What It Has Taken

What it's taken for me to finally get on the right path after years - no, decades - of struggling, starving, trying on my own, getting injured, quitting, losing momentum, starving myself ...
It took me hitting rock bottom, meaning, stepping on that scale and vowing to face the number, and then, reorganizing my entire life. YES. For me, it had to be my entire life.
I quit all other hobbies, I stopped paying for maid service and any other "extras expenses" (like cable tv etc) that ate away at my pay check and, with that money, started paying a personal trainer... and above all, I made myself one (only one) simple promise, to never quit. If I injure myself, I learned that you can go to physiotherapy and that if your trainer is worth anything, you can trust the trainer not to put you through anything that will make it worse, while still expecting you to work out. You hurt a knee? Work on arms and abs while your knee heals - the fact is that you can ALWAYS keep moving.

My path has been extremely slow going as my learning curve to change my mindset was a big one. I've been at it for almost a year and so far, I've only lost ten pounds, but the bonus of this is that I haven't been hungry for one single day. I haven't deprived myself of anything because I'm learning about moderation and spreading things out over a week instead of a day. There is no failure. If you eat something you know you shouldn't, log it right here in my fitness pal no matter how it hurts to see it ... but then watch as you behave better throughout the next week to bring the average back to an acceptable number.

Honesty is my key. No more lying to myself or giving up because it feels too hard. YES. It IS hard! And my reward is knowing I now have integrity. I haven't lost a LOT of weight but it isn't about the number on the scale any more - well, it still is, BUT, the way I feel is the most important and, I've been getting compliments that I'm standing taller (therefore looking leaner).

Hope this helps other people. Doing it on your own is VERY tough. But if you are serious enough about wanting the change, put your needs first and spend the money on a proper support system that will keep you motivated and moving.

Good luck to all, myself included :)
