How do you pick your target weight?



  • tjthegreatone
    This 'periods' theory makes me slightly dubious.

    I forgot to mention in my previous post that when I dropped my weight to sub-150 (my BMI was 22!) I became virtually ammenorhoeic. At the time I was also compulsively overexercising which might have been part of the problem. Once I put on another 5lb they returned and normalised. I'm dubious about BMIs as a fit all term.

    Secondly with regard to Asian women, on average they do have smaller frames and tend to weigh less than Westerners even at the same size. I have friends and colleagues of Chinese origin and I am amazed at how little even those of average height and build weigh.
  • wlaura88
    wlaura88 Posts: 69 Member
    107 for me, Female, 5' 3"
    I am using Dr. Joel Fuhrman's guide for my ideal height. He does emphasize being on the leaner end of your weight range vs. in the middle.

    Here is his formula from his book, "Eat to Live":

    For Men: 105 lb for the first 5 ft; 5 lb for each inch over 5 ft

    For Women: 95 lb for the first 5 ft; 4 lb for each inch over 5 ft

    I have always hovered around 125+ with enough to spare so I am excited as I am working my way to the lean version of me.

    laughs insanely at the thought of being 131lb - at 5'9" - I havent been that light since I was in primary school. Honestly - the total generalisation of 'this is what you should be' is both funny and so annoying. I am now 12 stone - or 168lbs. If I get much thinner I will look like a carthorse that has been starved... not a look I think is very attractive and I would have to STARVE to get to that suggested weight.

    Please take all such advice with a large pinch of salt - and go for a weight that is healthy but obtainable as we all know that if it means starvation, deprivation and excessive exercise, 99% of us will give up very quickly.

    I have to agree with this. I have always been fit and I am currently at the slimmest I have ever been since I was 16.

    I could only stay under 150lb at 5'9 with constant starvation and misery. Some people thought I was too skinny, others said I looked great. Either way, 5-10lb heavier I'm a much happier bunny, can maintain my weight eating large quantities of food as I love to do, have the energy to work out and lift heavy weights AND I am still slim. Furthermore I have built a good amount of muscle mass that I'm not parting with in a hurry just to make some arbitrary 'lean' target.

    Not everyone is built with a tiny frame and little muscle mass so I don't think comparisons with women in China are necessarily helpful.

    To the OP I think it's good to start with your first target. Get there, evaluate how you feel and look and decide if you'd like to go lower. If you want to, and it doesn't involve superhuman effort and deprivation I'd say go for it, otherwise stay there and be happy.

    Another thing to consider--for the women--if you can remember roughly what you weighed when you started having your period, that is a good number to shoot for. For me, that also happens to be around my target of 107. As long as that system works, it's your body's proof you are at a healthy weight.

    I do think comparing how people actually are from other parts of the world is helpful--it is a dose of reality--that what we might think is "too skinny" is actually the norm, and healthy. (Misconception: Not all Chinese women are small framed--many are completely average, and even "big boned" the farther north you go...)

    I agree, reevaluate as you go and stick with a number you can be happy (eat and feel satisfied) with.

    This seems unrealistic. I got my period when I was ten. I was only about 5'2" at the time and probably about 100 lbs. I am now 5'6." It would be totally unreasonable, not to mention unhealthy, for me to weigh 100 lbs now.
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    I picked my first goal weight being a healthy bmi range. Once I got to that, I decided I don't care what my BMI is rather my body fat percentage so i've changed it according to that. Make mini goals and go from there...
  • JL2513
    JL2513 Posts: 867 Member
    Great topic! I use a combination of BMI and a weight I remember feeling comfortable and happy at. I don't want to be too close to the upper range of healthy, either. My goal weight right now puts me at a BMI of 22.1.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member

    As the topic suggests, I'm having trouble selecting a target weight. Having a target is important to me for motivation purposes - as well as a time limit. I really need deadlines and targets.

    Anyway, I'm currently 69kg or 151 pounds. I was originally thinking of a target of 65kg, however when I input my height and target weight into BMI calculators, that puts me on the very upper edge of normal.

    58kg (127 pounds) puts me roughly in the middle of the normal weight range however that just seems so tiny.

    The last time I was around 58kg was when I was in high school and still had some growing to do.

    So what does everyone think?

    Current stats:

    Height: 163cm - 5 foot 3
    Age: 28
    Current :69kg or 151 pounds

    I'm 6 months post partem if that makes a difference.

    Well, my target has always been the point where I do not have a lower gut anymore. I have had a gut since I was a young teenager and I do not like it. I also do not want chaffing between my legs when I wear a skirt. Touching is fine but not riding up of shorts or chaffing. My other goal is to be a similar weight as my cousins. They looked great at 145-160, so I would like to be in that range. They are about my height as well.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    This might sound silly, but I chose it by looking at pictures on the internet. Basically, I looked for a celebrity of my approximate height, build and age, and who has a physique that seems appropriate for my genetics. Then I googled for the body stat particulars.

    In my case, that person turned out to be David Boreanaz - so his "filming" weight is my target weight.