Am I "technically" starving myself? Open diary.



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Not to mention all the mis information that is out there.. pushed on us.. shoved down our throats. How the heck is anyone supposed to know anything about proper nutrition and weight loss when there is conflicting information everywhere? under 1200 = starvation mode vs starvation mode is a myth vs eat more to weight less vs eat less to lose weight. Huh??

    Well...there is this thing called common sense. Really...just look at what is required nutritionally for your's pretty hard to actually get all of that proper nutrition in a 1200 calorie diet...pretty much impossible with less than a 1200 calorie diet. No way you can get all of your essential fats and proteins along with all of your vitamins and minerals eating that little. are "starving" the body of nutrients...thus, the OP would essentially be "starving" herself if she at like this daily.

    People need to get over the whole "starvation mode"'s not "starvation mode" or whatever that is the issue. It's overall health and proper nutrition that is the issue...when you're not getting your requisite nutrition, you are indeed starving.

    Also, eat more to weigh less is also just a common sense doesn't mean you eat over your maintenance still eat at a calorie deficit...just a smaller one (everyone picks the most aggressive option available and thus they get the 1200 calorie NET calorie goal)...thus making dietary adherence much easier, thus seeing more consistent results...again...just plain old common sense...which apparently isn't all that common.

    Really...common sense and about 5 - 10 minutes of actual research would serve most people well.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Not to mention all the mis information that is out there.. pushed on us.. shoved down our throats. How the heck is anyone supposed to know anything about proper nutrition and weight loss when there is conflicting information everywhere? under 1200 = starvation mode vs starvation mode is a myth vs eat more to weight less vs eat less to lose weight. Huh??

    Well...there is this thing called common sense. Really...just look at what is required nutritionally for your's pretty hard to actually get all of that proper nutrition in a 1200 calorie diet...pretty much impossible with less than a 1200 calorie diet. No way you can get all of your essential fats and proteins along with all of your vitamins and minerals eating that little. are "starving" the body of nutrients...thus, the OP would essentially be "starving" herself if she at like this daily.

    People need to get over the whole "starvation mode"'s not "starvation mode" or whatever that is the issue. It's overall health and proper nutrition that is the issue...when you're not getting your requisite nutrition, you are indeed starving.

    Also, eat more to weigh less is also just a common sense doesn't mean you eat over your maintenance still eat at a calorie deficit...just a smaller one (everyone picks the most aggressive option available and thus they get the 1200 calorie NET calorie goal)...thus making dietary adherence much easier, thus seeing more consistent results...again...just plain old common sense...which apparently isn't all that common.

    Really...common sense and about 5 - 10 minutes of actual research would serve most people well.

    Right except a year ago. I didn't know a thing about micro or macro nutrients.. didn't' know a thing about maintenance calories, eating at defect or where I was or how to find out on that scale. When I joined here.. I asked a similar question as this poster and was given about 5 different answer that were all "right" and was blasted for "allowing" myself to eat under 1,000 calories and then raked over the coals for consuming take out. I would *never* had thought eat more to weigh less. There isn't a diet out there that promotes this. WW, Atkins, Whatever all tells you to eat less. This is what is taught to us. So how do we know? Googling nutrition and weight loss brings up similar diets to sift through. How do you know what is true? You don't. Even nutritions contradict each other. I had went to two consultations with 2 different nutritionists who gave me two entirely different way to reach my goals and then the personal trainer I was talking to gave me a different approach.

    This site pretty much puts a woman at 1200 calories not matter what you enter. Then when you exercise it increases, but what we are taught contradicts that. It's really hard to unlearn what we've been taught. My son's gym and health class is much more informative and nutrition focused then mine ever was. So perhaps things are changing, but not when the majority of us went to school. Unless you went to school for nutrition you're just out there floundering around until you stumble on the right answer and see that it works for yourself. When you're taught less is more, it's really hard to eat those extra 200 calories. Common sense or not.

    By the way.. what *is* required for my specific body from a nutrition standpoint? Make sure you take into account my allergies, medical issues, activity level and personal likes and dislikes. (since realistically no one is going to eat food they immensely dislike) Bit harder then it sounds to figure out huh.

    ETA: Furthermore eating more is what got me fat. So how in the world does one associate that philosophy with weight loss? It's hard to grasp the concept. You have to understand what your body needs first and to do that you have to know what to research. Otherwise it's just a bunch of guesswork. So OP isn't eating properly. I assume you were also not eating properly at some point? Otherwise why the website? She took the first step and is reaching out to learn more so she can do it right. I see nothing wrong with that. But shoving "you need to eat more" down anyones throat is not going to work. Neither is throwing up the road map and saying follow this. It goes against everything we know and once you switch how you eat.. it's really hard to eat enough. Veggies have a ton less calories then the foods I used to eat. I get to eat triple what I used to for less calories. It's hard to get enough in when You're entire plate is overflowing and it's under 400 calories (which I do often) now I still have calories to eat for the day and I'm stuffed. Eating when I wasn't hungry got me fat. It's hard to unlearn that.
  • MissRavenD
    Not to mention all the mis information that is out there.. pushed on us.. shoved down our throats. How the heck is anyone supposed to know anything about proper nutrition and weight loss when there is conflicting information everywhere? under 1200 = starvation mode vs starvation mode is a myth vs eat more to weight less vs eat less to lose weight. Huh??

    Well...there is this thing called common sense. Really...just look at what is required nutritionally for your's pretty hard to actually get all of that proper nutrition in a 1200 calorie diet...pretty much impossible with less than a 1200 calorie diet. No way you can get all of your essential fats and proteins along with all of your vitamins and minerals eating that little. are "starving" the body of nutrients...thus, the OP would essentially be "starving" herself if she at like this daily.

    People need to get over the whole "starvation mode"'s not "starvation mode" or whatever that is the issue. It's overall health and proper nutrition that is the issue...when you're not getting your requisite nutrition, you are indeed starving.

    Also, eat more to weigh less is also just a common sense doesn't mean you eat over your maintenance still eat at a calorie deficit...just a smaller one (everyone picks the most aggressive option available and thus they get the 1200 calorie NET calorie goal)...thus making dietary adherence much easier, thus seeing more consistent results...again...just plain old common sense...which apparently isn't all that common.

    Really...common sense and about 5 - 10 minutes of actual research would serve most people well.

    Right except a year ago. I didn't know a thing about micro or macro nutrients.. didn't' know a thing about maintenance calories, eating at defect or where I was or how to find out on that scale. When I joined here.. I asked a similar question as this poster and was given about 5 different answer that were all "right" and was blasted for "allowing" myself to eat under 1,000 calories and then raked over the coals for consuming take out. I would *never* had thought eat more to weigh less. There isn't a diet out there that promotes this. WW, Atkins, Whatever all tells you to eat less. This is what is taught to us. So how do we know? Googling nutrition and weight loss brings up similar diets to sift through. How do you know what is true? You don't. Even nutritions contradict each other. I had went to two consultations with 2 different nutritionists who gave me two entirely different way to reach my goals and then the personal trainer I was talking to gave me a different approach.

    This site pretty much puts a woman at 1200 calories not matter what you enter. Then when you exercise it increases, but what we are taught contradicts that. It's really hard to unlearn what we've been taught. My son's gym and health class is much more informative and nutrition focused then mine ever was. So perhaps things are changing, but not when the majority of us went to school. Unless you went to school for nutrition you're just out there floundering around until you stumble on the right answer and see that it works for yourself. When you're taught less is more, it's really hard to eat those extra 200 calories. Common sense or not.

    By the way.. what *is* required for my specific body from a nutrition standpoint? Make sure you take into account my allergies, medical issues, activity level and personal likes and dislikes. (since realistically no one is going to eat food they immensely dislike) Bit harder then it sounds to figure out huh.

    ETA: Furthermore eating more is what got me fat. So how in the world does one associate that philosophy with weight loss? It's hard to grasp the concept. You have to understand what your body needs first and to do that you have to know what to research. Otherwise it's just a bunch of guesswork. So OP isn't eating properly. I assume you were also not eating properly at some point? Otherwise why the website? She took the first step and is reaching out to learn more so she can do it right. I see nothing wrong with that. But shoving "you need to eat more" down anyones throat is not going to work. Neither is throwing up the road map and saying follow this. It goes against everything we know and once you switch how you eat.. it's really hard to eat enough. Veggies have a ton less calories then the foods I used to eat. I get to eat triple what I used to for less calories. It's hard to get enough in when You're entire plate is overflowing and it's under 400 calories (which I do often) now I still have calories to eat for the day and I'm stuffed. Eating when I wasn't hungry got me fat. It's hard to unlearn that.

    Than you very much Confuzzled4ev. You seem to be the only one who actually "gets it".

    I did not make this topic to be, well, *****ed at.

    I made this topic because I didn't have a clue. Why in the hell would I put my neck on the line...risk the trolls...risk the *kitten*...if I hadn't already done "common sense" or "research."

    How about you use a little common sense, hrmm?

    And, like you said Confuzzled, I was taught entirely differently than what i'm doing...that includes IN school...

    I am teaching myself everything. I am teaching myself an entirely new way of eating, and an entirely new way of living...cold turkey.

    And I do have "medical issues"...hence why i'm not working out that much because I've been told not to... (But, i'm going to a Doctor tomorrow to get a second...more informative...opinion)

    "It's hard to grasp the concept. You have to understand what your body needs first and to do that you have to know what to research. Otherwise it's just a bunch of guesswork. So OP isn't eating properly. I assume you were also not eating properly at some point? Otherwise why the website? She took the first step and is reaching out to learn more so she can do it right. I see nothing wrong with that. But shoving "you need to eat more" down anyones throat is not going to work. Neither is throwing up the road map and saying follow this. It goes against everything we know and once you switch how you eat.. it's really hard to eat enough. " THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

    This is exactly it. I do not know or understand what my body really needs...
    I've never done math to figure out what to eat...
    I've never weighed my food... I've never known anyone to ever do why would I?

    I say this again, I am truly regretful for reaching out to you people...I have never had my feelings more hurt in my entire life...

    I was never made fun of for my weight. Or made to feel like I was some ignorant cow. But boy, I come to a weight loss support community, and there it is...and what a feeling.

    Thanks to all of you who are understanding and actually trying to help... Good luck in your journeys. From what I've seen, you all are doing an amazing job and look wonderful. Before, and after! :')