Just for Today.... ONE DAY AT A TIME... Daily commitment for 2025
Welcome to the newbies! Not taking the time to comment on other posts today. Late posting but want to for my own accountability.
Recap 3/12 W ~ Mild temps, snow nearly all gone. Sun shining thru thin clouds. Nice enough day.
- Supper?
either soup supper at church orhatch chili enchiladas from Sam's / limit snacks & sweets / log all food / net calories zero ~ red 254 / 80 oz. water ~ 64 😐️ not horrible - OT exercises (6x), putty (2x), massage scar 😀 / walk dog 😁 3.63 mi happy dog & happy me
- Lenten service 6:00 😊
- Confirm & pre-reg tomorrow appts for ortho specialist & therapy / finance tasks / wash dishes / rehearse music /
read/ digital declutter / other? 😀 ta-da!
JFT 3/13 R ~ Beautiful day, temp in high 50s(F) & sunny.
- Supper? / limit snacks & sweets / log all food / net calories zero / 80 oz. water
- OT exercises (6x), putty (2x), massage scar / tape little finger 3x 30 min. / walked dog 😎 4.11 mi happy dog & happy me (neighbor watching us walk past almost at the end, asked "who's walking who" LOL)
- Follow-up ortho surgeon 10:30 😁 / OT appt 11:15 😀 / download/save ortho notes / called Mom ❤️ / put away clean dishes / read / digital declutter / other?
Had a bit of wait & switch-up with my appts this morning, but better than the patient that had to leave in an ambulance before me, very unusual for a sports medicine center. My orthopedic surgeon was pleased with my progress in 6 weeks, but I've been very diligent in doing all. the. exercises. and going to OT appts 2x each week. In fact, surgeon doesn't need to see me again unless I develop issues. "At my age" (he's in his 50s) he expects progress to continue with occupational therapy, maybe at a slower pace than if I was younger… hahaha. But OT down to 1x per week and added taping of my finger 3x each day to get tendon to hold that position on its own. I'm so happy knowing I'm making good progress, because sometimes, I really don't want to do all the things.
WOTY 2025: Judicious ~ I just like the way the word sounds, and the meaning is right for me: having or showing reason and good judgement in making decisions. I can apply this word in so many ways!
0 - Supper?
Hour commitment - Going to eat dinner early when ground turkey is done. ..and I'm expecting a call from someone after that.
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Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.
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JFT - Thursday, March 13
- Up on time! 😐️
- Log my food ☺️
- Hydrate! ☺️
- No giving into cravings 🙁
- Run on my lunch break (goal of 4km) 😃
- Laundry 😊
- Practice Piano 😊
JFT - Friday, March 14
- Up by 5:45
- Log my food
- Hydrate!
- No giving into cravings
- Yoga
- Strength training and core workout
- Watch my lesson
- Practice Piano
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Didn't post goals today, but they were the same as yesterday's. I was up super early to take my husband in for a minor medical procedure with general anesthesia. He took the rest of the day off, so it was nice to have some quiet time to catch up before another busy weekend. I finally got my errands done this afternoon, but no time/energy for exercise again. Too tired to cook, so we got take-out and I did my best to log it. I need to start working on my sleep schedule again.
Recap Wednesday 3/12 and Thursday 3/13
- Log - 2/2
- Hydrate - 2/2
- Exercise - 0/2
- Errands - Finally done!
- Relax - 2/2
JFT Friday 3/14
- Log
- Hydrate
- Exercise
- Straighten house for the weekend
- Bake
- Relax
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Another good day down. I'm gonna have to start turning this into a just for tomorrow for me because I don't think I'll be able to get on here before my day gets started in the mornings.
All went well today tho.
JFT for 3/14
- Weigh In
- Log Meals
- Drink Lots of Water
- Eat Healthy
- Cut Out Fast Food
- Cut Out Alcohol
- Exercise
It's been a great and successful week so far! Just have to keep the train rolling tomorrow too.
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I am like 60 posts behind in reading! Grandson left, and then 2 days later I got sick. Really bad head cold.. just sick all over feeling. I was in bed for almost a week. Then 2 days ago my high school friends came to visit. I had a nice time, but still super tired and sure didn't feel like shopping. We are all getting into our mid 70s,so the nights don't run as late as they used to at least! I had them back to their hotel by 9. ha.. as we were all tired!
Now hubby has the same thing I had! So he's in bed.I have been skipping the gym for fear of getting anyone there sick.. and instead doing some yard work.
But my eating is out of control, and I really need to get serious on this, and back to logging my food
JFT, Friday 3/14
- log all food
- concentrate on water… aim for 8 glasses today
- work in the yard
- cover cars for hail. We are in a level 4 for severe storms tonite.. so praying for the best
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Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 12 pm.
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Finally, posting in the a.m. @connor_manning Welcome, glad to see you continue to post, and you're not alone posting for tomorrow. Some others including me do that at times.
Recap 3/13 R ~ Beautiful day, temp in high 50s(F) & sunny.
- Supper? leftovers… I really need to get meal plans going again / limit snacks & sweets ~ ack! some Hershey kisses but worse was kettle chips in evening / log all food / net calories zero ~ red 329 even with exercise cals / 80 oz. water ~ 64 due to busy day 🤨 want to stop saying "not a horrible day"
- OT exercises (6x), putty (2x), massage scar 😐️ counting appt exercises only 4x but not sure how many sets I'm now supposed to be doing, did the putty included new one added / tape little finger 3x 30 min. 😯 demo made it look so easy, not sure I'm wrapping right, but guess the position is most important / walked dog 😎 4.11 mi happy dog & happy me (neighbor watching us walk past almost at the end, asked "who's walking who" LOL)
- Follow-up ortho surgeon 10:30 😁 / OT appt 11:15 😀 / download/save ortho notes / called Mom ❤️ / put away clean dishes / read / digital declutter / other? scrubbed & refilled heated birdbath (another 2 jugs of rainwater out of basement) 😁 ta-da!
JFT 3/14 F ~ Had rain & thunder early this morning. Dog is scared, so waiting on weather to decide if we'll walk later.
- Fish defrosting for supper, will have with veg / limit snacks & sweets / log all food / net calories zero / 80 oz. water
- OT exercises (6x?), putty (2x), tape 30 min. (3x), massage scar / walk dog?
- Text TH re get together (now that schedule is clearer) / rehearse music / prep donations / cancer prevention study survey / meal plan & start grocery list / digital declutter / declutter 15 min. / other?
WOTY 2025: Judicious ~ I just like the way the word sounds, and the meaning is right for me: having or showing reason and good judgement in making decisions. I can apply this word in so many ways!
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Hour commitment - After my hot cocoa, I won't eat again until after 5 pm. Can still have my dose of metamusal. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch.
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Great job on your first week on here! I have the same problem posting in the mornings, so I usually post my goals a day early. WHatever works the best for you!
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JFT - Friday, March 14
- Up by 5:45 😊
- Log my food 😊
- Hydrate! 🤨. Didn’t drink enough water today
- No giving into cravings. 😢
- Yoga 😞
- Strength Training and core workout 😞
- Watch my lesson 😔
- Practice Piano 😔
After 7:35 when I had a nice clean kitchen earlier then normal (I work in a kids program at my church usually on Fridays. We didn't have it tonight as it's March Break so I was home this evening.) After that I didn't want to do anything. I was watching Mythbusters and all I could think was that last Cadbury Cream Egg and my ice cream. So I ate the egg and am typing this as I eat the said ice cream. I did accurately record it all though. Tomorrow is a new day!
JFT - Saturday, March 15
- Up at 8am
- Run 6km at 9am 🏃🏽♀️
- Log Food
- Hydrate! (This is always harder on the weekend as I am not at my desk with a water bottle like I am at work).
- Grocery shopping. 🛒
- Laundry and cleaning 🧺🧹
- Puzzle 🧩
- Watch my lesson
- Practice Piano 🎹
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Recap 3/14 F ~ Had rain & thunder early this morning. Dog is scared, so waiting on weather to decide if we'll walk later. ~ Thankfully weather greatly improved in afternoon.
- Fish defrosting for supper, will have with veg & pasta salad / limit snacks & sweets ~ string cheese, popcorn as snacks, ice cream after supper / log all food ~ yep / net calories zero = -178 / 80 oz. water yep 😐️ ok day
- OT exercises (6x), putty (2x), tape 30 min. (3x),
massage scar/ walk dog? nice walk in afternoon 3.5 mi happy dog & happy me 😁 - Text TH re get together (now that schedule is clearer) / rehearse music /
prep donations/ cancer prevention study survey /meal plan &start grocery list / digital declutter /declutter 15 min./ other? emailed aunt w/ visit plans 😁 ta-da!
JFT 3/15 Sat. ~ Wind advisory all day, with gusts up to 50 mph, so dog is nervous. Occasional rain as well. Good thing today is planned rest day (already walked 5x and 18 miles this week).
- Turkey burgers & veg for supper / limit snacks & sweets / log all food / net calories zero / 80 oz. water
- OT exercises (6x), putty (2x), tape 30 min. (3x), massage scar / min. 5000 steps
- Winter market ~ done / Breadsmith ~ done / text/phone w/ tax preparer & set appt ~ done / update budget based on tax news / laundry / wash dishes / rehearse music / prep donations / renew zoo membership / meal plan & grocery list (include Easter dinner too) / read / digital declutter / other?
WOTY 2025: Judicious ~ I just like the way the word sounds, and the meaning is right for me: having or showing reason and good judgement in making decisions. I can apply this word in so many ways!
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Hour commitment - I won’t eat again until dinner with friends. Can still have my dose of metamusal and an orange.
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Saturday, March 15
- Up at 8am ✔️
- Run 6km at 9am 🏃🏽♀️ ✔️
- Log Food ✔️
- Hydrate! (This is always harder on the weekend as I am not at my desk with a water bottle like I am at work). ✖️
- Grocery shopping. 🛒 ✔️
- Laundry and cleaning 🧺🧹 ✔️
- Puzzle 🧩 ✔️
- Watch my lesson ✔️
- Practice Piano 🎹 ✔️
JST - Sunday, March 16
- Up at 7am
- Breakfast at home
- Hydrate
- Log food
- Walk to and from church (weather permitting)
- Practice piano earlier then last week
- Choir Practice
- Yoga/Strength training/core workout
- In bed by 10pm
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Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.
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Is anyone else struggling with the app/webpage.
When I load the app and click on community, it firstly jumps right to the bottom of the page and when I click on the Motivation and Support tab it's essentially a blank page with just "popular tags"
It does the same when I go through my phones internet and the only way I'm getting on the thread at the minute is by clicking on my profile pic for the comment notifications!
Anyone else? (On android not iOS)
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Bex, I had the same issues. Of you click four lines at the top to the left of “MyFitnessPall’ select “Quick Links” then “Bookmarks” comes up.
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@Bex953172 Same issues for me. MFP never told anyone (that I know of) that our link to Bookmarks would be different. Another pain in the *kitten* change. Through some trial and error, the way @pridesabtch described works for me.
Recap 3/15 Sat. ~ Wind advisory all day, with gusts up to 50 mph, so dog is nervous. Occasional rain as well. Good thing today is planned rest day (already walked 5x and 18 miles this week).
- Turkey burgers & veg & rice mix for supper / limit snacks & sweets ~ sunchips & mixed nuts / log all food / net calories zero ~ neg. 754 but daily weigh-in today the same… go figure / 80 oz. water 😀
- OT exercises (6x), putty (2x), tape 30 min. (3x), massage scar 😀 making more progress & happy me / min. 5000 steps 😁
- Winter market ~ done / Breadsmith ~ done / text/phone w/ tax preparer & set appt ~ done / update budget based on tax news / laundry & all folded, upstairs & put away / wash dishes /
rehearse musicforgot /prep donationsno time / renew zoo membership ~ had to reset my acct for unknown reason, which was a pain, then finally able to renew /meal plan &grocery list (include Easter dinner too) / read / digital declutter / other? 😀 ta-da!
JFT 3/16 Sunday ~ I was surprised to see snow on grass when I woke, but none on roads & driveway. Winter has returned for now but snow will melt soon enough. Another windy day & cold, so I'm taking break from walking dog.
- Church 9:00 😀
- Make pea soup for supper & use up last ham bone in freezer (wanted navy bean soup but found I had none in pantry) / limit snacks & sweets / log all food / net calories zero / 80 oz. water
- OT exercises (6x), tape 30 min. (3x), putty (2x), massage scar / min. 5000 steps / PT exercises
- Prep donations (mail on M) / meal plan (include Easter recipes) & grocery list / call Mom / rehearse music / read / digital declutter / declutter 15 min. / other?
WOTY 2025: Judicious ~ I just like the way the word sounds, and the meaning is right for me: having or showing reason and good judgement in making decisions. I can apply this word in so many ways!
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Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 5 pm. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch. Can still have my dose of metamusal.
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Sunday, March 16
- Up at 7am ✖️ I didn't get up to 7:30
- Breakfast at home ✔️
- Hydrate ✖️ REALLY need to work on better hydrating during the weekends!
- Log food ✔️
- Walk to and from church (weather permitting) ✔️
- Practice piano earlier then last week ✔️
- Walk to choir practice (weather permitting) ✔️
- Choir Practice ✔️
Yoga/Strength training/core workout✖️ I decided I didn't need to do this after walking 6km today- In bed by 10pm ✔️ (or I will be, logging off phone and computer soon for the night)
JFT Monday, March 17
- Up at 5:30
- Hydrate
- Log Food
- Run 4km
- Practice my piano
- Watch my lesson
- Work on puzzle or read (Goal is to stay off computer/TV)
- In bed by 10pm
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Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.
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Bit of a whirlwind weekend… Ate ok, didn't exercise, but did a lot of running about so my steps were good.
JFT Monday
- Up at 6:30 😯and 4:00, and 4:30 and 5:15 and …
- Shower 😔
- Work by 8:00 😀
- Breakfast 😔
- Meetings
- Lunch
- Audits
- Meetings
- Home by 5:00
- Let dogs out
- Change for gym
- Spin class by 5:45. Teaching to a St Patrick's day play list. Should be fun
- Dinner/trivia with friends ~7:00 - 7:15
- Limit 2 lite beers
- Home by 9:00
- Shower
- Play with pup
- Bed
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Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 12 pm.
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Hour commitment - I won't eat again until 5 pm. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch. Can still have my dose of metamusal.
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Monday, March 17
- Up at 5:30 ✖️ I didn't get until 6:15
- Hydrate ✔️ I filled the glass tonight for my water logging!
- Log Food ✔️
- Run 4km ✖️ In shorts!!!!! it's finally get warm enough for that
- Practice my piano ✔️
- Watch my lesson ✔️
- Work on puzzle or read (Goal is to stay off TV, computer limited to 30 minutes) ✖️ and ✔️ Computer time was about 25 minutes. No time to read or do a puzzle as I was busy with other things!
- In bed by 10pm ✔️
JFT Tuesday, March 18
- Up at 5:30
- Hydrate
- Log Food
- Stay calm/stress free at work
- Run Hill Repeats
- Practice my piano
- Watch my lesson - Quieting a Noisy Soul by Jim Berg
- In bed by 10pm
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Hour commitment - After my almonds, I won't eat again until tomorrow.
- All Categories
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