NO ONE is looking at you



  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Yep I disagree also they probably are looking and you never know they could be judging but they could also be thinking any number of other things like, wow I really like that girls shirt, that chicks is pushing herself really hard etc etc. Sometimes we project out own insecurities onto other people and imagine negative thoughts in their heads. When I'm having a good day and I've got something cute on I also do the opposite.

    Either way, just keep showing up, work hard and they'll respect you for it. Everyone has to start somewhere
  • juniperfox
    juniperfox Posts: 127 Member
    Mostly I feel like people are looking at me because I'm using their machines that they need to get at, even though (I don't think) they are using them. But I always feel like I am in people's way.