New here

Hey everyone. I'm new to this fitness app and honestly new to this desire to change my life. I have struggled with my weight my whole life and I used to control it all with drugs. Hard and heavy ones. I am in recovery from drug addiction almost 18 months now and in that time I have gained a little over 100 lbs. It's like I traded one addiction for another yet the food is so much harder to stop. My health has declined incredibly and I am finding it harder to move and to breathe. I have been approved for the bariatric surgery and I'm still on the fence about having it done because I don't want to go through the entire process only to continue to have an unhealthy relationship with food. So I am open to any suggestions or pointers on how to help me get and stay motivated. I look forward to talking with other people who are just like me....


  • waynep12182
    waynep12182 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi and welcome. One newcomer to another, here's something I found to be necessary.

    Budget your calories wisely to allow a few days where you eat things you want. In moderation of course. Like some days I'll save up calories in and I'll get a cheeseburger on the way to work.

    Then on Fridays I'll have my cheat day. Allow yourself that. If you put yourself on a strict diet of nothing but chicken breasts, rice, and broccoli, You're setting yourself up for failure.

    If it helps, I'm focusing heavily on protein and have started making my own meal replacement shakes and bars to grab for quick meals every now and then.

    Remember that it's a long road and requires lifestyle alterations. But if you budget wisely you can still eat the things you want as long as you're in a calorie deficit for the week.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,594 Member

    There are some great threads created by our members, bookmarked to the top of each category that may be helpful. Just look for "Most Helpful Posts - whatever the category name is”.

    For example:
    You can also ask your questions in any category that interests you, read posts or questions made by other members, join a group, or add some friends.

    Here are some frequently asked questions that may also be helpful: FAQ's