Hi all!

I've always struggled with weight. I have high blood pressure, in menopause, hypothyroidism, and am prediabetic. I fight with my body just to lose weight. I've been lazy with exercise in the past. I want to get this weight off and reclaim my body. I hate the way i look and how clothing looks on me. Its time to beat this once and for all. I've been using a different exercise app, it doesn't keep up with the stats like it should so I decided to see if this one works any better. I know having a community helps alot, we all need support and encouragement.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,760 Member
    Hello, and welcome!

    You sound somewhat like me . . . around 9 years ago. I used to have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, but don't (since losing to a healthy weight and staying there). Now, they're solidly normal. I've been in menopause since about 24 years ago, put there by chemotherapy for breast cancer in my mid-40s, so I can't take HRT to counter any of the menopause effects because of that cancer history. I'm also severely hypothyroid, but properly medicated for it; that was diagnosed right after cancer treatment.

    I used to be a non-exerciser, too, but started getting routinely active shortly after cancer treatment, because I realized I needed to do that in order to regain strength, energy and even happiness after that cancer experience. I sampled a lot of different activities, gradually able to do things that were more challenging, and eventually was lucky enough to find an exercise activity I love so much I'd do it even if it weren't good for me (but it is).

    That's kind of magical, if a person can find something like that . . . and there are an almost infinite number of different activities out there that will burn some calories and improve fitness, so I hope you'll be able to find something that will work like that for you.

    For me, getting active came first (by about a dozen years!), then weight loss was later. I didn't materially increase exercise to lose weight, since I was already happy with my routine. For me, it was a matter of getting my eating in line with my actual calorie needs.

    Honestly, even the weight loss was simpler than I'd expected, once I committed to it. Of course, it wasn't psychologically easy every second, but the actual process was surprisingly simple and straightforward.

    I think that if a hedonistic aging hippie flake like me can do this - with my ultra-limited budget of willpower, motivation or discipline! - I think anyone can. I think YOU can.

    Wishing you success: The quality of life improvement is very much worth the effort!
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