Hello from Australia

Hi everyone!

I'm Kerry and I'm from Australia. Over the past 10 years or so, I have stacked on the 55 kg that I worked so hard in losing the first time in my 30s. My feet, knees and back hurt like heck and I can't stand it any longer. I've been in a vicious cycle mentally with the pain and eating my emotions... That and not being as active as I was in my 30s and the weight has just creeped on up.

Yesterday and today I've been tracking my food intake and have made myself get up and try and move more. I'm slowly starting to swap out the sh!tty food I eat with healthier options so I'm not overwhelming myself with a sudden shift.

It'll be a slow process, but I know I can do it because I've done it before. I've just got to keep doing the right choices with my food and not get into a lazy mindset like I have done previously.


  • JeanneHiggins1
    JeanneHiggins1 Posts: 8 Member
    I also have crazy pain in my feet, back and legs. I’m hoping that the combination of choosing better foods and losing weight will help with pain. It’s my biggest motivation for change.
    I think you are smart yo make small changes! Hope it’s going well!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 11,282 Member
    Welcome, Kerry!

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  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,154 Member
    Hi Kerry!

    I'm from Aust too, have a similar amount to lose and similar pain!

    I have to say - getting in to see a decent physio was a godsend for me, she managed to get my pain under control and start me on targeted but do-able exercises that build up the areas which were causing me issues. For me, I have a core like overcooked spaghetti, so my glutes and lower back were compensating, which meant everything below the waist hurt. I ended up in a catch 22 where exercising was what I needed to do to improve, but I was in too much pain to do it effectively.

    It's a good time of year to get on it - BBQ meat and salad weather!!