225. It's been a steady loss. I've lost several clothing sizes and inches, and I am happy with where I am although I still want to lose AT LEAST another 20-30 lb.

    HOWEVER...I don't want to get "thin" and by medical standards I still won't be a healthy weight for my height (5'8") even if I get to 180 which is definitely on the low side of where I plan to end up (I'm thinking 180-195 as my final goal in the next year or two).

    Anyone else have goals like this? I see a lot of people on MFP who are in my weight range but most plan to lose another 75 to 100 lb. For the record I have no health conditions or issues (didn't even at 307) and obviously I want to keep it that way. If I ever need to lose more for health-related reasons I'd be more than willing to try, but in a purely aesthetic sense I don't really want to be much smaller than 200. I was 190 at age fourteen and I really think that was an ideal weight for me.

    Why would you pick a weight about 40 pounds away and say "yes that's perfect"? How does that even make sense? How could you know how you'll look/feel then, let alone decide that it's ideal?

    And how could 5'8 190 be ideal, anyway?
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    Yes, per the charts my goal weight (150 pounds - I'm 5'2.5") is still considered overweight. However, considering the fact that I went through forced menopause at 28, and am on HRT daily - both of which are known for weight gain - and considering my structure, I'm shooting for that first. When there, I'll determine if I'm happy there, or feel I want to go further.

    Oh, as a teenager, I weighed between 110-120 pounds, and wore size 7-9 in juniors. I also ran track and cross-country, and played tennis. I'm now 40 years old, and don't want to think about what my body now would look like at that weight. (I also "developed" later on. :wink: )
  • My goal weight currently is to get to 299. I've never weighed below 300 pounds in my adult life. After I get to 299, I will set another "short term, but long term goal." I have no idea where I will end up as a final goal. All I know is that after starting at 360 pounds, that 299 is a great start. I'll work on it 50 pounds at a time! :)
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    My goal will still have me in the obese catagory. I'm 5'7" and would like to get to 190ish. I've gotten down to 204 and was just loving my body. I'm more worried about how I feel in my own skin than what some chart says. We all carry weight differently and you should make goals that fit YOU. :)
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I would look sick at the top end of the "normal" category. I'm 5'6" and my (arbitrary) goal is 165-170; firmly in the overweight category.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I would look sick at the top end of the "normal" category. I'm 5'6" and my (arbitrary) goal is 165-170; firmly in the overweight category.

    How do you know what you'd look like 100 lbs lighter than you are now?

    I can understand setting what seems like a realistic goal to you, but how can you say what you'd look like 120 lbs away versus 100?

    This thread makes no sense.
  • daver38
    daver38 Posts: 29 Member
    My fiance's BMI is still in the obese range and he is very fit and has the beginnings of six pack abs.

    think that's quite common - essentially muscle weighs more than fat, so the very muscular can still be technically "obese" if you look at BMI. Visceral fat is the best fitness measure as this is "bad" fat, as I understand it.
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    My fiance's BMI is still in the obese range and he is very fit and has the beginnings of six pack abs.

    Okay so true story. A guy who was on my husband's ship in the navy was considered to be in the "obese" category although he was very obviously not. He was just very ripped. They even tape on him to get to fit into the "healthy" category. They finally said "Well, I guess he made the goal." lol So, weight has nothing to do with it sometimes.
  • My highest-ever weight is 307 (in 2008). I got down to 272 by exercising alone, and then changed my diet pretty dramatically in 2012 and lost only 10 lb.

    So back in March 2013, I started MFP at 262 and now I'm at 225. It's been a steady loss. I've lost several clothing sizes and inches, and I am happy with where I am although I still want to lose AT LEAST another 20-30 lb.

    HOWEVER...I don't want to get "thin" and by medical standards I still won't be a healthy weight for my height (5'8") even if I get to 180 which is definitely on the low side of where I plan to end up (I'm thinking 180-195 as my final goal in the next year or two).

    Anyone else have goals like this? I see a lot of people on MFP who are in my weight range but most plan to lose another 75 to 100 lb. For the record I have no health conditions or issues (didn't even at 307) and obviously I want to keep it that way. If I ever need to lose more for health-related reasons I'd be more than willing to try, but in a purely aesthetic sense I don't really want to be much smaller than 200. I was 190 at age fourteen and I really think that was an ideal weight for me.

    Why would you pick a weight about 40 pounds away and say "yes that's perfect"? How does that even make sense? How could you know how you'll look/feel then, let alone decide that it's ideal?

    And how could 5'8 190 be ideal, anyway?

    Ideal is a weight where you feel comfortable, have no weight-related health issues and are happy with yourself. Just because a chart says you SHOULD weigh such and so at 5'8" doesn't mean you feel comfortable at that weight.

    I'm 6'1" and currently weigh 265. I want to get down to 220, maybe less, but in all honesty I only use the number as a motivation to keep going until I feel awesome. If I feel awesome at 240 and I'm healthy, I'd rather maintain at that weight than to push myself towards a number for the sake of reaching that number when it's not necessary.

    Weight and looks are all a matter of preference as long as your health isn't in jeopardy, so why should it matter that someone else's ideal differs from yours or the charts?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    My fiance's BMI is still in the obese range and he is very fit and has the beginnings of six pack abs.

    Okay so true story. A guy who was on my husband's ship in the navy was considered to be in the "obese" category although he was very obviously not. He was just very ripped. They even tape on him to get to fit into the "healthy" category. They finally said "Well, I guess he made the goal." lol So, weight has nothing to do with it sometimes.

    If you have an unusually large amount of muscle mass, BMI gives a false impression. However, for most people, BMI is pretty reasonable.

    A woman 5'8 190 lbs, though, is probably on the order of 38-42% body fat. Who considers that ideal?
  • 3pisciotto
    3pisciotto Posts: 5 Member
    BMI does not account for any muscle weight. I know someone who is very muscular and if it wasn't for the muscle he would be a stick, but the doctors consistently tell him he's "overweight" cause BMI doesn't account for muscle!
  • jbuck93
    jbuck93 Posts: 89 Member
    Yes. This is me "obese"

    My first goal is 180. I am pretty happy and feel good at 180. My main goal is for my weight not to interfere with my active lifestyle or make me feel sluggish (which is where I was). Once I get to 180, I plan on reevaluating and I am guessing my final goal will be close to 170, which at 5'6" will put me at a BMI of 27.4.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Female athletes are almost all within "normal" BMI range.

    A lot of male athletes are within "normal" BMI range.

    NFL running backs are often BMI "obese" with low body fat. Massive leg weight plus the upper body kicks em up there.

    If you're fairly muscular and not at athlete body fat levels, you'll probably be in the BMI "overweight" category as a male or female.

    Can be healthy and happy without looking athletic. Not a whole lot of women will look overly thin at the high end of BMI though. Good luck to all.
  • Needachange84
    Needachange84 Posts: 310 Member
    My highest was 247. My goal is 165 and for my height that still puts me in the overweight area, but when I was 165 I was pretty comfortable. According to the charts my healthy weight would be between 115-145 (depending on which you use). So if I did try to get in the healthy range I would probably try for the 140-145 range.
  • shelbelw
    shelbelw Posts: 48 Member
    @ jbuck93: I hope I look as good as this at my goal weight! You are proportionate, have a waist, and have a smooth stomach. I should be so "obese"! :)
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    My fiance's BMI is still in the obese range and he is very fit and has the beginnings of six pack abs.

    Okay so true story. A guy who was on my husband's ship in the navy was considered to be in the "obese" category although he was very obviously not. He was just very ripped. They even tape on him to get to fit into the "healthy" category. They finally said "Well, I guess he made the goal." lol So, weight has nothing to do with it sometimes.

    If you have an unusually large amount of muscle mass, BMI gives a false impression. However, for most people, BMI is pretty reasonable.

    A woman 5'8 190 lbs, though, is probably on the order of 38-42% body fat. Who considers that ideal?

    Than maybe you should go to a different thread? We have enough problems without you interjecting your unasked for, unhelpful opinion.
  • I, along with others, go by how I look. I look good around 135, but not below that. It all depends on the person. I'm in the normal weight category for BMI, but I don't think that I looked awful when I weighed 160 which was considered over at my height of 5'6. According to weight regulations when I was in the military I could have weighed a max of about 166, that's considered overweight, but Uncle Sam was okay with it. I don't put too much thought into the BMI chart. I weight about 150 (+ or - a few depending on whatever) and I'm in a size 6. I was in a size 6 when I weighed 135 as well. I think your healthy weight is what you make it, not what a chart says it is.