What motivated you to join My Fitness Pal?

Lifeguard1964 Posts: 7 Member
I'm sure there will be as many different answers to this question as their will be people who join this group. There are no wrong answers. Every man here has something or someone who motivated him to join.

Please feel free to share your story.


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,475 Member
    You only after answers from dudes?
  • Lifeguard1964
    Lifeguard1964 Posts: 7 Member
    Let me share a little about why I joined MFP. My wife convinced me to see a doctor for the first time in more than 30 years. I don't really like doctors, largely because most of the ones I have met here in south Florida are quacks. But, I did my research and found a highly recommended practitioner and made my appointment. I was feeling well, for the most part. A few aches and pains that I contributed to aging.

    Boy, what an eye-opener that first appointment was. The Physician's Assistant I saw that first day was excellent. He found that I have hypertension caused by a combination of obesity and uncontrolled diabetes. While I thought I was eating healthy, I was actually killing myself. The PA put my on several medications to control my diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol that was off the charts, asthma which contributes to my sleep apnea.

    After a month on the medication, I was actually feeling better, but I decided I needed to do more. I found this website and started tracking my food. I also started researching my chronic conditions. By tracking my food I found that my "healthy" diet was actually what was leading to my Obesity, stress on my heart, diabetes, and high cholesterol. I did more research and eliminated more than 15 items from my regular diet and severely reduced my intake of others that were slowly killing me.

    After 60 days I have lost more than 25 pounds and 3 inches off of my waist.

    On that note, I close for today.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,979 Member
    I had a wonderful dietitian who did all the work for me.
    I easily lost 60 pounds in 6 months.
    She quit. Got another job in a different field.
    I gained 20 pounds.
    Got my act together. Said "she taught me enough I can do this myself. I just need to get to work right now! ".
    I found MFP. stopped the gain.