I'm back

It's been an uphill climb psychologically but I am back! Getting my health and fitness goals back in the forefront.

I'm a 57 yr old woman, with about 70 lbs I'd like to shed and shred!

Feel free to dm me if you want to encourage each other! (especially women and nonbinary).

Thx 4 reading!


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,781 Member
    Welcome back!

    There are some great threads created by our members, bookmarked to the top of each category that may be helpful. Just look for "Most Helpful Posts - whatever the category name is”.

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  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,140 Member
    Hello and welcome, @GentleStreamFern!

    Committing to working on those goals persistently and patiently: That's the most important factor for success, IMO. It sound like you're getting on with doing that: Good show!

    I started in here on MFP when I was just a jot older than you (59 in my case). I was 60 when i reached goal weight, around 50 pounds down from just over the line into class 1 obese, when I'd been overweight/obese for around 3 decades. Now 69, I'm still at a healthy weight, hanging around here to keep my head in the maintenance phase.

    I figure that if a hedonistic aging hippie flake like me - with a severely limited willpower/discipline budget - can do this, then most any more-mature sensible adult can do it, too.

    Being perfect all the time isn't essential, so it's sad to me that many people seem to give up if things go off track once in a while. To me, "pretty good on average over a day or few" is a reasonable standard to hit, rather than "perfect every minute of every day", which doesn't seem realistic. Aiming high is fine . . . it's the feeling like we've failed if things temporarily go off track that seems like a problem. Chipping away in a positive direction can work; only giving up the effort leads to failure.

    I'm cheering for you to succeed: From my experience, the quality of life improvements that result are more than worth the effort. Best wishes!