Scared of gyms!!!!!!!!



  • xxmarysmxx
    xxmarysmxx Posts: 199 Member
    First time ever going to a the gym. Sat in the parking lot and cried a lot! 2 years later I went in... I now go to the local YMCA real friendly feeling. You can and will get over this. A lot us of did... Good luck

    Just wished I weighed the same now as when I sat in the car in cried.. Don't waste time like I did...
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I joined a gym for women only and its awesome, I feel so comfortable and everyone is focus doing their own thing, I used to feel like you because ive gained so much weight after having my daughter two years ago and thought everyone was going to look at and judge me but its not the case at all. If you have a gym that's for women only in your area I recommend it , im not saying that Gym for men and women are bad but me personally feel much better at a women's gym. best of luck

    Great that you found somewhere where you feel comfortable.

    Realistically though, women are far more critical of other women than men are. A female only environment isn't necessarily one without judgement!
  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    I was scared too. I didn't want to look like a fool or feel like everybody is watching me because I don't know what I'm doing and don't belong there for some reason. Here's how I got over it. I enlisted my daughter to go with me. We learned the machines and some strength moves with free weights. It was so much easier with a "buddy". Once I felt more comfortable about my "routine" or what I was doing there, I now go quite often without her (she's not as motivated to work out as I am). So enlist a friend or family member or a PT to get you started and see if that helps with the fear factor. I realize sometimes I am watching people, but not judgingly, if that's a word, but more like cause they are in my line of vision and I'm resting between reps. Sometimes I'm watching them cause they are mega strong and I'm super impressed and sometimes I'm just watching their form and the move they are doing and deciding if I want to incorporate it. Once I felt more like a "regular", it is much easier to go to the gym now. Just DO IT!! Seriously, the first time will be dreadful, but once that first time is over, you'll realize everyone there is just trying to do the same thing you are, get your workout on. I've honestly never had anyone say anything rude to me, I know other people have, but generally I think most people who are doing the same activity are generally nice to each other. We all have a starting point. So go for it and get that first one done and out of the way!
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    There are tons of things you can do at home if you don't want to join a gym. You could buy dumb bells and lift weights using a Jari Love Ripped dvd or just look for workouts on youtube. I believe 30DS is still available on youtube. You could also search for Befit, Blogilates, or Walk Away The Pounds on youtube. A lot of women like The Firm workouts. Turbo Jam, Brazil Butt Lift, and Zumba are some other choices. You don't have to join a gym. My main suggestion is that you get some weight lifting in whether you do it at home or in a gym.

    Agreed! I do not belong to a gym and i have managed to whip my butt into shape pretty well.

    For cardio i like to run but am prone to shin splints so i only get out 1-2 times a week top. I have a step & a bosu ball that i can use to do low intensity or moderate aerobics while watching t.v. But my favorite is Amy Dixon's Breathless body videos. They are tough, i get a calorie burn that is about the same as running.

    For strength training i mostly alternate calisthenics & Jari Love's videos. All you need are some free weights and a step. It's very challenging. I also sometimes torture myself with Zuska's routines or use Fitnessblender's free videos (which you can find on youtube or get directly from the website)
  • xxmarysmxx
    xxmarysmxx Posts: 199 Member
    Narcissism. You think everyone is interested in you. Guess what, unless you're naked or insanely out of this world smoking hot, no one at the gym is looking at you.


    I do hope you are joking. This fear stops a lot of people. ;)

    I do think I quoted the wrong person.. but you get what I am saying...
  • 2point0h
    2point0h Posts: 5 Member
    I was scared, too! But I know for me it was the best way to get moving. The nice thing about being there, for me at least, is that I can see that everyone is focused and wanting the same thing I do. I've found it motivating the vast "types" of people - old, young, and all the sizes!

    I decided I wanted to take a couple of classes since I'm already paying for the membership. Yoga was easy. Everyone is quiet and posing. Turbo Kick was much more intimidating. Of course, the first class I was late and almost backed out, but this woman, mid exercise, motioned and encouraged me to come in. People are nice if your in a place where theres an opportunity to talk. Most of the time people are just focused on themselves and their goals.

    If you decide the gym is for you, it'll only take a couple of times to find your rhythm and realize everyone else is counting their own calories, miles, laps, or whatever :)
  • b218w
    b218w Posts: 76 Member
    been a gym member for one is least i know im not....too busy huffing and sweating away listening to music lol
  • missiebk
    Oh, you could also try one of those ladies fitness places like Curves. I think it's supposed to be really fun and not at all intimidating from what I've heard. (Never tried it.)

    Curves is fine for someone who never works out to get started, but there isn't any way to progress really. The machines do not have adjustable weights, and it is just a generic routine for all, no real way to make it harder or personalize.

    But maybe she is just getting started? And maybe it's a way for her to start slowly and get over her fear of working out around people since it's supposed to be fun and and no pressure. For things like this, you gotta think outside the box! Besides, any kid of movement is better than no movement. Once she progresses, she can progress herself right on over to the gym!
  • fireflyz2
    fireflyz2 Posts: 14 Member
    I don't know if I'm scared of them, but I loathe gyms for the same reasons you said plus a few others. That said, if / when you think you might try it again you might want to look at a small gym. I didn't join your usual gym, I joined a physical therapy place I go to for my back therapy so I could go work out there on non-therapy days. I've been going there now 4-5 days a week for months. It was pretty inexpensive relative to a big gym, and it's been great. None of the usual gym bs.
  • rudarbe
    rudarbe Posts: 164 Member
    I felt the same way. I didn't start going to the gym until I was just a few lbs away from my goal.. but I tell you this: GET A GYM MEMBERSHIP!! I respect those who go to the gym and are overweight. It shows so much heart and courage, much more than I had.

    People will look at you no matter how skinny, fat, buff you are. There's a big variety of people at the gym, don't worry :)
  • CheeksBryant
    CheeksBryant Posts: 193 Member
    Two things 1) I lost my first 40 lbs using WII fit at home 2) when you are bored of it, get a work out works and you don't worry so much or feel as self conscious
  • NeverCatchYourBreath
    You are being watched when you go into a gym. Everyone is. But I'll tell you this, people are looking at themselves way more than they are looking at you.

    Go with a friend. It'll make it easier.

    Also, decent not to give a *kitten* about what anyone else in that gym thinks. I'll tell you a secret, if you watch them, over half of them are not even in there working, they're in there to get attention, flex in the mirror, use the tanning bed. You should never care what those people think of you because you know you're walking in there and giving it the best effort you have.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    As the subject box reads - I am waaaaay too nervous to even consider entering a gym, as I have an absolutely ridiculous paranoia that I'm being watched!!!

  • mdelrealzepeda
    I too have the same fear and resorted to working out at home :) It's ok, eventually you will build up the confidence to dominate the gym <3 In the mean time, Insanity is a great option. I must say, it's not easy but if you go at your own pace and take the rest you need you will see the difference in just a couple of weeks.
  • Michelle_dirtracer
    With my fat jiggling, I still go in and do my thing. They can look if they want, won't stop me one way or the other.
  • WrenTheCoffeeAddict
    I love the gym! I started when I was 19 stone. That first time in I felt like everyone was staring at me.
    After a while I realised that when people did look at me, it wasn't with disgust, it was with admiration. Those crazy buff people would rather you be in the gym than outside eating a burger, because at least you're doing something to help yourself.

    I even had a woman come up to me the other day and say "I've noticed you've been here for a few months now, and I just wanted to say I think you're doing an amazing job, it must take guts to be here but your weight loss shows".
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Sign up at the gym and take it step by step. The first step is to sign up. You can even do it online at some gyms. The next step could be going in and just walking around getting yourself comfortable being there. You can just take a quick walk through and people won't even notice. If you think people are staring at you they probably aren't. Then once you're comfortable doing that, go in and just walk on the treadmill for awhile. Once you find machines you're comfortable using that are easy, you can start learning new ones and asking questions. (I'm still not comfortable asking for help and I've been going for years.) You can do it!
  • triniechu
    I used to be scared of gyms!! Not anymore though, I think people stare at me now because of how much I can lift! ;-)
    But I suggest Insanity, which is great! A good exercise is running, walking, and even power walking. :)
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Sign up at the gym and take it step by step. The first step is to sign up. You can even do it online at some gyms. The next step could be going in and just walking around getting yourself comfortable being there. You can just take a quick walk through and people won't even notice. If you think people are staring at you they probably aren't. Then once you're comfortable doing that, go in and just walk on the treadmill for awhile. Once you find machines you're comfortable using that are easy, you can start learning new ones and asking questions. (I'm still not comfortable asking for help and I've been going for years.) You can do it!
    Agree with all of this...EXCEPT the suggestion of signing up online. I think you need to walk in there to sign up...and while you're there, take a tour so you can see that not everyone there looks like a fitness club commerical. In the 'real world', most gyms are loaded with people of all ages, shapes and sizes, and all at various stages of physical fitness....and I think this will be very helpful in helping overcome your fear.
  • anatolian9
    anatolian9 Posts: 23 Member
    So youre gonna let strangers that you dont even know keep you from reaching your goals? Don't give a **** what anyone thinks...try that and let us know how it works out for you.
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