How do you meet sugar gol?



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    OK, doctor.

    Oh, wait. I mean "health professional."

    lol. i'm a data analyst / business intelligence architect for a very large hospital management company. but whatevs.

    I'm an IT worker for an insurance regulatory agency. I guess that makes me an "insurance professional." :laugh:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    OK, doctor.

    Oh, wait. I mean "health professional."

    lol. i'm a data analyst / business intelligence architect for a very large hospital management company. but whatevs.

    I'm an IT worker for an insurance regulatory agency. I guess that makes me an "insurance professional." :laugh:

    That's kind of a downgrade Jonnythan. But if we were to follow that logic, does that mean janitors and cafeteria workers can call themselves healthcare professionals because they work at a hospital?
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I'm always over my sugar goal, I just ignore it.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    have no idea how this internet pissing match started. jeeze, all because i supported the OP by saying that gluten sensitivity is a real thing. man, some people really get their panties in a bunch over the silliest things, especially over things they refuse to understand or learn about.

    I'm going to go with your misrepresenting your "healthcare credentials," for want of a better phrase . . .
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member

    OK, doctor.

    Oh, wait. I mean "health professional."

    lol. i'm a data analyst / business intelligence architect for a very large hospital management company. but whatevs.

    No, not "whatevs" about misleading!

    You said:
    i am a very educated health care professional

    This insinuates something along the lines of being a nurse or doctor. A data analyst working at a hospital management company (not even an actual hospital but either way) in no way makes you a health professional.

    Now everytime I see someone say they are a health professional I'm going to ask, "You sure?"

    seriously???? first of all, a hospital management company is basically saying i work for and at MANY hospitals, nationwide. my company only OWNS the freaking hospitals. second, you clearly have no idea what i do for a living or the education and experience that is required. but "whatevs".

    Data analysis is part of my work background. I call BS on your nonsense.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member

    OK, doctor.

    Oh, wait. I mean "health professional."

    lol. i'm a data analyst / business intelligence architect for a very large hospital management company. but whatevs.

    I'm an IT worker for an insurance regulatory agency. I guess that makes me an "insurance professional." :laugh:

    no, that makes you an IT professional. let me guess, helpdesk??

    sorry, but a MHA & BSHCA with a decade of acute, sub-acute and ancillary provider experience does indeed make me a "healthcare professional".
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    have no idea how this internet pissing match started. jeeze, all because i supported the OP by saying that gluten sensitivity is a real thing. man, some people really get their panties in a bunch over the silliest things, especially over things they refuse to understand or learn about.

    It started by you saying you were a very educated health professional. You are not.

    You implied you have some education and expertise in health. You do not. Don't try to puff up your credentials.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    have no idea how this internet pissing match started. jeeze, all because i supported the OP by saying that gluten sensitivity is a real thing. man, some people really get their panties in a bunch over the silliest things, especially over things they refuse to understand or learn about.

    It started by you saying you were a very educated health professional. You are not.

    You implied you have some education and expertise in health. You do not. Don't try to puff up your credentials.

    lol, ok.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    Why all the disdain for those who wish to eliminate gluten? True gluten allergies are rare. But sensitivities may not be. If someone feels better eliminating it, who is anyone else to judge (and sneer)?

  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    A "goal" is something to aspire to, not something you meet right on the line. If you go over, that is fine.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member

    OK, doctor.

    Oh, wait. I mean "health professional."

    lol. i'm a data analyst / business intelligence architect for a very large hospital management company. but whatevs.

    I'm an IT worker for an insurance regulatory agency. I guess that makes me an "insurance professional." :laugh:

    no, that makes you an IT professional. let me guess, helpdesk??

    sorry, but a MHA & BSHCA with a decade of acute, sub-acute and ancillary provider experience does indeed make me a "healthcare professional".

    administrators . . . lulz
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I worked at a school last year that has their own dedicated IT guy and I can't help but winder if he goes around telling people he's an Education/Childcare Professional.

    Nah probably not. That'd be a downgrade.
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    I don't think I've come under my sugar goal even once, and I'm not a sweets eater at all. Life rolls on anyway.

    I feel better when I watch my carbs which in turn of course cuts down on the sugar, but it isn't something I pay much attention to.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member

    OK, doctor.

    Oh, wait. I mean "health professional."

    lol. i'm a data analyst / business intelligence architect for a very large hospital management company. but whatevs.

    I'm an IT worker for an insurance regulatory agency. I guess that makes me an "insurance professional." :laugh:

    no, that makes you an IT professional. let me guess, helpdesk??

    sorry, but a MHA & BSHCA with a decade of acute, sub-acute and ancillary provider experience does indeed make me a "healthcare professional".

    administrators . . . lulz

    You guys! She's super serial--I bet she could even diagnose you based on a vague list of symptoms. :P

  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member

    OK, doctor.

    Oh, wait. I mean "health professional."

    lol. i'm a data analyst / business intelligence architect for a very large hospital management company. but whatevs.

    I'm an IT worker for an insurance regulatory agency. I guess that makes me an "insurance professional." :laugh:

    no, that makes you an IT professional. let me guess, helpdesk??

    sorry, but a MHA & BSHCA with a decade of acute, sub-acute and ancillary provider experience does indeed make me a "healthcare professional".

    administrators . . . lulz

    You guys! She's super serial--I bet she could even diagnose you based on a vague list of symptoms. :P


    Well her company does own Web MD so she can definitely diagnose online!
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member

    OK, doctor.

    Oh, wait. I mean "health professional."

    lol. i'm a data analyst / business intelligence architect for a very large hospital management company. but whatevs.

    I'm an IT worker for an insurance regulatory agency. I guess that makes me an "insurance professional." :laugh:

    My husband works as a Project Manager/Creative Director for an educational software company. And here I am, silly me, thinking that getting my Masters in Education (which actually requires teaching to get) will make me more qualified to teach than he is.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member

    My husband works as a Project Manager/Creative Director for an educational software company. And here I am, silly me, thinking that getting my Masters in Education (which actually requires teaching to get) will make me more qualified to teach than he is.

    please tell me where i claimed to be able to dx/treat someone as if i was a doctor. all i said was that i know gluten sensitivity exists because i have it- i was advised to cut gluten because of certain ailments and it worked. the only reason my education/professional background was ever brought into this was because it was being suggested that i have no idea what i'm talking about in regard to the existence of gluten sensitivity and how it is most commonly diagnosed. i not only have it, but have talked with doctors about it, and am very knowledgeable about the healthcare community's opinions and responses to it.

    jesus christ people. do you get your kicks out of bullying strangers on the internet, despite you being well into your adulthood?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    My husband works as a Project Manager/Creative Director for an educational software company. And here I am, silly me, thinking that getting my Masters in Education (which actually requires teaching to get) will make me more qualified to teach than he is.

    please tell me where i claimed to be able to dx/treat someone as if i was a doctor. all i said was that i know gluten sensitivity exists because i have it- i was advised to cut gluten because of certain ailments and it worked. the only reason my education/professional background was ever brought into this was because it was being suggested that i have no idea what i'm talking about in regard to the existence of gluten sensitivity and how it is most commonly diagnosed. i not only have it, but have talked with doctors about it, and am very knowledgeable about the healthcare community's opinions and responses to it.

    jesus christ people. do you get your kicks out of bullying strangers on the internet, despite you being well into your adulthood?

    Supporting your argument by saying you have a gluten sensitivity is seriously different then throwing out you are a healthcare professional...especially when you are not. You may work in that INDUSTRY..but you are NOT a healthcare professional.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    all i said was that i know gluten sensitivity exists because i have it

    Oh? That's "all you said"?


    You sure?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    i know i have gluten sensitivity
    i am a very educated health care professional and although you could say its "self diagnosed", its much like not needing a medical exam to determine that you have a headache.

    Just leaving this here.