Cardio or Strength training?



  • TheOneandOnlyPanda
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    I lift heavy and do light cardio after my weight training. Working well for me.
  • kittiesandfarts
    kittiesandfarts Posts: 101 Member
    Ideally, a combination of cardio and strength training, in addition to eating at a deficit, will help you lose body fat, and keep it off. The exercise is optional. The deficit is not.

    Yup, a combination of cardio and strength does wonders for the body. I don't know how much you work out now, but I do about 30-45 min of cardio with about 20-30 min of circuit strength training. It seems to be a good balance. The cardio is a good warm up for the heavy lifting as well.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I do both.

    I started Stronglifts about 6 months ago and now I've moved on to a more intermediate program. Lifting will help you maintain the muscle you have while losing just the fat. As for how heavy, you lift as heavy as you personally can. With most beginner programs, like Stronglifts, you start with an empty bar. On some of the upper body stuff I had to start with the light bar. You do that to get your form down and then you progressively add weight. Lifting has done great things for my body. I've done pilates for a long time before that and I did build strength and flexibility but I never saw significant changes to my appearance with it. I still do it but now it's mostly because it feels nice to stretch all the muscle groups first thing in the morning.

    I also do at least an hour of cardio per week. Usually it's more like 2 hours. I do that to get a few extra calories to eat (because I'm in maintenance, not weight loss mode) and to improve my cardiovascular health.

    Calorie deficit for weight loss. Exercise for fitness and body composition.
  • kittiesandfarts
    kittiesandfarts Posts: 101 Member

    Not hating, just pointing out that no matter what the subject matter being discussed on here, you'll eventually get someone stroll in and promote lifting heavy, usually along with eating less. "Lift heavy, eat less" seems to be their mantra for anything and everything.
    They blunder into a topic and start spouting off whether the topic relates to their ideas or not or whether the topic creator was asking about lifting or not. It's like they're so blinkered and desperate to have everyone follow their way of thinking they forget that not everyone is the same, we all have different ways of doing things and different goals, not all of which can be simply achieved by "Lift heavy, eat less"
    Remember, nothing to do with health and fitness seems to be an exact science. There's so many different approaches and ideas out there and all of them have those who believe them and those who think they're hogwash and there's no scientific proof either way.

    I'm confused. You don't believe that's there's any science in the subject but you seem upset that people are promoting something that they have seen work for many people. If there's no science, why do you think they are so wrong? Why u mad?

    haha! Owned.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I'm no expert, but I think your weight is just fine for your height. People tell me I don't need to lose any weight, but I just love the feeling of cardio and strength training. Also, I want to stay in the habit of exercising and eating healthy as I get older and my metabolism slows down.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Where are these imaginary people that are totally ripped but can't walk up a hill or catch a bus? Has anyone witnessed this? When does this ever happen?

    Behave! I did say imagine. And I gave an extreme example to show how daft the two separate camps can be.

    And I do know one extreme lifter who cannot play with his kids in the back garden as he gets breathless very quickly. He can lift heavy but can't play out with a 3 and four year old. He is fully aware that he needs to do cardio but as he competes he chooses not to waste his time on cardio.

    As I said, imagine.....
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I knew there'd be at least one of the zealots responding to this.

    Lift heavy!!

    My god they're like mindless robots with only one phrase in their database.

    You do not lose weight by lifting heavy, you lose weight by eating at a deficit. You'll do just as well lifting weights that aren't the heaviest you can possibly manage.

    For me, I did light weights training with machines and small dumbbells for a long time when I was in college. I eventually gave it up because I never saw any changes to my body. I also did the cardio only route. It worked fine for weight loss but didn't do anything for body composition. I started Stronglifts 6 months ago and saw changes in about a month. My body looks the best that it ever has and I've been the same weight for the past 10 months so it isn't just about weight loss.

    When people find something that works for them they want to share it. Why is that such a bad thing?
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    It might be because we all have different body composition - the lift heavy brigade probably react well to it because they have a goodly % of type II muscle fibres. Others may not get the same physiological response.

    If it were info shared that would be great. But I have to agree the short, snappy post of 'lift heavy eat less' is usually not very helpful for an OP, especially if they are new and don't have a clue why they got such short shrift!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    It might be because we all have different body composition - the lift heavy brigade probably react well to it because they have a goodly % of type II muscle fibres. Others may not get the same physiological response.

    If it were info shared that would be great. But I have to agree the short, snappy post of 'lift heavy eat less' is usually not very helpful for an OP, especially if they are new and don't have a clue why they got such short shrift!

    I didn't actually see anyone give that response. The reaction would have made a little more sense if someone had come in and said that and nothing more, but they didn't.

    And I also see people saying to do HIIT with no further explanation, but no one got outraged about that.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Seriously, why are you hating on those that promote heavy lifting..????!!!

    Not hating, just pointing out that no matter what the subject matter being discussed on here, you'll eventually get someone stroll in and promote lifting heavy, usually along with eating less. "Lift heavy, eat less" seems to be their mantra for anything and everything.
    They blunder into a topic and start spouting off whether the topic relates to their ideas or not or whether the topic creator was asking about lifting or not. It's like they're so blinkered and desperate to have everyone follow their way of thinking they forget that not everyone is the same, we all have different ways of doing things and different goals, not all of which can be simply achieved by "Lift heavy, eat less"
    Remember, nothing to do with health and fitness seems to be an exact science. There's so many different approaches and ideas out there and all of them have those who believe them and those who think they're hogwash and there's no scientific proof either way.

    Wait - you are ranting that people give their opinion based on the fact that fitness/health choices are opinion based?

    Good job!

    OP is considering "toning up" - how would you suggest is the most efficient way of doing that without some sort of resistance training?
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Oh! I was responding to the original post here that referred to such posts. I have seen a few of them scattered around the site and they are often unwarranted or unhelpful, in context.

    And I have also responded to the 'Do HIIT' responses in a similar vein - any 'just do this' post deserves to be challenged.

    I'm not against lifting heavy, when I get myself back on track I will probably get back to it myself. As you said before, find a way that works for you and do it!
  • kinmad4it
    kinmad4it Posts: 185 Member
    I see I got the desired reaction. The zealots are upset because someone had the audacity to challenge their one rule for everything philosophy.
    As someone else pointed out, it may not pertain to this thread in particular, although the very second post doesn't say much more than that, but I've seen so many posts that offer nothing more than the "Lift heavy, eat less" philosophy"
    Also, it's all fine and dandy giving your opinion as an opinion, not fact. Yet the zealots will be more than happy to copy and paste endless amounts of drivel that supposedly support their beliefs, obviously ignoring the equally huge amounts that disprove it.
    Which is why I stated that none of this is scientific fact, yet some people will go on as if what they believe is, just look at the responses I've received for proof. It's as if I defiled a sacred religious object of theirs by daring to suggest there are alternatives to lifting heavy as the only way to go.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    As we sit here with bated breath waiting for your solution to the OP's question.....
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    A deficit got me here:

    185 lbs, 16% BF (with cardio)


    Heavy lifting got me here:

    185 lbs, 12% BF (no cardio)


    I have no clue what works for other people, but if I want to lose BF, I move heavy things around.

  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I see I got the desired reaction. The zealots are upset because someone had the audacity to challenge their one rule for everything philosophy.
    As someone else pointed out, it may not pertain to this thread in particular, although the very second post doesn't say much more than that, but I've seen so many posts that offer nothing more than the "Lift heavy, eat less" philosophy"
    Also, it's all fine and dandy giving your opinion as an opinion, not fact. Yet the zealots will be more than happy to copy and paste endless amounts of drivel that supposedly support their beliefs, obviously ignoring the equally huge amounts that disprove it.
    Which is why I stated that none of this is scientific fact, yet some people will go on as if what they believe is, just look at the responses I've received for proof. It's as if I defiled a sacred religious object of theirs by daring to suggest there are alternatives to lifting heavy as the only way to go.

    I don't lift heavy. I have never told anyone else to, that I can remember.

    However, I think you're arguing just for the sake of being argumentative. You still haven't presented a viable solution to the OP, while people who have been successful with body recomposition ARE presenting solutions. So... ??
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    I lift and end each workout with 16 mins on the stationary bike :) I'm only a few weeks in put I love it!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I see I got the desired reaction. The zealots are upset because someone had the audacity to challenge their one rule for everything philosophy.
    As someone else pointed out, it may not pertain to this thread in particular, although the very second post doesn't say much more than that, but I've seen so many posts that offer nothing more than the "Lift heavy, eat less" philosophy"
    Also, it's all fine and dandy giving your opinion as an opinion, not fact. Yet the zealots will be more than happy to copy and paste endless amounts of drivel that supposedly support their beliefs, obviously ignoring the equally huge amounts that disprove it.
    Which is why I stated that none of this is scientific fact, yet some people will go on as if what they believe is, just look at the responses I've received for proof. It's as if I defiled a sacred religious object of theirs by daring to suggest there are alternatives to lifting heavy as the only way to go.

    What would you suggest for the OP?

    ETA: oh I see. You're here to pick a fight and you did, so . . well done I guess. I'm sure that's super-helpful to the OP.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    As we sit here with bated breath waiting for your solution to the OP's question.....

    If you would do some cardio maybe your breath wouldn't be so bated.