New to Myfitnesspal


I’m a 45 yo American living in the UAE.
I was recently diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea. Doctor’s urgent recommendations were the sleep apnea machine, which I declined, and to lose weight immediately.

I said I’d do my best with that and she agreed with me that it won’t be easy.

My loving wife took it upon herself to help me lose weight, and downloaded this app for me. Hopefully it will help me lose weight and improve my sleep apnea.


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,870 Member
    Welcome, Paul!

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  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,212 Member
    Hello, Paul, and welcome!

    Many people do find that weight loss eliminates their sleep apnea, and I very much hope that proves true for you.

    I have to say, I wasn't one of the lucky ones. However, I did find that after an adaptation period of getting used to it, the machine was much more tolerable than I had feared. There are various types of ways it can be attached to one's face, and different people prefer different ones. Further, there are special pillows that help in some cases. Hereabouts, the companies that sell the machines have consultants who help with that kind of stuff.

    Also, mine is very quiet. I travel with others sometimes, and they feared at first that it would be loud, but at most it's like a low-volume white noise machine that some people use to get better sleep even without apnea, like a mild hum or light breeze sound. For sure it's less noisy than snoring (and a more consistent sound vs. snoring's intermittent sounds and volume). Since sleep apnea increases risk of heart disease, it's important to get it under control one way or another.

    Not trying to be total Debbie Downer here, so I'll add this: Once I got serious and committed to it, I found weight loss by calorie counting surprisingly much easier than I'd ever expected, and I'm saying that as a woman who lost from obese at age 59-60, while severely hypothyroid (medicated), with some movement limitations from things like mild osteoarthritis, and of course in menopause . . . any of which a lot of people will claim are weight loss doom. I didn't find that true at all. YMMV.

    The benefits, many of which accrued gradually over a period of time en route to goal weight, have also been surprisingly more major than I'd expected. Some of those were big improvements in significant health markers, all of which are now solidly normal. I don't want to go back!

    I'm cheering for you to succeed with ending the apnea, losing the weight, and improving your health markers: The results are very much worth the effort, if you ask me!